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Sits In A Corner Whimpering Quietly

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  • #31
    Quoth The Gatekeeper View Post
    I just have a quick question for you. Why don't you apply to be the SM? If I remember correctly there is a significant pay jump. You have the experience. You actually follow the rules. Train your staff well, and have the bottom line in mind.

    I know some things suck about being SM. However being able to say to some condecending asshat "I AM the store manager" is worth it all most days.
    I agree. Go for it. There's a pay raise, and you do get the satisfaction of being the bottom line.

    "You want to what? See the manager? Let's go see if we can find her... Hmm. Oh yes... that's me. You get shit. Get out." <grinz>

    The worst thing that can happen is they say no. And even worse is if you don't at least try, right?


    • #32
      it'll be ok; you know your job, the employees know theirs and are backing you.

      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #33
        My uncle, many years ago, went through this with his company. He was an awesome assistant manager. He kept being moved from troubled store to troubled store to turn them around, which he did. He kept being promised a store manager's position, but they never delivered. Why? Because he was so good at what he did.

        If they had given him a decent pay raise and some extra perks, he would have happily stayed, doing what he was doing, until he retired. But on top of b***hsmacking him by not giving him the SM position he'd been promised, they continued to only pay him as an ASM and never coughed up any money to help him move his family around.

        He finally gave up, quit, moved 300 miles away, and actually chuckled a few years ago when the chain was acquired by another, bigger, meaner chain.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #34
          First- I appreciate all the nice thoughts folks have been sending me for my new SM position but to clarify I am NOT getting the SM position. For full details go back to page 3 of this thread and read the post I titled "The Saga Continues". Yes, I'm pissed.

          Well, until this new SM finally shows up I'm stuck doing the SM job without all the stuff I need to actually DO the SM job.

          Since currently I'm the only manager permanently in my store there are managers from many other stores coming through on a daily bases. The store money is SCREWED. I'm so SICK of all these people handling my store's money and messing it up! How the Freak do their stores even RUN?!? *cusses violently*

          I felt bad for the poor guy who closed my store last night actually. See, I was scheduled to have Christmas OFF- I knew perfectly good and well I'd have to go in and I did. And it's good I did! That poor guy has been acting as a Shift Leader for over two weeks at his store and NO ONE had trained him on how to do the closing paperwork, counts- nothing!

          You know what his manager had told him?
          "Figure it out for yourself."

          WTF is that?! Figure it out yourself? He was a NEW HIRE! How the *F* was he supposed to figure it out himself?!

          So, I trained him last night (one shift really is not enough but at least he left with a better idea!) and I told him to call me if he needs any help, guidance, etc. He was thankful to finally know what he was doing- he said he'd been pulling his hair out and just doing the best he could. I really felt for him. What an asshat his manager must be!

          What a MESS! My poor store...

          Yes, I am emotionally invested in my job. I have fully embraced the "take ownership" logic. You'll notice that everything is MINE- my store, my CSR's...
          I know some of you will say I'm an idiot for that but I've been there for 6 years, worked hard, know the employees and customers, generally have been treated well and backed up by my bosses, etc.

          Just hope this new SM is good... she'd BETTER be good.
          Last edited by NightAngel; 12-26-2006, 03:54 PM.
          "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

          ~TechSmith 314
          HellGate: London


          • #35
            NightAngel, you may wanna see a psychiatrist about that Stockholm's Syndrome there. =P


            • #36
              I assume you're joking.

              No, the only real reason I'm still there right now is because I simply won't abandon my CSR's at this juncture. Things are bad enough at work without the one manager left ditching also.

              Now, how long it will last after the new SM arrives completely depends on the new SM.
              If she's good or at least tries- I'll probably stay.
              If she sucks and/or is a bitch then there's not much I can do to change that and I'll probably move on.
              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

              ~TechSmith 314
              HellGate: London


              • #37
                Quoth NightAngel View Post
                I assume you're joking.

                No, the only real reason I'm still there right now is because I simply won't abandon my CSR's at this juncture. Things are bad enough at work without the one manager left ditching also.
                Just out of curiousity... well, maybe not... what do your employees think? They may be refusing to ditch just so that you don't get screwed.

                The other question... do you have a firm date yet for the new SM?


                • #38
                  Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                  They may be refusing to ditch just so that you don't get screwed.
                  Well that would be quite the conundrum wouldn't it?

                  No, they do want to stay. Overall we've got a good store and the job, usually, is fun and rewarding.
                  But I know that they are hoping/expecting that we get a SM that is as good as our old SM. Our old SM had 8 years under her belt and really knew her stuff. She was also great at enforcing policy and standing behind us. The new SM has only been with the company three years and I'm sure she has not been an SM for all three. The chances of her being anywhere near as good are relatively slim.

                  We're all willing to give her a chance though.

                  As for a date... well, I've heard the 7th and I've heard the 11th...
                  I spoke with the DL today for about 3 seconds and she said she had not even TALKED to this woman but she THOUGHT she would be here the 7th.
                  I don't think anyone REALLY knows.

                  In the mean time the store is falling apart because I have a different set of clowns trapsing through every day. I stayed an extra hour and a half tonight just filing the paperwork that these managers have dumped all over and in no order.

                  My New Release wall isn't even done! It's supposed to be done on Monday for the new releases on Tuesday. I couldn't finish the wall last night because I stayed almost 2 hours after close training that poor guy. Actually, I was supposed to be off yesterday- but the idiot that opened talked on the phone and wrote a poem to some girl he wants to go out with INSTEAD of doing the wall. The guy who was closing hadn't even been trained how to properly count down a register let alone how to do the wall.

                  I couldn't get to it today because I was short staffed because the clown, er, manager that opened yesterday failed to tell me that one of my CSR's had called off until an HOUR after his shift was supposed to start today!

                  Last edited by NightAngel; 12-27-2006, 06:52 AM.
                  "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                  ~TechSmith 314
                  HellGate: London

