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Box of Idiots

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  • Box of Idiots

    In the last few weeks there have been lovely problems involving the box office. My rage against the box office in my arena has reached a boiling point as of tonight and I might go crazy if any more idiocies keep coming up thanks to them. It's been a series of incidents that have made me go crazy.

    Incident #1: In November, some idiot in B.O. printed out ticket X on purpose. Ticket X is no longer available as a parking pass so we got a few of those for a while and then things blew over and we thought that was it.

    Incident #2: We go back to the wonderful Joe Pesci sound-alike, who had an expired suite pass. I had a friend who used to work in the B.O. and he told me that they're quite meticulous about keeping expired parking passes and tickets out of their production line. Now, a few days after the Joe Pesci guy, I had 10 expired passes to deal with. What is box office doing I wonder?

    Incident #3: Box office often thinks that us parking slaves are under their jurisdiction and think that they can call the shots on our lots. Uh, NO!!!! Last week a guy and his wife pull in, I ask for a pass. They tell me that their pass is in box office and that they said he and his wife will be allowed in. I inform that we do not do that and it has always been like that for as long as I can remember. Says that he'll call the B.O., I tell him that it won't do as we need those passes because we count the cars and match the final ticket count at the end of the night. Argument ensues, he leaves and threatens to complain.

    Incident #4: Remember those passes from earlier? Well we had another idiot bring them in. An SC had a ticket X and said that B.O. said we could authorize it. I tell him we can't because ticket X is no longer used. He puts up a fuss, I call my MOD, MOD says the same thing, idiot tries again, MOD repeats. Idiot gives up.

    These guys have been driving me nuts and I am very close to marching to their office and telling them to A. Fix up their procedure as we have gotten too many expired tickets. B. Stop thinking that we are under their jurisdiction and that WE control the lots, not them.

    I just hope that next year won't be hell dealing with them.
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