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Job perks and hazards

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  • Job perks and hazards

    What are some of the great things about your job that you like about? What are some of the negatives that make you go insane.

    Perks for working at an arena

    Being able to choose your own schedule and you time. You don't even have to request for vacation at all, you just don't fill out a sheet and you're set unless stated otherwise.

    You have a 7 minute grace period for punching in. This has saved my butt countless times due to traffic.

    Some of the coworkers who aren't idiots happen to be the nicest people I've met.

    Outbound is voluntary unless stated otherwise.


    The SCs.

    Hours are quirky because arenas obviously need events in order for me to work. Sometimes you can go two weeks or more with only 1 event and you happen to be in need of money.

    The possibility of being hit by a car.

    Getting home late, I have gotten home at 2 AM when I worked a 10 hour shift.

    Feel free to add folks.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    --I can't leave until everything is done. It's difficult to serve customers up until close when I'm supposed to have everything cleaned up at that moment. There's a leeway, but it doesn't make sense.
    --I wash my hands eleventy-billion times a day. I have no skin left.
    --hot fryer oil Need I say more?
    --I do not understand why no one on earth can fill an icee cup without spilling 8 ounces of it all over the counter, subsequently leaving straw wrappers and napkins to soak in the mess rather than walking the 3 feet to the trash.


    --They feed us. It seems like it's always pizza day or cereal day or sub sandwhich day, or whatever. Saves me money when I'm broke.
    --Employee discount: It's not much, but it helps. Also great that I can use it with my credit card rewards discount, plus coupons.
    --I can pretty much wear almost anything I want, as long as it's within the realm of red and khaki. If I wanted to, I could have blue hair and a big ring in my nose. Individuality is allowed.
    --It's not even required by law, but we get an hour's worth of break time in an eight-hour shift. Really, all I need is a 20-min lunch break, but I appreciate the company's stance. They are adamant about us getting breaks.
    --I work hard, therefore I'm rewarded.
    --Managers make a point to show verbally that they appreciate us.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      Pro: I'm paid to play video games
      Con: I have to play games I hate, like it or not

      Pro: Salaried, so I don't have to worry about being short hours in a week
      Con: Salaried, and I rarely have the opportunity to worry if I'm doing an "honest week's work"
      Bonus Con: The few times I actually play games for fun, it adds to the number of hours I work per week

      Pro: Somewhat flexible hours
      Con: Being on call

      Pro: Work includes a wide variety of tasks, so there's less drudgery factor
      Con: No downside to this one, though with as many years as I have, a certain drudgery factory creeps in anyway

      Pro: You get to meet lots of interesting people
      Con: You get to meet lots of interesting people
      Bonus Con: The people who want to talk about your job and how great it must be when you're in the middle of field-stripping a game and having a rough time of it

      Pro: Since your business is entertainment, obviously, people at your corporate office have a fun-spirited attitude and aren't quite as slaved to the P&L statement as other businesses
      Con: Wonderful theory, right? You did read the word "corporate", didn't you?

      Pro: Company vehicle provided
      Con: That's big enough to haul around a full-sized video game. That will haul around a full-sized video game. But doesn't come with an assistant to help you load said game.
      Bonus Con: Saddle sores


      • #4
        Well back at the dealership the perks where defiantely getting to play with all the various cars and vehicles. Also access to an entire professional shop and stuff. Also being able to detail my car using all the gear at the shop.

        Cons: Putting up with the salesmen's egos. Some of those guys had an eh=go that could power a small western city.

        Balloons and other stupid BS for the sales. Ever blow up enough balloons to put four on 100 cars? There are 3 hours wasted forever.

        After the manager change not getting to have the extra trinkets and baubles that where leftover after the sales/open house giveaways.

        The stupid egotistical manager who would power trip on the slightest excuse


        • #5

          - Free entry to all the events at the Art Gallery
          - Discounts to most other art galleries in Canada
          - Discounts on merchandise, art classes, events (if im not working)
          - Paid parking/busses to and from work
          - No uniform, no real hard work (I dont break a sweat)
          - Working 4 blocks from my boyfriend, downtown
          - Working in a civic building thats automatically shut every single stat!
          - 1 hour lunch breaks
          - Networking and contact making for the art world
          - Flexible time off
          - BEST manager ever! Great co-workers to in general!


          - Having a supervisor who is manic depressive without medication
          - Working on eggshells around supervisor
          - Listening to co-irkers moan and bitch about their lowely position (entry level)
          - Cashing out a register every single day...sucky
          - Dealing with the public on a daily basis (once I move up that wont be an issue)
          - People thinking our admissions desk is reception for the entire building
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6

            -Getting parts at the cheapest rates possible, and having a shop full of mechanics, at 1/2 off the door rate.
            -I can watch the TV in the waiting room, and it's usually hooked up to TSN.
            -Great co-workers in the department (Except for the shipper)
            -Great manager
            -On slow days, it's no big deal if I bring in some school work
            -Most of the mechanics are usually very understanding if we don't have a part. As long as we do what we can to accomidate them, they're happy.
            -I've got kick-ass hours that work around school really well.


