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"I got fired" club - add your story

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  • #16
    I worked at Wal-Mart for a little over two years, and the last six months of it was really taking a toll on me, in more ways than one. I was getting depressed and came home angry just about every night, I felt like I was going virtually nowhere in this job, and things just kept getting worse and worse. Meanwhile, my personal life began to intervene. My uncles on my Mom's side have been wanting us to come up for a visit. The weekend before Thanksgiving I knew this was going to be impossible to get time off for, unless it was a special case, which it sort of was, since one of my uncles is doing very poorly healthwise. We're not really even sure if he'll be around much longer, and we wanted to see him while he's still alive and spunky, not lying in a box. I filled out an LOA form, explaining the situation. SM is in the office and sees me filling out said paperwork, I look up, and suddenly he has disappeared. Strange how those managers can become magicians all of a sudden. I walked the store for well over an hour looking for him, and personnel refused to have him paged for me. By this point, I was stressed out and aggrivated beyond all reason; I don't like playing games with grown adults! I put the LOA form in the personnel box with no manager's signature on it, but did attatch a note saying that I had appointments to make and really needed the leave, figuring that it would most likely be the proverbial nail in my coffin, but I had reached the point where I honestly couldn't care less. Turns out that the leave was not approved and they started calling my house ranting that I was getting written up for NCNS. Yeah, whatever. When I try to tell you I'm going out of town, I really do mean it (we had the calls fowarded to the cell phone) I didn't even bother calling them when we got back, I was just enjoying the time away from that hell hole. I filled out an application for a call center and got called in for an interview less than 24 hours later, and am happily employed there today. I kind of sheepishly went into the personnel office to turn in my vest and discount card and said "Um. . . I got another job." The curt reply?

    "You're already terminated." Hmm. Figured. I'm on the do not hire list? Your loss

    I don't like to say I was 'fired' or 'terminated'. "Unshackled" is a much more fitting term, don't you think?
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


    • #17
      Being fired

      I've luckily never been fired from anything, technically..
      Unless you count being laid off.

      I was working as an english tutor at the local community college I attened, and they were trying a new system of having a workstudy in the office, as well as me tutoring my students.

      The work was originally supposed to have me filing, and typing up simple documents and working on material for my students to have as busy work. What they didn't realize was how little "office work" there actually was.

      I spent maybe an hour a day actually filing, an hour actually working on stuff for my students, and if I had sessions that day WITH my students, spent that time with them as well. That topped four hours, if that.
      The other two hours a day was spent completely staring at the computer screen or possibly playing solitaire in boredome.

      Two months of this went by, and my "supervisor" called me into her office and informed me that they didn't think the program was working out. I was kind of relieved, as I was also working 25 hours at night as subway, and going to school fulltime. Not much to the story :P
      No, I do not work here, yes I am open, No, it is not free, every item we had "in the back" has been eaten by drunken sailors. Now that we've covered the basics, how may I help you?


      • #18
        Yeah, sorry about the porn link. Someone apparently hijacked the link. It was supposed to go to a site that archived companies that crashed and burned spectacularly and are now defunct.


        • #19
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          Yeah, sorry about the porn link. Someone apparently hijacked the link. It was supposed to go to a site that archived companies that crashed and burned spectacularly and are now defunct.


          • #20
            actually i got a link to that just make sure to take away the '.' at the end. if you input it like a normal wed address it seemed to go just fine
            Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


            • #21
              I wasn't so much fired as erased.
              Before working at my current job, I worked at a little gift store in a suburb of Vancouver. It was owned by my cousin's wife and a friend of hers. They hired me to work for them Christmas 2002, and I continued to work one weekend day throughout the year as I was in high school. I worked more during the summers and after I graduated in 2003. My cousin's wife is lovely and was great, but her partner as the biggest bitch I've ever met. She would say stuff behind everyone's back, but be completely nice to your face. She also had no patience for people who didn't know how to do things immediately and perfectly.
              Anyway, in the summer of 2004 I began looking for another job, as my hours had been cut and I was unable to afford anything. Remember, by this point I'm in university and planning on moving out with my now fiance. I applied to work for my current company, and used my cousin's wife as a reference. I was planning on continuing to work one day a week at the gift store, and then three days at my current store.
              I was hired, and planned to come in and talk to my cousin's wife and her partner about my new job so as to let them know that while I did have another job, I was planning on working for them as well on my usual shift. I didn't get the chance.
              The week prior I had written down all my hours for the next month, as they did their schedules on a handwritten calendar a month in advance. On my final shift, I went to sign out and check my schedule again as I wanted to make sure I had written it down properly.
              My name was gone. It had been written in pencil, and erased. I could still see the faint outlines of where it had been, but it was definitely gone from the schedule.
              I never found out why the bitch fired me (she was in charge of the schedule, my cousin's wife had no knowledge of it). I haven't spoken to her again, even though she showed up at my aunt's funeral to support my cousin's wife. Every time she tried to come speak to me, I would turn away and talk to someone else. My hatred for her knows no bounds.


