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Best way to speak to Upper Management

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  • Best way to speak to Upper Management

    Okay, so my issues with work have been scattered through the forums. Heres a quick rundown.

    - we are constantly out of food, even the most vital items (like cheese)
    - A lot of people have stopped coming to our store, of if they do they ask if we even have the food they want.
    - new manager is firing one TL for not making speed, when no one does.
    - I have no been paid wages from JUNE and manager NEVER corrects break mistakes (i clock out for lunch, get called to work, work for 45 minutes and dont get clocked back in).
    - She hired someone to work my shifts, despite knowing my availability
    - She schedules me outside my availability
    - She changes the schedule without consulting anyone, or even telling them there was a change (an entire shift, in my case)

    I'm sure theres more. I'm going to call the Area Coach (assistant to the owners) and talk to her. My lead says she's really nice so I think she'll actually listen to me. I'm really upset about all this because all I want to do is show up to work, be paid for my time, and go home.

    I'm not known for my excellent communication skills, so whats the best way to go about this? I've never even spoken to this woman before and I've seen her once in passing when I went to pickup my paycheck.
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

  • #2
    The best advice I have for you is to think through what you want to tell her and have it in a bullet list like you do above. Try to limit it to a few high level things. Below are my thoughts on the bullet points you listed. Realize that these thoughts are only intended to make you think about the issues and help you present them in the best way.

    - we are constantly out of food, even the most vital items (like chees
    She definatley should know this. If you have dates and what important things you were out of to back yourself up that would help

    - A lot of people have stopped coming to our store, of if they do they ask if we even have the food they want.
    I would just address the part of it being so bad customers are asking if you have stuff before they order

    - new manager is firing one TL for not making speed, when no one does.
    Don't bring this up. You don't know what the actual situation was. The reason someone was fired on paper is often very different fron what actually went on. If the TL has a problem with being fired he should go to the area manager for himself.

    - I have no been paid wages from JUNE and manager NEVER corrects break mistakes (i clock out for lunch, get called to work, work for 45 minutes and dont get clocked back in).
    So we are talking about 45 minutes total? If everything else were fine would you be worried about this time? I would let this go as it could be seen as "now he's just complaining" and they will dismiss your other very valid concerns.

    - She hired someone to work my shifts, despite knowing my availability
    She may be planning for your departure and you just dont know you are departing yet. I don't know what to tell you on this one but I would be on my best behaviour and watch my back for a little while

    - She schedules me outside my availability
    Probably more a problem for you and the manager to work out.

    - She changes the schedule without consulting anyone, or even telling them there was a change (an entire shift, in my case)
    Avoid the words anyone and everyone at all cost. Focus on what is happening to you only. As in my schedule was changed on July 21st and I was not notified. Remember that you are worried about Whiskey only. If "everyone" is upset then let "everyone" contact this person on their own.


    • #3
      I would write a letter. Don't send it, just use the exercise to work out some phrasing and make your ideas coherent. Then turn it into a bullet list, and take that along as notes to remind yourself of what was in the letter.


      • #4
        If you have documentation to back things up, bring that as well. Separate the documentation into sections, so if she asks for documentation to back up point 3, you can just go 'that's the green folder... here'.

        The key thing to remember is that she's likely to be busy, and wants to hear the problems - think about the threads from call centre people here. Stick to the problem, listen for the solutions offered, or for her to say 'leave that with me'.

        In fact, imagine some of the best call centre people we have here, and plan a talk with one of them. It's not likely to be all that different.
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


        • #5
          We're talking about HOURS of pay and YES I would be bothered by it if that was the only problem. I live hand to mouth, if I'm missing one minute of pay, it effects me. The slips I have only show about 3 hours of missing pay, but theres more than that. I think the old SM altered the database before I could get these and erased the records of when I was working 45 hours a week. The check I got for those two weeks said I only worked 38 hours a week.

          Maybe its useless.
          Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


          • #6
            Quoth Whiskey View Post
            I think the old SM altered the database before I could get these and erased the records of when I was working 45 hours a week. The check I got for those two weeks said I only worked 38 hours a week.

            Maybe its useless.
            And maybe corporate actually has a decent disaster recovery plan and backs the database up regularly. Depending on how they rotate the backup media it may be possible to obtain an earlier version of the DB before the records were altered.

            And if the records were altered... I would be surprised if there isn't an audit trail logging manual overrides of peoples hours. It may be hidden from most users, but it's probably there in case the company gets audited etc.
            There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


            • #7
              Whiskey, you raise a number of points there, if it were me, I would seperate these out into which are the most important -

              we are losing customers

              pay is not being processed properly.

