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Floor Leader by Day, Guild Leader by Night.

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  • Floor Leader by Day, Guild Leader by Night.

    This first post is going to be highly anachronistic. I'm going to be highly generic in detail without giving actual fact. This is all theoretical in nature, leading toward the reality of the situation.

    I play World of Warcraft. Well, I don't as much play it, as develop the database for a private server. Loads of fun there; make your own stuff, learn some neat programming skills, etc.

    I heard from one of the co-workers that the head manager plays World of Warcraft. I was absolutely in disbelief. I mean if you heard Stephen Hawking played World of Warcraft, you'd be shocked too, right? But no, I kept asking the other staff, and almost all of them could verify that he plays it too. It was like walking through some sick practical joke.

    So I walk in the next morning when I saw him, and walked up to him at his register, punching in numbers into the computer there, trying to suppress that sheepish grin that you get, ... and just came right out and said it.

    "So I heard that you play World of Warcraft...."

    He slowly turned around in his stool. His expression was unreadable. It could've been excitement. It could've been "Hallelujah! Could this be it!?" I think he replied "Why, do you play it too?" I think that's about when I smirked, and let loose with a "Level 98 Human Rogue."

    He did a double take. "Is the new expansion out yet?" "There's another one?!" "No uh, I thought the level cap was 80." "Oh. ... Oh, yes, it is. It is. In Wrath of the Lich King, it is. I'm just playing on a Private Server." He seemed to know what I was talking about, as his "ah" exhibited some sort of understanding. (I hope. O.o ) I told him that as Developer, I had seen the most amazing things; things no other player could ever hope to see. That night, I wrote up a tremendous post on Facebook to send to him (Yes, he was on Facebook too, I found out. Was amazed at that as well.) (Oh and you can read the post I wrote in the World of Warcraft thread in the Off Topic forum.) His reply was simply "wow can I show others?" I said no, because .. well, awkward things would happen.

    The next day after this conversation took place ... the very next day ... ugh ... I walked in, and he immediately told me that he was leaving to go to another store within the same chain, just so he'd be closer to his house. Not his decision, but he didn't mind. Rolls out of bed and right into the office chair. Awesome for him. Not so much for us.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."