              • #22
                Quoth Department stores *sigh* View Post
                actually i got a link to that just make sure to take away the '.' at the end. if you input it like a normal wed address it seemed to go just fine
                I tried it again and the site came up this time.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #23
                  What is the correct link?


                  • #24
                    i was fired from my first job.

                    I've had some troubles with depression, my shrink put me on effexor and the such, i was given a job by the unemplyment people, it's a program they have, they pay someone to hire me and train me, so i'll be qualified to work, however, in my luck, i picked a place that were just using the program, trying to get free workers, they expected me to be a computer specialist and work as fast as people who's actually got training and education in computers, this did not help my depression much, feeling inadequate, and useless, and not long after, i was fired for not being good enaugh, i got no training what so ever... i later found out, i was not the first, apearantly, the computer store i worked at, is a buncha scammers and liars.

                    i don't miss the place


                    • #25
                      Quoth Ciarrai View Post
                      My name was gone. It had been written in pencil, and erased. I could still see the faint outlines of where it had been, but it was definitely gone from the schedule.
                      I had a similar experience, except in my case my name never showed up on the next schedule. During my college years I worked a summer at a local grocery store as a bagger. It wasn't too bad, it at least gave me spending money. Summer comes to a close, I turned in my notice that I was leaving. (And assured that it would get logged in.)

                      Next summer...

                      I go back in to re-apply. The GM takes me into his office and explains that I've been marked ineligible for re-hire because I failed to give notice. (Bulls**t.) Refused to accept my explanation that I did, in fact, turn in a notice. So it looks like I won't be getting the job back.

                      My (soon to be at the time) mother-in-law (in one of the nice things she's ever done) calls him since he happens to be a family friend. After the 'adjustment', he gave me my job back, and moved me to deli. Not my first choice of jobs, but I'll take what I can get.

                      First week turns out to be pretty fun. Worked the deli counter, learned how to slice lunchmeats, bake cookies, make garlic bread, etc. They had just started me on learning how to run the register for the restaurant. Now, during this time, the department manager was on vacation. When she came back, Paradise became Paradise Lost.

                      This woman was a B***h. I found out later, she had a dislike for college kids. Why, I have no clue. Once she started, she immediately started finding fault with everything I did, screaming and yelling. A note about my personality, I can't stand being yelled at. Once you start screaming at me, I lose my ability to concentrate. One example:

                      I was making 6 loaves of Garlic Bread. This was stuff you basically took the bread, sliced it, coated it with garlic butter, and sealed it inside these aluminum foil bags that you just tossed in the oven and baked. These things were /slippery/. The walk from the counter where I made them, to the rack where they were kept, was a grand total of 10 feet. I figured I could do this a lot faster by grabbing 2 at a time and stack them, than grab all 6 and try to keep them from falling out of my arms. So I get started. Almost instantaneously, I hear from the deli, at the top of her lungs:

                      "YOU CARRY MORE THAN THAT OR YOU'RE GOING TO BE THERE ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                      She's lucky I maintained enough composure to not drop the two I had. I then grabbed the last 4, and as I knew I would, had a hell of a time getting them out there. So once that's finished, they put me on the register again. Like I mentioned before, I had just barely started learning it. I couldn't run it by myself, but witch lady just stuck me there, /during lunch./ So yes, without sufficient training, I'm going to be clueless, and she was chastising me later. "You have no clue what you're doing, do you?" in that sneering tone.

                      And so it went. Yelling, screaming, insults. I talked to the assistant manager several times, and he was pretty much torn between doing the right thing (which was to put this b***h in her place) and not pissing off the GM, who thought this woman was the greatest department manager in the world.

                      So, one day, I'm back in the breakroom eating a snack, and looking over the schedules they kept there. I look down the Deli sheet... nothing. No name. I hadn't been told anything, so this came as quite a shock. I figured it was just a mistake, so I track down the AM.

                      Me: "My names not on the schedule. What am I working next week?"
                      AM: "Ummm... well... b***h doesn't want you in the deli any more."
                      Me: "What!? Well, what am I supposed to do?"
                      AM: "Well... uh... I'm trying to find you another position, but there's no room on the front line."

                      So, as the week closes up (and I had to work the Deli shifts I was scheduled for /knowing/ that b***h was getting rid of me), he finally tells me there is no where else to put me and that he has to let me go. I was pissed, but there was nothing I could do.

                      Karma works in strange ways, though. That same b***h ended up in the hospital a few years later, and since most of the wards were full, she ended up in Pediatrics... where my mom happens to work as an RN. She tried her bossy, b***hy routine there, but you don't mess with the nurses. She got put in her place several times.
                      Last edited by IT Grunt; 12-21-2006, 03:21 PM.
                      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                      • #26
                        My ex got fired from a children's clothing store in one of the malls in my area. She just had her wisdom teeth removed, and was on enough painkillers to take down an elephant, and was supposed to just stay home and take it easy.