              Ask her if she has an email adress, if she does not have time for all the minor points, then send an email anyway thanking her for her time, and also adding the points you have not had time to talk to her about, and reiterating the points already made.
              Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"


              • #8
                She will be probably interested in anything that could hurt the company. Unhappy customers (due to idiocy on the part of the person ordering food) and you working illegally off the clock are likely to be big concerns for her. I would focus on those, and add other issues if you think she is interested.

                Be patient and calm when talking to her. If she is busy, ask if you can set an appointment to call back. You may only get "Ok, I'll follow up on this" from her. Ask her if there will be further steps for you to take (especially for your pay!) but don't expect to hear about any disciplinary action towards others. With your pay, push for a date you should expect to hear something by and follow up.


                • #9
                  Quoth Whiskey View Post
                  We're talking about HOURS of pay and YES I would be bothered by it if that was the only problem. I live hand to mouth, if I'm missing one minute of pay, it effects me. The slips I have only show about 3 hours of missing pay, but theres more than that. I think the old SM altered the database before I could get these and erased the records of when I was working 45 hours a week. The check I got for those two weeks said I only worked 38 hours a week.

                  Maybe its useless.
                  It's not useless. If it is hours of time they need to know about it. It would be helpful if you had records and could tell them exactly what days were messed up. Employees working off the clock is serious business. I would be surprised if she ignores it (but I've been surprised before).


                  • #10
                    If it was me... I'd write everything out first just as if I was having a conversation with her. Then edit and proofread, finetune, add more details, reprase certain words and sentences... and then ask for a meeting.

                    I'd hand that in and ask the Area Coach to read it while I was sitting explaining that effective communication is not an instantaneous thing and it is easier to write things out. I've noticed you have a flair with words Whisky, and I think a face-to-face meeting with everything all written out will be easiest. Then, if clarification is needed, you can refer to your documentation and notes.

                    And I agree with the pay records, if you worked it, you should get paid for it. Even for as little as 5 minutes. If you have any prior paperwork, or some form of documentation for the days that you feel you didn't get paid... a receipt, or phone call/text message, copy of work schedule... even so, take in all the paystubs you have and explain that you feel there was missing hours from paycheck but you can't prove it and what other recourse do you have.

                    Also, make sure you stress that you want to resolve these issues without causing backlash on you or any of your coworkers and if that does happen, what does she recommend that you do.

                    I have learned from the various jobs I've had, both at the taco hell place and current, that if I approach management with, "I have a problem. Is it it me, or is it someone else that's the issue" I can usually get things resolved, compromised or at least more information. The trick is to present the problems in such a way that you're not 'blaming' the management, but asking why it has to be that way.

                    That's my .
                    Make a list of important things to do today.
                    At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
                    Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


                    • #11
                      I found out tonight that the area coach is very aware we constantly run out of food and it is a good thing.

                      Its a good thing we run out of food and can't sell it to customers. This, apparently, does not affect her bonus and somehow makes the store look good...

                      ..when our customers are going somewhere else. But she gets a bigger bonus while the store loses profits..

                      Can someone interpret that shit for me please?
                      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                      • #12
                        I don't work in food, but our idiots in suits still get mega bonuses even when a major percentage of our work is 2nd run (meaning it failed, was total garbage the first time, and we wasted time and money having to do it twice or even three times! Our personal best is like 6 or 7 times).

                        I don't know. I don't know. If I think about it any harder, I might pee.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          And apparently, the new Store Manager is trying to phase out like ALL the 3rd shift employees for some reason. My TL who's about to get fired got her hours cut (when she was told her hours would never change), my other coworker who NEVER gets less than 37.5 because hes a closer and AWESOME got cut, the people she hired/brought from her restaurant are getting 40 hours (which doesnt happen because it leaves no time available to keep people if we need them) and she's trying to push me to work hours where I'm not available.

                          Its the same beast in different clothing. They're setting 3rd up to fail, we know this much, its not even a secret. SM only talks to first shift TL whos an incorrigible bitch and talks shit about EVERYONE just because she enjoys it. I don't even know what to do now.
                          Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                          • #14
                            Quoth blas View Post
                            I don't work in food, but our idiots in suits still get mega bonuses even when a major percentage of our work is 2nd run (meaning it failed, was total garbage the first time, and we wasted time and money having to do it twice or even three times! Our personal best is like 6 or 7 times).

                            I don't know. I don't know. If I think about it any harder, I might pee.
                            Same where I work.

                            The other week we released a new flagship product. The VIP's working on it all got employee of the quarter and huge bonuses.

                            We issued a recall of the product 2 days later.

                            They of course kept the bonuses.


                            • #15
                              They keep lamenting on that the store is INCREASING in profits. HOW? We're losing customers because we can't feed them. We're not selling what we normally would and most people just drive through if we don't have what they want.

                              I do not understand how this correlates to better profits.
                              Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

