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THE breaking point, or just A breaking point?

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  • THE breaking point, or just A breaking point?

    AKA Bitchfest '06. I'm going to complain. A lot. Feel free to read something else if you don't want to read it all.

    I work at a hotel and have for the past four and a half years, and I'm beginning to wonder if I should look for other work or if I just need a vacation. I'm more burned out than I thought I could be. This is probably what I get for not taking my customary week off this year. That'll learn me. At any rate, these are the things I'm beginning to find intolerable:

    Broken dryers -- towels and linens get caught in the space between the drum and the door as they're going around, which leaves huge black stains and smears on them. This leads me to my second complaint, which is...

    Incompetent housekeepers -- it's as if they've either been struck with a massive attack of stupidity, or they just don't give a shit. Common sense would tell you not to put stained sheets and towels in the rooms, but every day we get more complaints about it.

    Conjunction of the customers -- hotel guests simply cannot resist the sweet, sweet siren song of a desk clerk attempting to eat, mop, or use the bathroom. You can go hours at a time, and I'm not making this up, without a single guest or phone call, but the instant you set your lunch out, sit down on the bowl, or slap the wet mop on the floor, in they come, or that goddamn phone starts in.

    Pwecious Foo-Foo abwoad -- Increasingly I notice that the American public is incapable of going anywhere, including the grocery store or to the bathroom, without hauling one or more dogs along. We allow dogs, but we charge you for them because we have to clean the rooms more thoroughly, assuming of course that the housekeepers aren't feeling especially dumb that day. However, lots of people try to sneak their animals in, and then get indignant at us catching them, and especially when we charge them.

    The bad knee pandemic -- Speaking of the American public, the entire population of the United States, and a good bit of Canada, has bad knees. This is why they can't climb the stairs to the second floor. Either that, or for their single night stay, they've brought enough luggage to fill a full-size eighteen-wheeler. We are bad people for not having an elevator, and expecting all these people with bad knees to climb the stairs, by the way.

    CONSTANT scamming -- It never, and I mean NEVER, lets up. Not a day goes by that someone isn't trying to screw up out of their room rent, or trying to get a refund just for shits and giggles.

    CONSTANT stealing -- It's true: People will actually steal anything not nailed down. We've had them walk out with lightbulbs, batteries, coffeemakers, remote controls, televitions, pillows, towels, bedspreads, chairs, tables, lamps, mirrors, clocks, lampshades, shower curtains, trays, and a luggage cart. This is not so much a hotel to these kinds of people as it is an all-you-can-steal goodie buffet.

    Repetitive repitition -- My lowest rate is "blah." What about a discount for "blah"? The lowest rate available is still "blah." But what about a discount for "blah-blah"? And so on and so forth, and speaking of...

    Discounts for the dickless -- I don't care that you are from Florida, a man, a woman, old, young, ugly, fat, beautiful, short, tall, that you drive a Mercedes, or any-goddamn-thing else. No discounts, because they're a pain in the ass to process, our rates are lower than most as it is, and frankly, you're just trying to get a few bucks out of us. Go across the street, where the rates are usually about double what we charge, and then get back to me. I will probably snap and say that to someone one day, but it will only be followed up with, "But what about a discount because I'm from Georgia, and not Florida?"

    Televisions on parade -- If the owners here bought with consistency in mind rather than what's cheap, then perhaps we wouldn't have five different types of televisions, complete with missing, lost, or stolen remote controls that need any of forty different codes depending on the brand, to program.

    Feigning innocence -- Yes, there's a problem with that room. We've known about it for months. However, what with one thing or another either we can't get it fixed, or fixing it would involve tearing down a load-bearing wall, and we can't fix it period. Until people stop noticing the problem, whenever it's brought to our attention, we must pretend as though we're shocked -- shocked, I tell you -- that there is a problem.

    Feigning concern -- oftentimes, the problem is either nonexistant or very minor, but you want to complain simply because you have no other joy in life. The room smells dirty, or it smells too clean. The carpet is too clean. There are stains on the towels (see above). The room faces the front of the building, or alternately, it faces the back. Regardless of whatever bullshit complaints you toss our way, we have to pretend we care.

