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Needing to grumble.

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  • Needing to grumble.

    I had to write up one of my staff today. This is the first write-up I've ever done. I hope it's the last. It wasn't for anything big. Several small things, actually. My SM suggested it, being as simply talking to him, verbally reprimanding him, didn't do any good. I felt like shit all night. I know how getting my write-up felt, and I hated making another person feel that way.

    On related news, kinda: The store came up 100$ (roughly) short wed. night. My night, of course. Makes me sick to think about it.

    Other stuff: Due to the wonderful people at CS and their threads on quick-change scammers, I've since trained my staff on how to spot them, and what to do if they think someone's trying to pull that crap. That's honestly not something I would have though of otherwise.
    Things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do. I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew,that someday it would bring me back to you.

  • #2
    Quoth saint View Post
    I had to write up one of my staff today. This is the first write-up I've ever done. I hope it's the last. It wasn't for anything big. Several small things, actually. My SM suggested it, being as simply talking to him, verbally reprimanding him, didn't do any good. I felt like shit all night. I know how getting my write-up felt, and I hated making another person feel that way.
    Well, I hate to tell you this, and I hope you already know it deep down, but if you stay in management, and do your job properly, it won't be the last.

    Hopefully, they won't come too close together. But no matter how well you screen applicants, you're going to hire some people who never really learned self-discipline. Or sometimes discipline at all.

    On the plus side, it may be a lesson that the people you're doing it to need. If their parents never figured out how to get them to do work, their school system wouldn't, either... sometimes, a written warning or a firing acts as a wake-up call.

    Small comfort, I know. But true.


    • #3
      Getting written up sucks. I've been on both ends. Writing employees up, however, is the only way to keep documentation on bad behavior to make firing easier.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        I got written up once, when I was at Office Max. I was helping a customer and her son. I was helping her son pick out school supplies from the list, they had from that school. The managers was mad because I was not helping other customers. I didn't care. I was helping someone, and turned out because of me, they bought the insurance for one of the printers. I explained the whole thing to the woman. She bought the expensive plan. All the managers were still mad at me. Also the next day, I was helping another customer, and this one woman about my age came up and wanted me to help her, since I was nicer than any of the coworkers I had. The managers told me to go help someone else . And yes, I got that ladies phone number, and went out for about a year.

        I had to write up am employee a couple of times. But it does help, to know that you are making your work place, a better one, and possibly a safer one.
        Last edited by powerboy; 11-25-2006, 07:33 PM.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          Hopefully, they won't come too close together. But no matter how well you screen applicants, you're going to hire some people who never really learned self-discipline. Or sometimes discipline at all
          Heh, no matter how much I grin and nod knowingly at that, I still can't ignore the fact that I look at more while at work than at home...
          "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
          "What IS fun to fight through?"
          "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."

