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Oh hell no...

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  • Oh hell no...

    So I'm at work right now. I went back to the break room when I first got here to get some water. Let me add that as this is a holiday there is NO ONE here except for me and the guy up front that's leaving. So as I'm putting in my money to get my delicious live giving H2O I happen to look in the reflection on the front of the machine. AND THERE IS SOMEONE SITTING ON THE TABLE BEHIND ME STARING AT ME!!! Of course I whip around thinking either there IS a worker there or someone broke in. And... there is NOBODY sitting on the table.

    Ok.... now my heart is not beating at this point. I'm thinking ok Bramble wake up ain't no one there. I turn back around to get my water and in the reflection I see whoever WASN'T at that table GET UP, look at me, turn and f*cking well vanish.

    I say out loud "Oh f**king HELL NO" and set a land speed record getting back up front where there's lights. And as I sit here typing this my radio is spazzing out every few seconds and I'm ready to go home. It's only 10 minutes into my shift...*whimper*
    Last edited by Bramble; 09-07-2009, 12:15 PM. Reason: spelling is ur freind!
    My Wajas cave

  • #2
    I have worked in places where strange things happened, and it does not bother me much anymore. One of those was a place where handprints would appear in the strangest of places. I do remember a night where we had closed our lobby and the girl working the front had just cleaned the windows when a tiny little butt print appeared on the window.
    I can only hope that the one you saw is either friendly or harmless. They are easier to deal with that way. I have found that sometimes just asking them a question or talking to them helps. Good luck.


    • #3
      Yeah it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't keep seeing SOMETHING moving back there every time I pass the door that leads tot he warehouse or look on the camera. This is also the warehouse that has the Killer Conveyor Belt of Death. And it's right by the breakroom. So.... yeah... I'd also be happier if the motion sensor control for the toilets would stop going off by themselves. To set those off something has to block the laser for 5 seconds or so.
      Last edited by Bramble; 09-07-2009, 01:57 PM. Reason: things keep happening :(
      My Wajas cave


      • #4
        Perhaps you could call the Ghosthunters and see if they would come to your job?
        Otherwise, when you see something tell it you are not afraid and to leave you alone, or ask it what it wants. Sometimes that will help, as they will either find a way to tell you or find that you are not as much fun anymore. Good luck.


        • #5
          Oh to have a recording device right now. I had to turn off all the speakers on the computers as something is messing with them. I would call someone but there is no way that the poeple who we contract for would allow that. Sigh... as long as it's just messing with me and not actually doing something it's fine. If it escalates I'm going down to the OTHER post and staying there for the rest of my shift.
          My Wajas cave


          • #6
            As long as you're not getting nasty/evil (not sure quite how I want to word it) vibes from whatever this presence may be, I wouldn't worry too much about it.


            • #7
              No worries. If I was getting bad vibes I wouldn't be typing this from work. I would already be somewhere else. I'm just a bit spooked is all.
              Last edited by Bramble; 09-07-2009, 04:37 PM. Reason: added
              My Wajas cave


              • #8
                i HATE it when dead people show up in my vending machine reflections!

                "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


                • #9
                  We have some energies where I work at, they love messing with the elevator (as in making them ALL open at the same time, and making the paper towel dispenser dispense when no one is near it, they are just having fun nothing bad or dangerous to others, kinda cute actually.
                  Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
                  pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


                  • #10
                    I may have mentioned this sometime in the past, but one elevator in my building just will NOT stop at one certain floor on the way down, no matter how many times it's "repaired," and one particular classroom cannot keep a clock--on the wall, or anywhere else. Facilities finally gave up on even trying to put one in there after over a dozen disappeared.
                    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                    • #11
                      Mmm wish I could condense this some how... Anywho sit down friends and listen to the 2 stories I have compiled from asking around today.

                      The Haunted Warehouse(My own experience along with some input from the workers)

                      Ok by now you have all read about my experience yesterday in the break room and my post. Today I will tell you what I have learned from asking around. Evidently after I left yesterday the one who replaced me turned the speakers back on(the ones that were wigging out yesterday) Apparently shortly after I left the speakers started wigging out again. Except this time instead of just the burts of static and odd noise I had...there were voices. He couldn't understand what they were saying but he said "Just sitting there, listening, I could tell whatever they were saying, I didn't like"

                      I have spoken with some of the workers and all I know so far is that the building was built on some OLD farm ground. There is also a crack that runs all the way through the building through the bathrooms and across to the other side. That's all I could get out of them.

                      The Haunted Airport

                      One of the people I work with used to work at the old airport before they tore it down. Now at this airport there were tunnels that ran under the airport building itself and outside as well. One night he was alone in the tunnels doing his check of them. He was walking along and heard some music start playing. In an empty tunnel. With nobody there but him. He didn't think much of that at the time but as he was continuing he heard footsteps down there with him. As he stopped and began to look around to see if someone else was there with him he heard the footsteps move off and a door open and close. Now there are NO doors down there except for the one at the start of the tunnels. He told me he was was near the end when it all happened. Unfortunatly as that airport has been demolished I can't verify what happened.

                      And now my friends, I leave it up to you to decide what is happening. Enjoy.
                      My Wajas cave


                      • #12
                        I have no interesting haunting type stuff happening at my work.... I want something interesting!
                        Great YouTube channel check it out!


                        • #13
                          Bramble I'm off all this week for moving...if you ever need to talk I'm up at all kinds of strange hours right now. Just let me know and I can pm ya my cell phone number.


                          • #14
                            I have not had anything happen where I work now, other than the odd cold spots. Funny, now I miss working with the ones that have humor. I still giggle over the tiny little butt print on the freshly cleaned glass door, and the odd handprints that showed up where even I couldn't reach and many of the employees thought the prints were mine. Although, now I have one in my home and I know he's a friendly one. He likes to turn on all the music players in the house, and rearrange my spices.
                            I must admit that if the spirit was not so friendly in a place where I worked I would not be there for long. I say if the spirits are friendly let them play, it makes things more interesting and fun.


                            • #15
                              Things are quieter now with Mr. Brown. I named him that because, well, he's brown. Kind of a dirt brown. All he's been doing so far(please stay this way) is walking back and forth behind the breakroom doors(they have window in them) I've spotted him several time on the cameras when there's nobody else around.

                              Sigh... no update for awhile as I have the flu and have been forbidden on pain of death by the doctor to go to work for a day or two.
                              My Wajas cave

