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I had to laugh

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  • I had to laugh

    The shopping cart rage title in sightings reminded me of this.

    Personally i was a little mean as i didnt help out but me and the PO where having to much of a giggle.

    Background; Our store is the only store in the mall we are located at that does not have paycarts. This means that for eternity and beyond people have been steaing our carts and we lose thousands each year in replacement carts and fixing them. So now they cost a doller to use (you get the money back afterwards as per usual of course) Customers hate this, i love it. They abused their privalege so this is what happens. anyways

    Customer walks upstairs and looks around. Starts to grab a cart an yanks on it. Gets confused when all 5 carts move at once. He looks at it again and yanks again. Same thing happens. he starts trying to pull them apart. Me and our LPO are watching this and just staring. The LPO goes 'imma time this' and turns on a stopwatch. We are trying so hard to keep it in as we watch this guy try and figure out a cart concept thats in every ther store in the mall and has been around for years. Eventually he figures out he has to pay for it as he is not superman and cannot break the chain. He then proceeds to drop his change into the cart but finaly gets it working and wanders of. The LPO bursts into laughter and says 'well that was a fun 3 min 25 seconds!'

    i prolly shoulda told the guy when i saw him having trouble....but he didnt notice me anyway so i had a lil tooo muh fun watching haha
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