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Best way to speak to Upper Management

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  • #16
    They might be looking at a percentage thing rather than a total net. I'd imagine your percentage of net versus gross would be prettier if you weren't throwing out anything that became outdated because you ran out of it even though the raw numbers before comparison were lower because you didn't sell as much.

    I have trouble getting my bread guys to understand this concept. Two of the three bread companies that service our various brands and flavors have guys who are actually pleased when they run out of something.

    Um... no. If you have one or two go out of date, that's best. Then you know you sold all you could, didn't have anyone leave disappointed (which happens all the time with these twits), and had an absolute minimum of product loss. Or, better yet, none out of date, but only because of proper rotation, not because you forced them to scrounge around for the last loaf (or in your case, slice of cheese)


    • #17
      Quoth Falor View Post
      They might be looking at a percentage thing rather than a total net. I'd imagine your percentage of net versus gross would be prettier if you weren't throwing out anything t
      Heres the funny thing. I brought that up to my lead, she says our waste percentages are higher than theyve EVER BEEN.

      edit: and its because of DAYS. Grave is only allowed to prep a couple patties of large meat and THATS IT. We have to cook absolutely everything from order. Days is over prepping and throwing out a crap ton of food. We're not allowed to touch raw fries with our hands so we have to just dump the bag and hope it doesnt rush out and overflow (cant put them back in the bag either).
      Last edited by Whiskey; 08-06-2010, 12:58 AM.
      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


      • #18
        May I highly suggest you look for new job. like yesterday.


        • #19
          Applied for five today.
          Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


          • #20
            Everyone else on this thread is a lot nicer than I would be. Which means it's a good thing I'm not in your position.

            Make sure you note all pay shortages with as much detail, dates/times/who was working/etc. Even if you don't have the exact date or supporting documentation, try your best to detail and pinpoint the info. For example, you mentioned on this board many times about your 45 hour weeks. Match up those threads with the dates of your paychecks and compare. Can you tell if/when you called out during any of those weeks? Perhaps you can check outgoing and incoming text/call dates and times to confirm this, if you use a cell phone. From now on, also take a cell photo (if you can) of the schedule that shows your hours scheduled.

            Also contact your local labor board. Some states require businesses to pay employees within a specific time frame. See if there's anything that applies to you.

            As for approaching management, have you asked your manager about your missing pay? More than once? What about the illegal reduction of hours showing on your check? If so, that's when I would send a pointed email to corporate HR, copy the Big Boss in the sky and your own manager. Detail the missing pay and explain that your efforts to resolve the issue with your manager have not been effective and you wish to be paid for your time. That you have patiently been waiting since JUNE, and that it's unreasonable to continue waiting for pay you should have received "X" pay periods ago.

            Yes I would mention your manager by name if he/she has really been putting you off. Will this blow up in your face? Probably, which is why you should consider your options carefully. Then again, if they're already gunning for you....

            And while you may not yet be ready to add even more fuel to the pending inferno, keep track of all other work issues involving you as an employee. This especially includes the general suckiness directed towards you if/when you take time off. Keep voicemails and texts that may show any of this suckiness. You never know if/when you'll need this info.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #21
              Quoth bainsidhe View Post
              Make sure you note all pay shortages with as much detail,
              My lead sneaks me a print out of my hours, which shows time where I wasnt clocked in. I have those up until last week. Apparently one of the other leads took it upon herself to fix all break/lunch errors for staff. I guess more people than grave weren't getting paid.

              As for approaching management, have you asked your manager about your missing pay?
              She says its not her problem. I have to talk to the area coach. We're not corporate, its the area coach then the owners. I'm going to try to find some proof, or at least me bitching, about working 45 hours.

              Yes I would mention your manager by name if he/she has really been putting you off.
              They know who my manager is. The Area Coach visits the store regularly. She only deals with a couple stores around town.

              Keep voicemails and texts that may show any of this suckiness. You never know if/when you'll need this info.
              I wish there was some way to pull this shit off my phone.

              I can't find anything at all though about the overtime. No threads that look like itd have times in it. Its looking like my overtime might as well not exist. They, on paper, owe me for 3.45 hours. .78 is overtime according to one week. The week before (the first overtime week) says I worked (with the missing time included) EXACTLY 40 hours. How.. convenient.

              I need to call the area coach but i'm being a big scared baby about it. Its 7PM here, I will tomorrow. Maybe I'll just email her.

              You know, the more I stare at these papers the less it seems to make sense. The second week of overtime looks like this
              Date - Scheduled - Actual Worked Hours
              6/21 - 7.50 - 7.72
              6/22 - 7.50 - 7.55
              6/23 - 7.50 - 7.62
              6/24 - 6.50 - 5.95 (-.55)
              6/25 - 3.50 - 3.77
              6/26 - 7.50 - 8.17

              There is no way in shit I worked less than 4 hours on a Saturday.
              Last edited by Whiskey; 08-06-2010, 02:20 AM.
              Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

