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My Office Rants (long!)

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  • My Office Rants (long!)

    Though I been there near 3 years, there are a few things that tick me off:

    Minor things:
    Standing in doorways to talk to someone in the room. Mainly, the kitchen...just walk're blocking everyone else.

    Standing in the middle of the hallway doing nothing. Move it. I need to get by.

    Walking slowing in the hallway, looking at the ceiling. Its still up there.

    Cooking bacon in the toaster oven. ew

    Major things:
    Being paid 3x as much as me and not knowing how to do your job

    Being paid 3x as much as me and having me teach you your job.

    Not reading your email ALL THE WAY THROUGH

    Not reading the attachment I had on the email. Its there for a reason.

    Thinking you are the only person I work with. Hahahhaa, nope. There are many faceless names here.

    Thinking you are important/your project in important. Nope. You leave, I'll work with someone else

    Not knowing deadlines are FIXED. I cannot control time (yet)

    Yes, those legal terms are important...thats what we need time to look over it.

    Thats all for now.....had near breakdown this week due to stupidity of 1 person...I'd tell the tale, but might give away where I work.

    OK, that was fun
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs

  • #2
    One major peeve I have is that the majority of the people I work with have their own offices. I have a cubicle.

    If you have an office - why the hell does everyone insist on standing the hallways having long discussions. It's annoying as hell and distracting!

    And ya - I totally get you on the not reading emails!


    You're right - I feel better now!
    No... Just No! And I mean it this time!

