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Sent home early...want to cry.

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  • Sent home early...want to cry.

    So today, I went to work as my 'official' first day. Yesterday was introductions, going through and giving me a tour. And showing me how to work the station I'm at.


    Well, the assistant manager was deemed for this task. She told me (since the manager had already left) that I should just fiddle with the menu, get to know it. Do some bogus entries (without pushing the "place order" button) and pretty much get the feel of it. I did. And then I asked a few questions and she seemed pretty nice about it.

    Let me be clear - I've never done a job like this. I answered phones before and took down delivery and carry-out orders. However, I never used a touch-screen computer - I wrote everything down at the last place I volunteered. I am also not familiar with the menu really. I have no way to really know what everything is unless I write it down next to me because things are abbreviated like... DblBrdStx and such.

    Long story short, I learned what I could until I was told "you need to clock out, first day workers only can work 2 hrs." Okay, fine. That had given me 15 minutes... NOT enough time, imo, to learn everything.


    Today my schedule was 4:30-9:00. I got there at 4:15 and clocked in at 4:30.

    I saw the manager and went over to her to talk about a few things.

    M- Me!
    Mgr- Manager

    M: Hi, Mgr.

    Mgr: Hey Kym, how are you? Are you nervous?

    M: A bit, actually! I have a feeling tonight we'll be somewhat busy.

    Mgr: It's OK. If you need any help, just ask someone or me. Did AM show you everything?

    M: I think so, some things are a bit unclear but I can fiddle around a bit more.

    Lalala. I go to Clock In and afterward, I get onto the menu screen and go to start fiddling...Lo and behold, a caller.

    I got his order done pretty quickly. The only question asked - How do I enter an address for the barracks? (Those being where marines stay on base.)

    Out of I think 5 calls, I asked for help on 3. Yeah, that's quite a bit. However, I was told to ask and I didn't want to be blamed for screwing up everything.

    After I finished a call, the manager comes up to me and says:

    M: You're doing an extent. You seem to know the basics but it gets really busy at night and I can't keep having people getting asked for things. It's not your fault but mine because I told AM that she needed to show you what to do but I don't think I was thorough enough. Come by tomorrow at 10 and I will train you.

    I then was told I had to clock out and go. I realize that she isn't firing me but wants me to get a better knowledge; however, I felt really embarrassed that I couldn't do my job correctly and thought of how badly I screwed up.

    I don't know why but when I got to the car I started crying. I can't help it if I could only spend 15 minutes yesterday getting trained. I couldn't do anything until the AM put me into the computer and I set my log-in ID up. I also wasn't told that some of the menu items on the computer aren't available at the restaurant. That was another embarrassing thing.

    Is there anything that I need to do? I will be composing a list of questions to ask the manager and see if I can be SHOWN how to do it.

    I'm so sorry I made it this long, I just needed to vent. There's no suck or anything so I hope this in the right place!

    People are dunderheaded fools. I weep that Darwin's Natural Selection is frowned upon.

  • #2

    it's your first day! you're're expected to be kindof a moron for the first month or so. every one has a first day at some point in their life. once you get the hang of it, you'll be a total pro. your boss even admitted that it's her fault that you weren't well trained. i'm guessing that the next time you do in, they'll do a little more training.
    i know you'll do better at this job...just give it a little time. of course you'll be's a totally new experience. soon'll be bored of it all.
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


    • #3
      By the looks of it you have a great manager. I don't think that you did anything wrong on your part and the manager understood that.

      Understand that the manager was looking out for the both of you. He didn't want you to majorly screw up on a busy night which might've been more embarassing for you. And he didn't want to have to deal with any problems at a busy time. By asking you to come the next day at 10 he's making sure that he'll be able to actually be there with you while he trains you so that you can ask him questions right away.

      Writing down a list of question is a great idea. But make sure to relax before tomorrow morning. There's nothing embarrasing about not knowing everything on your first day of work. Your manager understands thsi as well. The best way to learn is to ask questions, and dare I say, make mistakes.

      In the mean time look at the bright side. You have an understanding manager


      • #4
        yeah. I've been working drive thru exclusively (pretty much) for over a year now. When i first started, i was so slow at doing anything that they told me bluntly "Stay in Drive thru, we'll take the orders to you. Do NOT attempt to move towards the dishing area here." Utter is right. The manager was looking out for you, you do not want to have an SC on your first week, if possible. Those suck


        • #5
          At least your manager was understanding and you weren't hung-out to dry when things got over your head. Hope your job goes better!
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


          • #6

            It might not seem like it now, but your manager is looking out for you. It sounds like he/she knows that you're trying but you just need more time to get used to things. Good luck!


            • #7
              I did better today. =) Thank you guys for all the things said.

              My manager actually called randomly when I was on the ordering computer and if I messed up she would correct me. When she left, I was with the assistant manager and a really nice server who helped me.

              Earlier I sat down with a menu and some things like a "How to answer the phone" manual. And then a bit later, I even took an order out front for a carry-out order.

              But yeah, the manager is a great woman. She also hates sucky customers and told me what to watch out for. I'm tempted to give her the site's website, haha.

              And tomorrow morning I go back in from 11-1 to gather a bit more knowledge before she puts me on nights again.
              People are dunderheaded fools. I weep that Darwin's Natural Selection is frowned upon.


              • #8
                the notebook you have with questions and answers and the list explaining the abbreviations on the buttons sounds like not just a good aid for yourself, but also a handy document for any further new trainees.. :-)


                • #9
                  I kept a small notebook with me for about the first month or so at both of my new jobs. It mostly just had the commands in it to do just about anything. Once I gave it up and started figuring out shortcuts, I passed it on.
                  The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                  Now queen of USSR-Land...


                  • #10
                    The notebook thing is a great idea. When I was doing my rotations through several of the local hospitals for school, I kept a notebook detailing which buttons to push and how to set up the cameras and such. Now if I ever work at one of those hospitals, I have a leg up.
                    I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                    • #11
                      I agree on the notebook thing.

                      I did it at Claires. In fact, when I had all the info I needed, I went and typed everything up. Including pictures on how to do the nightly paperwork. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still being used..

                      My organization chart for the piercing earrings, though, I'm sure is shot to hell.
                      SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                      SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                      • #12
                        I have a notebook for projection. Every now and again, when there is something I haven't done in a while (like interlocking two screens), I look it up. And then we get a new digital gizmo, so I have more to add.
                        "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