    Ass-kissing -- In the event that incessant bitching to the desk clerk or manager while you were staying here didn't fix your non-existant problem, it's time to take your concerns on the road to corporate, who will bounce them back to us with the requirement that we write a snivelling letter to you pretending that we really give a shit.

    The catch-all -- This is what desk clerks are. We do what everyone else won't, or can't do. I've killed snakes, caught mice, changed lightbulbs in a chandelier fifteen feet above the floor, mopped, swept, moved furniture, done laundry, dried laundry, painted, spread salt, chased lizards, picked up litter, planted flowers, cleaned rooms, changed sheets, set out food, cleaned up the food, fixed pipes, unclogged toilets, and gotten down on my hands and knees to clean up shit, piss, and blood. I usually tuck my tie into my shirt do it won't get dirty while I'm doing these things.

    At any rate, I'm sick of my job. There's more but I'm also sick of typing. What I don't know is if a vacation will fix me being sick of my job and hating everyone who walks through the door, or if I really need to consider looking for new work. As it is, I have no health insurance, and as an HIV-positive man, I know I'm living on borrowed time. My HIV care and medicines are handled by a free clinic, but God help me if I ever need surgery. I'll probably have to just die in that situation because I'll never in a million years be able to afford so much as a single night spent in the hospital. If I went looking for a new job, I'd need one with insurance, or else there's no point in looking for new work. Might as well stay here at hate everyone rather than start fresh and hate everyone and not know what I'm doing to boot.

    Ironically, when it comes to affording things, I'd also need to find a job that paid me an amount equal to or more than the $325 or so that I take home every week.

    Or perhaps I should go find a nice secluded spot in the woods and just scream until I feel better. I'm sure feeling pretty awful now. Frustrated, pissed off, depressed, and burned the hell out.

    Thanks for reading.
    Last edited by Antisocial_Worker; 12-28-2006, 01:14 AM.
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2
    I'm sorry you are having such a tough time, my advice: First thing to do is arrange a week off is possible, lots of stress can cause health problems. When you return to work and still feel that way it's time to start searching for greener pastures.

    Sadly everything you described happens at my hotel constantly, I honestly think most people take a vacation from not only work/home but common sense, manners, parenting etc. Combined with the oh-so-happy Holidays their normal level of suckiness is increased by tenfold.

    But I ramble on too much, I hope my advice helps And hope things so a little better real soon.
    My Horror Blog



    • #3
      How exactly does one steal a luggage cart or a TV without being noticed anyway?
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        How exactly does one steal a luggage cart or a TV without being noticed anyway?
        Easy. Take it out the back door. It's so chaotic at checkout that we don't have time to be monitoring the cameras.
        Drive it like it's a county car.


        • #5
          Hauntedhead, try and arrange for a week off if you can. I went through the same situation you're going through last spring. I had the same problems that you had and instead of quitting on the spot, I took 3 weeks off. It helped me a lot and it was great. I'd advise you try and get yourself a break and if you're still freaking out, then off to the job hunt!! I hope things get better.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6
            How can someone complain about a room being TOO clean? I'm pretty jaded as to complaints of many different types... But too clean/other seemingly good thing... Never heard that one..
            3 Basic rules for ordering food.
            - Order from the menu.
            - If you order something that will take some time to cook, then be prepared to wait.
            - Don't talk about Fight Club.


            • #7
              Hauntedhead, it sounds like you're under a helluva lot of stress. I agree with the above suggestions, take some leave, treat yourself to some RnR. It's amazing what a few days of rest can do for you! Maybe your boss should think of hiring someone to help you out as well!
              In the mean time, I'll be sending many many happy thoughts in your direction!
              The report button - not just for decoration


              • #8
                Quoth Sir Spaniard the 12th View Post
                How can someone complain about a room being TOO clean?

                Maybe different scents are used in the cleaning process, and some people can't handle that? That's the best I can come up with.