                        Her manager, who I had met once and had seemed really nice, insisted she come in anyway. And when the customers started complaining that she was out of it, and was acting like she was on drugs (technically, she was), she fired her.

                        So basically, she got fired for doing what the maanger told her to do.

                        Karma bit her in the ass, though. A few weeks later after she fired my ex, I was in the same mall, and when I walked past the store, I saw it was empty, darked, and locked up. Brought a great deal of warmth to my evil heart.
                        Sometimes life is altered.
                        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                        Uneasy with confrontation.
                        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                        • #27
                          I've been fired once. All the other times I quit. But the only job I got fired for was because I was framed by the assistant manager.

                          I was working in this store (it's closed now, long gone and it was stupid) called Gossip. It was one of those slutty teenagery clothes stores. But I was desperate for money and I got the job. It was crap money but I wasn't picky. Try $5.15 an hour.

                          I should've known something was fishy when they didn't have any tax forms. But yet taxes were still being drawn from my all cash paychecks. No pay stubs. Only hand written wannabe stubs. So, I guess now I know I was probably being paid under the table. It was my second job in my entire life and I was only 18 at the time.

                          Anyway, there were only four workers. We each worked alone until someone else came to relieve us. The SM was so paranoid that she had cameras all over.

                          Anyway, one day out of the blue I got fired. I had been folding clothes and waiting for the AM to come in and let me go home. When she came in she told me I was fired (infront of customers) because I stole stuff.

                          I was devastated. I've never stolen anything in my entire life! She said that there was something on the cameras that the SM saw and she refused to let me see it. I cried my eyes out as I took my stuff and left. Of course by the time I left the whole mall knew I was fired for "stealing."

                          About two weeks later I kept asking for my pay check. The AM refused to give it to me and told me it was to pay for the clothes I supposedly stole. By then I was getting mad. I didn't do anything wrong and they're keeping my money because of the wrong accusations!? WTF?

                          My dad came down to visit me and brought his legal looking friend (who bascially wore a suit and wasn't anything but a man living on our tax dollars) with him and we went into the store and basically talked legal 'stuff' and scared the SM into giving me my cash.

                          Turns out the AM was the one stealing and blaming it on all the teenaged girls she kept hiring!

                          Thank god I have a much better job. And it's legal! lol


                          • #28
                            Before I worked at (big chain pharmacy) , I worked at Damon's as a server. My friends and I would always go to Ihop after Friday and Saturday shifts because they were the only ones open. We'd always have this chunky chick with a lisp who was kinda rude, but we all knew how bad serving could be so we just brushed it off, always leaving AT LEAST a 20% tip.

                            So, lo and behold, the lisp chick from Ihop comes into Damon's with a party of 8. One of my buddies has the table. They're rude, left crap all over the floor, and very high maintenance. My buddy did an excellent job, but only got a measely 5% tip. He was pretty pissed.

                            A couple weeks later, we were all at Ihop at guess who's table. We one-timed her to death, got an obscene amount of refills and did all of the things that secretly annoy servers. No biggie, just a wee bit of revenge, right?

                            Well, that was until we decided to leave a note in crayon that stated:

                            "We've left you 20% tips more several times and you can't even do it once?"

                            Then we stiffed her and left.

                            By itself, it probably wouldn't have been a big deal, but we put "Love, Damon's" on it. The next day, Ihop's manager came in and yelled at our manager. The four of us were subsequently fired.


                            • #29
                              Hee hee... I just made a thread of the same topic, not realizing this existed. Search bar is for more than just looking up my own posts to check on replies.

                              Mega Movies (I quit... those jackasses says they fired me.)

                              So I was an Usher in a local...ish... movie Theater that worked out of the mall. I was hired as a FULL TIME Employee. I was 18 at the time, which sucked, cause everyone else was kids, high school kids. We had three schools surrounding us so most of the kids got jobs there. Whatever.

                              So about two months in I start getting schedualed oddly, like three days a week. I'm FULL time... The final week, I get schedualed ONE day. Well that doesn't fly and I call them up, an argument breaks out between me and my manager, and he tells me not to come in... I agree.

                              I didn't even care.

                              Radio Shack

                              I worked at this place for a year and a half, and it stole apart of my soul that I will never get back. During my last few months it was getting bad, I could feel myself becoming physically ill from the job... One day, a sunday, I awoke in BLINDING pain, stomach cramps, I flew mach 42 to...well, purge.

                              I went back to bed and collapsed, I couldn't MOVE. Seriously, this is how bad it was, I was slipping in and out of consiousness all day, and the fact that I had work didn't process at all. Near as I can tell I had an acute case of food poisoning...

                              The next day I call my boss who I'm friends with to see if I still have a job. She tells me to come in... I get there, wholly expecting to be fired. I was, I just had to be there in person for some reason. I explain what happened, and she explains the word already went though to let me go. I decide "Fuck it." and didn't fight it.

                              I was.... HAPPY. I was estatic that I never had to go back to that place.
                              "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
                              ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~

