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Just Do It Already!

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  • Just Do It Already!

    Months ago, like over the summer, coworker Bob and I were asked to write descriptions of our jobs, what we handle and how often we did different tasks. It was a "defend your job" project.

    A few months ago, we started hearing rumblings about the local office being consolidated into the main office in a different state.

    A couple of months ago, they got rid of the two people who had 90% of the knowledge in our escalation team.

    A few months ago I trained a new person as a "backup" my current position. Supposedly, he's been trained so that he can fill in for Bob or I when one of us is on vacation. Our company has a tendancy to have us train our replacements.

    The day after Thanksgiving and yesterday the two people we could most count on for handling physical problems (as opposed to software issues) were let go.

    Bob and I are just waiting to see which one of us is fired. Work is to the point that I would rather be let go than be alone without Bob. All of our "help" comes from people who don't know what they're doing (escalation team) or believe on site techs over us even after the on site tech has been proven wrong (physical problems team). I've got plans for next year, and a few weeks of unemployment checks wouldn't be the end of the world.

    It's the waiting that's killing us. We've seen the writing on the wall for months and we're ready for it to be over with.

  • #2
    I hope you're sending resumes out. Be a rat - know when the ship is sinking!


    • #3
      How's the job market where you are?



      • #4
        Quoth Rapscallion View Post
        How's the job market where you are?
        In the US, at least, tech jobs are one of the few fields still seeing positive hiring numbers. Double so if you're willing to move.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          My plan for awhile has been to quit my job and go to nursing school full time in the fall. I'd been hoping that I could keep my job and save money until then. I'm getting my CNA (nursing assistant) certification this spring, mostly because I plan to do some of that as I work through school. Worst case scenario, I just leave my job and start working as a CNA earlier than planned. I don't want to quit because the money is much better than what I'll be making as a CNA or at any generic retail place I can get a job (there are still jobs here). I'm just really tired of waiting for the company to make a move. I know the ship's sinking; the water is up to my knees at this point. I'd just rather get laid off and get some unemployment to tide me over instead of having to use my savings.

