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way to start the new year

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  • way to start the new year

    well today just pretty much sucked at work. i was pretty hungover and in no mood to deal with SC. guess the only good thing i that came is that i only had to slightly deal with one. well since today was new year. our store had holiday hrs. we closed at 6. i doubt many people realized this, most people agree with me. we only had 5 people to close our aparel dept at our store. we usually have closer to 10 people on a normal day. i dismiss this as its new years day and most people wont come. i was mostly right, it was never crazy busy today. but at 1pm, i had my lunch and 2 of the closers came in at this time. since i had the fitting room, i need somebody to watch it for me and talked to nancy*. nacy said ok and i left for lunch and did my errand i had to do. well i come back and we have a project to do. i ask if i should get nancy to do this instead of me since i was origanlly at the fitting room. well i come to find out nancy has been fired . y i dont know. but she is no longer here. so now im really worried since now we only have 4 people to do the dept. and i was justified. we didnt get out of work till about 8:45. main 2 reasons y im pissed is that

    1. if your going to fire somebody and leave your dept shorthanded, call somebody in. makes sense, you still have the same hrs worked to pay for.

    2. if your going to fire me, dont make me come to work for a menial amount of time, just call me at home, dont make me waste my time getting ready for nothing.

  • #2
    1. If it makes sense, it's not allowed.

    2. I hated that when Goodwill fired me!!!!! I was suspended for the weekend, and when I went back, they let me work for a little bit before they fired me. JUST TELL ME NOT TO COME BACK.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      At one of my other jobs, I got down-sized. But it happened the last hour of the shift. Which sucked. If you are going to fired someone, then do it before the shift, not during it. Unless they done something to get fired during the shift, then do it at the end of the shift.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        That happened at one of my previous jobs. I was sick the day before (Legitiamtely sick) and I went ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE CITY, literally, by bus, in to work only to be told I was fired for being sick too many times (A few days before that sick day, I was sick AT work... nearly throwing pu, only cashier on... and they wouldnt' let me go home early (there were three managers/sups) because, according to one 'You were late.'. So i had to go through 2 hours of being very ill and unable to function, the customers all KNEW I was sick and crying my eyes out.)).

        Course, it being sunday, the busses were every hour, so I had to sit on the bench outside that place for FORTY FIVE MINUTES for my bus to get home, crying and crying.

        The job wasnt' worth it, but that they did that was cruel.
        Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


        • #5
          Quoth powerboy View Post
          Unless they done something to get fired during the shift, then do it at the end of the shift.
          Uh, no. In some places, if you're going to fire someone, it has to be at the time of the infraction, or the soonest time after the infraction was found out.

          Besides, it's a bit more honest that way.