                HHNC, I also am going to suggest taking some time off. You need to. Badly. Best of luck with that.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  That reminds me of a customer we deliver to. She's so sensitive to perfumes, she can't have the driver unload it if they've put deodorant on that day. The husband usually comes out and asks if the driver has put any on, and if so he has to unload it. At one point, she was even expecting us to arrange a picker who hadn't used perfumed soap or anything else to get the order ready.

                  I have no idea if that condition actually exists or not, but we boggle about that every time. Also, the drivers make sure they wear deodorant so they don't have to unload...



                  • #10
                    Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
                    The bad knee pandemic -- Speaking of the American public, the entire population of the United States, and a good bit of Canada, has bad knees. This is why they can't climb the stairs to the second floor. Either that, or for their single night stay, they've brought enough luggage to fill a full-size eighteen-wheeler. We are bad people for not having an elevator, and expecting all these people with bad knees to climb the stairs, by the way.
                    My brother's girlfriend works at a hotel, it was built in 1929 and was originally a retirement home for nuns. The rooms are spartan, there's no restaurant and the roof leaks. The only reason anyone ever stays there is that it's right across the street* from a major concert venue. A standard greeting from her goes like this:

                    "Welcome to Doomsville Inn! Did you know that this building was built in 1929 and was originally a retirement home for nuns?"

                    "No, I didn't. Where are the elevators?"

                    "The nuns didn't think they needed elevators."

                    *The theatre being built when the hotel had been there for forty-odd years.
                    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Sir Spaniard the 12th View Post
                      How can someone complain about a room being TOO clean? I'm pretty jaded as to complaints of many different types... But too clean/other seemingly good thing... Never heard that one..
                      We've had complaints about the smell of cleaning chemicals, and also complaints that the carpet the room is new.

                      So basically, the room smelled too clean, and the carpet was too clean.
                      Drive it like it's a county car.


                      • #12
                        Thank you all for your suggestions. When my boss gets back from her trip to India, I will definitely take at least one week off from work, just to rest up.

                        I've been thinking back a lot lately to my job at the bookstore. I worked there for two stints of two or three years apiece. It might be nice to go back, or it might not. Hard to tell. I've been thinking also of moving from Hendersonville to Asheville, where there are more and bigger bookstores including a big B. Dalton and a Barnes and Noble. I don't know what working in either one of those would be like though.
                        Drive it like it's a county car.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                          That reminds me of a customer we deliver to. She's so sensitive to perfumes, she can't have the driver unload it if they've put deodorant on that day.
                          I have no idea if that condition actually exists or not, but we boggle about that every time. Also, the drivers make sure they wear deodorant so they don't have to unload...
                          Yes, it does. Multiple chemical sensitivity is one of the names for one of the conditions in that set.

                          One of the ways to diagnose it is to do a standard allergy prick test: poke a tiny hole in the skin, then put a drop of the chemical-to-be-tested on the hole. If the skin reacts, the person is sensitive to that chemical at that concentration. For initial tests, they use very low concentrations.
                          There are chemicals which can't be tested quite that way: when I was tested, I had subcutaneous injections instead for four of the chemicals.

                          My left arm looked like I'd been stung by a hive of bees after the two sets of tests. And ITCHED like crazy.
                          Seshat's self-help guide:
                          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                          • #14
                            People steal tables and chairs? Im assuming they are small ones, but i have a mental image of someone being a distraction while 4 people carry off a huge dining table.
                            "don't go to the neighbors,that's just what the fire expects you to do"-phillippbo
                            "Please do not look into laser with remaining eyeball."
                            Support bacteria.They're the only culture some people have.


                            • #15
                              Quoth stormtreader View Post
                              People steal tables and chairs? Im assuming they are small ones, but i have a mental image of someone being a distraction while 4 people carry off a huge dining table.
                              To tell you the truth, I'm honestly surprised that no one's pulled up the carpet or ripped out a bathtub in a room and stolen those.

                              I found out something interesting yesterday when out changing my looks. A friend and I stopped by the bookstore in our pitiful little local mall, only to find that there's a rumor floating around the mall that a Borders store might be locating in a big new, new urbanist development going up in town. If so, that might be an interesting prospect. Interesting indeed...
                              Drive it like it's a county car.

