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  • #61
    Quoth Kristev View Post
    That does it. We simply have to change the labor laws in the United States so that they'll actually protect labor. I live and work in Idaho, and believe me, it's all but impossible to make ends meet. Your story is heartbreaking, but you're just one of millions treated like that all over the country.
    Quoth Mikkel View Post
    I wrote a long rant about how much better the Danish system of unions and free doctors is. I'm afraid it belongs at fratching, but damn!
    Did someone say Fratching?

    Why yes, they did!

    And how astute. This line of discussion indeed belongs on our debate site, not here at Customers Suck. Let's keep this on track, please.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #62
      Note: there may be some inconsistencies, all my advice is from experiences in California and Kansas.

      Note: I don't know if linking sites is allowed so if its not I apologize, tell me to or edit this part out. I use a lot. It links to various "freecycle" yahoo groups around the nation. Theres even one in my podunk town. You simply post an ad of what you need and people respond to your email with what you need. I've seen things as ridiculous as brand new computers, iPhones, etc. So, if you think your requests are "too much" they are not. People on there WANT to help people in need. You can even post an ad for food if you want to explain your situation, i see it all the time.

      Is there a bus system in NC? Ever since I started taking the bus everywhere my gas costs went from 120$ a month to 50$. Its 35$ for a monthly unlimited bus pass and 15$ a month for emergency driving (missed the bus to work, etc). I take the bus absolutely everywhere I can. Does it suck having to leave for work an hour and a half early? Yeap. Is my time worth the extra 70$ a month? Not when it could go to pay my power bill. Our bus system only runs from 6AM to 8PM, but it still cuts my cost in half. Libraries also have free internet if you wanted to cut that service from your bill until you find another job.

      Also, there are food pantries. Some only require state issued ID, some require income verification only once. Most of them are run by churches, but I've heard of very few that only give food to their congregation. Salvation Army drives trucks around town giving out lunches/dinners. Also, go to the seedier, bad side of town and they have "discount" grocery stores sometimes. Its perfectly good food that supermarkets refused because there was a dent in the can, a hole punched in the box it came in, etc. For example, at my local grocery store Progresso soup is something like 3.25 per can. At my local "discount" store, its 1$ per can. Regular cans of vegetables are 25 cents a can, pasta is 1-2$, so on and so forth. If you do end up getting food stamps, these types of stores always accept them.

      If you can, while trying to get a better job, wait tables. In Kansas they only paid waiters/resses 2.15 an hour, but you took all your tips home that you made, there was no tip-in. In california is 8.00 an hour. It helps in dire situations when you need on hand cash and can't wait two weeks for a check. Also, if you regular anywhere, apply there. It'll kill your "regular" spot, but I went to a diner for quite a while, sat and had coffee, talked with the wait staff, and was just generally nice. They are the reason I got my job.

      Also, if you have any typing skill, send a resume to your local temp services. If you can get a typing certificate of your speed/accuracy, this helps alot but they will test you on site when you turn in your application. Some require six months of office experience, but some don't. Some turn into temp to hire, some are straight temp, but its work and its money and its usually 12-15$ an hour. Though, once, I did get paid 9$ an hour. Always dress in slacks/button ups, even if you plan on walking in and out in 3 minutes.

      I don't know how old you are , but if you can go back to school, DO IT. I'm getting 5,200$ per year to attend college full time. Theyre only counting Fall/Spring semesters, I probably get an extra grand if I go full time (which is only 6 units instead of 12) in the Summer semester. I only take classes 3 days a week (from 9:30AM until 3:45PM 2 days, and 1 hour one day, though 3 units of class is volunteer project i do in the community which is 10 hours a week), which leaves me time for a part-time (or full time if you can do that) job. It depends on your income, obviously, but financial aid doesn't have the same requirements as welfare.

      15 hours a week at 8.00 an hour is another 5760$ before taxes. If you did this for one year, you'd lose 5,000$ of income that you'd get from working 40/wk at 8.00 an hour. If you work 25 hours a week, you only lose about a thousand dollars a year. If you take a vocational course, the college will often help you find a job. At my school, they have job postings just for enrolled students (enrolled in vocational or just general studies). These people want students and students only to hire. You could be taking one 3 unit class in health studies and get a job over someone else because you are in school. And these people are often very aware and flexible with school schedules.

      Oh! Check to see if your city (or any close cities) have an "Employment center." I'm not talking about the government Employment department, but a social awareness program. They offer everything from resume writing, interview coaching, and work with a great deal of hiring managers. I didn't even apply for the job I have because I went through the employment center. I had an interview and they told me to fill it out and bring it to the interview.

