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The Off Season

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  • The Off Season

    Thats what I think of this time of year for retail. After the Xmas season and New Years is over things slow down and its easy sauce for the rest of the month. Managment lets go of the seasonal staff and we have fewer hours.

    Only problem with this is minute little rushes take everything I can to handle.

    Case and point was last night. we onl had one person closing in BTI and one in Home E and one ins Jewellry. The problem with this is once it comes to break time we have 2 people for 3 departments. As I am handling BTI and Home E I get a customer who demands my entire attention in Home E as I have a sale starting in BTI. Eventually this dissolves into me trying to help two people with large purchases as well as a few with small ones all by myself. This stuff is normal during the holidays but then I coul enlist help from trained personel but now I have to run around the store looking for a TV for the guy while my customer in BTI waits.

    Eventually the breaks shift ended and I got some help but not without getting a few grey's and i managed to make a huge sale in BTI (where I get commision). Still I wish that they would have one extra person so we would have 3 people for 3 departments at all time. *sigh*
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    It's the off season for me also. Finally, and thank God for it. Tourist season here typically runs from May to November, but this year it kept trucking right on through New Year's. I'm glad I don't live in the northern mountains or the western mountains of NC where the ski resorts are, otherwise I'd be dealing with tourist season all year round.
    Drive it like it's a county car.


    • #3
      And 1,2, a 1 2 3 4...

      Yeah, slower time here too after Boxing week. Time to get all the shipment out that we neglected due to a crap load of customers.

      Rest? What's that?
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        Off season for my arena is this month and next month, just basketball games here and there and a few concerts. One would think that a basketball arena would be off during the summer but we're not. The summer is quite busy for us, we're working 3 different venues at that time but during the winter it's just one.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #5
          we dont really have a slow down, our winter "blockbuster" is coming out in 2 weeks, we have more staff on this week than we did before christmas preparing for our new shows, doing inventory, enrolling people in art classes etc

          its busyier than christmas everywhere but sales wise! and even those havent dropped much!
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            This is my busiest time of year, now that cold and flu season is in full swing. We blew open our old record on Tuesday, up to 664. Holy crap in a basket.