            -Having to deal with salesmen. I would not like to spend three minutes with them, much less give them my hard-earned money.
            -Working with my shipper. He might not be a bad guy if he had social skills, interesting stories, personal hygiene, a willingness to work, a dislike of ass-kissing, and the ability to put things where they belong.
            -The corporation (I'll give you a hint about which one: We do have a Hemi!) can all the same part 3 or 4 different names, depending on the application. For example, brake pads can be called pads, shoes, linings or clamps( ), air filters can also be called elements, and bushings can be called cushions.
            -Don't EVEN get me started on mechanics. If Corpoate calls something but 3 names, then mechanics know it by a dozen. Main parts (Brakes, for example) are usually called by the same name, but some parts can be called by outlandish names-assuming that they even have a name for it. Words like "bezel" and "clip" become catch-all names that cover a plethora of parts
   is banned by our servers!
            Last edited by Spiffy McMoron; 01-02-2007, 11:26 PM.
            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


            • #7
              Pros: Getting paid to play video games, and watch Anime
              Cons: Getting paid to hear, about how my boss, should have done something on the game. Watching Anime, I hate.

              Pros: they feed us
              Cons: The owner bitches if his son buys us food.

              Pros: I am the Main Manager, under the Owner and his son.
              Cons: I am the only employee left.

              Pros: I am the only employee left, and that means, a pay raise, and even more hours, which I do need both

              There is no con for that one.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                • For what work I actually do, I get paid really well.
                • I can take lunches and breaks whenever I want.
                • My co-workers are some of my best friends, absolutely wonderful people.
                • Management loves me
                • The customers can be REALLY fun
                • Treadmill with a tv and a DVD player
                • 6-minute grace window
                • Access to the manager room with the 50" HDTV (Back to management loves me)

                • Really no room for advancement
                • The few customers that really do suck (and they are few and far between)

                I actually do really like my job.
                When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


                • #9

                  -I like most of my coworkers
                  -I should be getting a raise soon
                  -No one really cares how many times I sneak out for a cigarette, as long as my work is done
                  -I usually don't have to deal with customers
                  -I can usually get away with wearing weird stickers on my uniform
                  -Sundays are at overtime pay, even with less than 40 hours in a week

                  -I don't like at least one coworker (story pending)
                  -Even with the potential raise, I'm not getting paid enough
                  -No employee discount
                  -Hours can be cut
                  -Hard to become full time
                  -Employee parking sucks
                  -No computer access
                  -Having to work in the deli occasionally
                  -Sucky music played from XM 23
                  -Occasional run-in with sucky customers (But is that really a CON? It gives me a reason to come here...)
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10

                    All holidays off
                    Job security (government job)
                    Fixed schedule (bit of a double edged sword)
                    Full-time (same as above)
                    Access to the internet


                    I hate most of my coworkers
                    Office politics
                    No time for classes
                    Boring as hell
                    Weekends off (I prefer weekdays over weekends so I can get actually get stuff done)
                    Hours aren't flexible
                    Virtually no physical activity
                    "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

                    When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


                    • #11
                      I'm in tech support at a cable company.


                      - cable's an exciting business. The competition with satellite brought some great innovations. With that competition being mostly over, now it's on to the monumental showdown between Big Cable and Big Telephone. The stuff I know is coming is very cool, and I can hardly wait to see the stuff I don't know about.

                      - A little while ago, my department became the core of an entirely new department. The original 20 employees will be joined by 180 more by the end of 2007.

                      - The money is okay.

                      - The benefits are exquisite.

                      - Impressive management everywhere from the local level all the way to the very top. (The days of working on Planet Stupid seem well behind us.)

                      - Quirky and interesting co-workers (most of them).

                      - Cable swag. (The various networks provide T-shirts, polo shirts, blankets (?), mugs, folding chairs, and objects that defy explanation.)

                      - Free cable and internet.

                      - On January 1, 2006, I was a temp. Over the course of the year, I managed 3+ promotions and $4.50 an hour increase in my base pay.


                      - I'm still literally tethered to a telephone.

                      - Working overnights (but that will end in February).

                      - Some customers still suck (and that will never change).

                      Bottom line: I love the business, I don't hate my current job, and most important, I think there's plenty of room to grow.
                      I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                      • #12

                        30% Off stock (Music + DVDs)
                        Get Paid to stand and watch people
                        Don't have to work on a till
                        Double time on a sunday
                        Triple time on a bank holiday
                        Great people to work with


                        Management, of the variety terrible
                        Risk of getting thumped
                        Get Paid to stand and watch people (gets rather tiring after a while, standing by the front door)
                        Everyone expects me to have magical legal powers (right of search etc)

                        Stay Safe
                        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                        • #13
                          I'm the scheduler, I get to pick my shifts and days off.
                          24 hour store=never having to deal with trying to get morons out, plus variety of shifts available
                          Livable wage
                          discount on products in the front of the store, which is nice, cuz this is stuff I'd be buying anyways
                          can put in my own refills
                          many different tasks make for great variety
                          not at all a mindless job, so good brain exercise
                          on my feet all day, so decent physical activity
                          Full hours at my store, overtime if I work other stores as well
                          cash bonus for being a Sr. Tech, plus christmas giftcard for being here for 3 years
                          Get to know regular customers by name, and most are pretty fun and enjoyable to visit with
                          sick, cranky SCs, not to mention scammers and addicts
                          Have a lot of laws and regulations to work under
                          have to keep up both a state and a national license
                          cranky nurses and doctors' office wenches call and snipe occasionally
                          Because the pharmacy is the nexus between the doctor's office and insurance companies, we often get hollered at for stuff that is completely beyond our control
                          Busy store=rarely if ever get more than a lunch break

                          I enjoy my job overall, but the parts that suck really and truly suck.