      Um, this is really long. Sorry. I hope it helps I've been homeless for 90% of the last five years so I try to help people who are stuck in a bad situation that only looks like its going to get worse.
      Last edited by Whiskey; 12-18-2009, 11:25 AM.
      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


      • #63
        Freecycle's a good link to give. I receive digests every so often from it - completely free and a good ethic.



        • #64
          I recieved a letter from the Employment Security Commission. They deined my application for unemployment. Apparently I have been restricted from work due to a diagnosed medical condition (wtf? I haven't been to the doctor). My restriction eliminates me from a majority of jobs for which I am qualified in the local labor market. They say I am not able to work and an unemployed individual shall only recieve benefits if they are able to work.
          I live in a small town that is 20 miles from any major city and 10 miles from another town. There was a bus service from here to the county seat but it stopped when gas went to over $4 a gallon and hasn't returned.
          I've joined the nearby freecycle groups, but there are never any offers, just want ads. I look on Craigslist but I haven't seen anything nearby.
          There are not any food pantries in the nearby area. There is one 20 miles away but it is only open one day a week for two hours. The dented can discount store never has any new items and everything in there has been expired for at least three years.
          The local library is only open a few hours a week and doesn't have computers. The next closest library is only open until 5 and shuts the computers off at 4:30~ the time I'd be able to get there.
          The town only has one sit-down restaurant- a Pizza Hut. The other places are McDonalds, KFC, Hardees, Subway, a taco truck, a take-out Chinese place, and a take-out burger/ice cream place. The other places include a Piggly Wiggly, Food Lion, 4 florists, 2 pawn shops, Dollar General, CVS, Family Dollar, and Peebles. I have put in applications everywhere and do weekly follow ups.
          I have tried volunteering at the local library. While they really do need the help they don't want it and I was a library page in middle and high school. I have also tried helping at the town museum, elementary school, city hall, and chamber of commerce. The chamber of commerce is never open though the woman that is in charge of it gets paid. All she does is go to the monthly town meeting. It is supposed to be open M-F from 9-11 am. I have gone down there every day for two weeks, left a note tucked in the door, and called the place to no avail.
          I've put ads in the paper/online to babysit, but the people around here can't afford a sitter and they either leave the kids with a relative or leave them alone.


          • #65
            Quoth AriGriffin View Post
            I recieved a letter from the Employment Security Commission. They deined my application for unemployment. Apparently I have been restricted from work due to a diagnosed medical condition (wtf? I haven't been to the doctor).
            If you don't have an actual medical condition, they're using wrong information (or someone elses with your name*) and you are eligible (in that respect) for unemployment benefits. I didn't know the state had free access to your medical records, anyways. I've had to sign waivers releasing my file to every single organization it needed to go to. If your former employer is telling them you said you had a medical condition, you can clear that up easily.

            Post on freecycle anyways, you'd be surprised. Just because no ones offering, doesnt mean people with what you need arent watching the site.

            * this just happened to me. The state of texas sent me an email saying "my" car had been registered. It was someone elses car, but the girl had my first and last name.
            Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


            • #66
              ...and if you HAVE been determined "unable to work due to a medical condition that precludes you from performing work for which you are qualified", that's DISABILITY and you should be able to collect SSI/SSDI.

              What they are doing sounds like the typical beaurocratic run-around. My advice to you is to go and apply for SSI/SSDI using some of the medical conditions you listed at the beginning of this thread. You do NOT need a "doctor's note" to apply for Social Security. You do NOT need to be "labelled" as "having" a disease or a mental illness to QUALIFY for SS. Furthermore, you can appeal both Unemployment and Social Security decisions so that you get you case heard in court before a judge. Judges are usually patient when it's a case of a sick or poor person who is appealing a civil matter. Look in your local yellow-pages or internet directory for legal-aid lawyers who help with these kinds of cases without charge and check the website of your courthouse, they usually have certain times where an attorney is available to answer certain types of questions for free and get you pointed in the right direction for what step to take next.
              I was not hired to respond to those voices.


              • #67
                Quoth poofy_puff View Post
                Look in your local yellow-pages or internet directory for legal-aid lawyers who help with these kinds of cases without charge and check the website of your courthouse, they usually have certain times where an attorney is available to answer certain types of questions for free and get you pointed in the right direction for what step to take next.
                I would add to this, if there's a law school nearby, check them out. A lot of them have free legal aid.
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

