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I'm about to mutiny

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  • I'm about to mutiny

    Theres a buzz that we hired two grave people. One of which wants the same days/hours as me.

    My manager has decided to schedule me outside my availability. I put that i'm 10p-6a all week and I'll do Sunday LATE (6pm) swing occasionally. I'm scheduled 5p-1a on Saturday AND Sunday. I told my grave lead to take care of that shit because he doesn't want me to. Its like shes trying to force me onto swing shift, which isn't going to happen.


    I love my crew, but seriously, this shit is getting old. How much you want to bet she didn't get around to fixing the clock in errors from the past 2 weeks, so my next check will be missing money too?

    Even the guy who's been there a couple years, does a damn fine job, never calls out is worried she's going to give away his shift to one of the new people. Oh and one of the new people is related to one of the workers my new manager brought from her store. The same person who wants my hours.

    Retaliation for calling out ONE day a week ago? Even my lead can't believe it. Those better be AM shifts or I'm going to explode.

    Oh and this is a little MIM. I walk into work last night, at ten before eight, and my swing lead walks up to me PISSED.

    Me: what? No I wasn't.
    TL: I have you as a no call no show where have you been
    Me: *points to the schedule* It says 20:00, 8PM. I'm on time.

    I look at her book, it says 20:00. If I had started at six, I'd have been working 9 1/2 hours since I got off at 3:30AM. Manager changes the schedule so much that no one knows when theyre supposed to be there. I've gotten in the habit of taking apicture of the schedule the day it comes out.
    Last edited by Whiskey; 08-01-2010, 07:38 PM.
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

  • #2
    Quoth patiokitty View Post
    Sounds almost like the new manager is trying to push you out for some reason -_-
    I called out with "only" five hours notice last week. Because I was having a bit of a psychotic episode. Policy states I only have to give four hours and no reason.
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


    • #3
      Quoth patiokitty View Post
      Maybe there was a reason she was moved from her old store?
      Im thinking so. She's never run a 24 hour store before so she thinks grave just stands around all night so she cut our labor by 25%. My grave TL said he doesnt give a fuck, if he needs people theyre STAYING. She actually scheduled one guy 40 hours, so if he stays a minute over hes in overtime, thus fucking grave.

      I dont think she realizes how hard it is to find reliable, good graveyard workers. You can have one or the other, but both are not easily found. I threw her to the wolves the other night. Guy comes through and wants 2 cheesecakes and a soda. I tell him, unfortuantely, we're out of cheesecake. He's nice at the window, I apologize and he asks how we're out. I told him exactly why. Our manager doesn't feel the need to order more food. He asked for her name and said he'd be calling to complain. He's a regular too. We're actually losing our regulars because the stuff they want, we don't have. The store a mile away does though.

      We ran out of CHEESE for everloving sake. CHEESE. I can't get over that.

      Speaking of reliable and good grave workers, it reminds me of a coworker who got fired and our old AM who quit

      Me: Ugh i hate <coworker>. She NCNS on us last night!
      AM: Nothing I can do, shes a great worker.
      Me: A great worker WHEN SHE SHOWS UP
      AM: you have a.. point there..
      Last edited by Whiskey; 08-01-2010, 08:23 PM.
      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


      • #4
        Quoth Whiskey View Post
        One of which wants the same days/hours as me.
        Looks like theres a GREAT chance this is my replacement. I've never no call no showed, I've never been written up or even had a verbal warning, I've called out on 3 shifts in five months (all with 5+ hours notice), i'm never late, i work my ass off and I'm about to be replaced.

        why the fuck do I work hard when it never gets me anywhere.
        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


        • #5
          Well, Here's what i assume will happen.

          Whiskey gets replaced.
          Grave TL gets all pissed because order times go up.
          Voids go up, Customer satisfaction goes down.
          *replacement* isnt as good as whiskey.
          Grave TL either calls for you, (if you're still working there), and changes your sched.
          OR Grave TL and rest of Grave quit.
          Stupid Manager forced to work grave. Begs for you to come back, realizing mistake.
          You laugh, find a new job with your Grave TL as a good reference, and laugh more.

          Course, thats a rough outline. Besides, you seem to be a really good worker. I'm sure that if you apply at other (drive thru places), and point out the stuff, they'd be at least willing to try with you. And you win


          • #6
            Quoth Whiskey View Post
            I've gotten in the habit of taking apicture of the schedule the day it comes out.
            At the hotel there was a time when it got to the point where the first one working after the schedule was posted would just make 25 copies of it to post so people could just grab a copy, so each person had their own management couldn't get away with claiming someone had been on the schedule and didn't show up (all schedules were signed and dated). The problem was the person who approved time off wasn't the person making the schedule, and the two of them didn't talk to each other. It only took a couple of times of the GM having to cover shifts himself because there was no coverage and no one was willing to do a last minute change (and had proof that it was a last minute change) for him to solve that problem.
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              My Swing/sometimes Grave(female) lead found an email from our manager saying she and "three other people" are getting fired. She thinks its because her shifts don't make the speed. The funny thing is, NONE of the shifts make speed. I think two shifts, SHIFTS, from monday-wednesday made speed. Theres five shifts a day. So 2/8 make speed. The morning TL HATES my TL so we're thinking she bitches about random things, especially on nights we're crazy busy and cant get to the mountain of shit we have to do and the manager isnt even verifying any of it.

              Oh and my grave TL is going to be pissed. The only reason he gets breaks is because I get motherly on his ass. "Go take a break. What? when did you last have a break? TUESDAY? Its Saturday! Go fucking sit down for ten minutes. I SAID GO SIT DOWN I GOT THIS DAMN"

              Hell, me and other Awesome Coworker are the only ones who will come off break/lunch on grave. The guy whos replacing my swing/grave lead doesnt do it. I don't think these people have ever heard of "morale."

              One of my coworkers I never work with told me to perk up today. I was obviously pissed, tired, and cranky. I asked him how he'd feel if he, a first shifter, got off work at 10am and was randomly scheduled to work 10pm-6am that night, had to walk home and to work and was scheduled shifts he wasnt even told about but was expected to be at. He told me to forget he said anything about chilling out.

              Why can't I just go to work and do my fucking job? What is with all the ass kissing and the headgames? Don't schedule me outside my availability, don't harass me incessantly. hell me and Awesome Coworker whos also full time in school finagled out schedules around to ENSURE one of us would be there every night regularly so they didnt have to find new closers.
              Last edited by Whiskey; 08-02-2010, 12:35 PM.
              Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


              • #8
                Do not walk. RUN and look for another job. Let this place sink.

