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switching jobs isn't going to make you any better

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  • switching jobs isn't going to make you any better

    So the one girl in maintenance just came back to work yesterday after being off sick for 2 weeks. She says it's from some kind of virus & she's convinced it's from cleaning up all the nasty stuff that we clean on a daily basis. I really don't think it's from that at all. As long as we wear gloves when cleaning toilets & stuff then the chance of picking something up is small.
    The reason that she's so sick is from people coming into the store coughing & sneezing & spreading their nastiness all through the store. It's worse during the colder months when most people spend more time indoors than out.
    She asked our team lead if she can possibly transfer to another dept in the store but there's no openings right now. It doesn't matter where in the store she goes to. She's still going to be in the store surrounded by people who at times can be sick. There's no getting around that.

  • #2
    I'd be more interested in where her doctor thinks she caught a bug. If he/she believes the job caused it, then that makes me a little worried about the hazardous conditions at your workplace.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

