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new owners. what fun! (kinda long and venty)

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  • new owners. what fun! (kinda long and venty)

    so...yup. the store where i work has been bought by a husband/wife duo. it's...interesting. when they bought the place, corporate said to fire everyone and hire all new people, but the decided to keep everyone. so...thanks for that. lol 'cept they're deciding to keep a lady that we were about to fire. oh well. hopefully they'll want to get rid of her as well.
    the previous owner was kinda...stupid. lol maybe he was trying to a rebel or something, but he had a kinda bad habit of not doing what corporate told him to do. which sucked. i think because of that, he lost a lot of money and decided to sell.
    the new owners, on the other hand, are very "corporate" about everything. everything must be done by the books. so...that means we get to learn a whole new way of doing pretty much everything. it's actually not too bad. a bit of it makes sense.
    some things, like the baking...see, we're supposed to have one type of each cookie on a tray when baking. one tray for milk chocolate with macadamia nuts, one tray for white chocolate with macadamia's really infuriating. their reasoning behind this is that "if they're on the same tray while baking, they'll end up tasting like each other." never mind the fact that they're sharing an oven.
    basically, what this adds up to is a whole lot of wasted tray space and wasted time. we were pretty busy today and we kept running out of cookies. we were having issues keeping up on baking because of this rule. luckily, P, one of the new owners, said "this is dumb. as long as nuts and no nuts aren't sharing a's all good." so that was good. we'll just ignore the fact that nuts and no nuts share serving trays, yeah?
    it's also taking us longer to close. only about half an hour longer, but when you're there for 9 hours...ya just wanna go home! he's having us start the closing process later than before, so we're staying later.
    he's also talking about being more involved. which is gonna be weird since the last owner didn't really give a damn. like turning the back office into an actual office instead of storage. freaking crazy. oh! and he's gonna be getting rid of the 8 year old merchandise that's taking up space. and the espresso machine that just sits there are rarely gets used. talk about revolutionary.
    we'll be remodeling, too. it's about time. the place is literally falling apart. he's going to see if he can find someone to do it at night so we can stay open, otherwise we'll have to shut down for at least a week.
    ooo! oh! i forgot the best part! the wife, E! she's annoying. she's very chipper, which is great...but after a while, it gets a little aggravating. and she has a bad habit of stopping whatever she's doing (like baking when we have a near empty case) to help a customer, even when i'm standing right there. i think after i tell her "i got this" a few times, she'll learn. she's also decided to make herself manager. which just thrilled L, the current manager. what this means for my "assistant manager" title is beyond me. she's also going to be working 40 hours a week. which is fine and dandy but...well, i'm not really sure what that's going to mean. i've been working 40+ hours a week for the past month or so, and i'd love to keep that up, but if she's working 40...i dunno. i might have to cut back.
    buuuuuut...the way the old owner had it, sometimes there'd be only one person there for most of the day. P, on the other hand, is insisting on at least 2 people at all times. which opens up more hours. so i'll probably be fine. least i got a raise out of all this.
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

  • #2
    Sounds like mostly good news, and the growing pains should be over soon. Hopefully they'll think to put nuts/no nuts cookies on different serving trays before there's an allergy issue. (I know it sounds paranoid, but some people really are that allergic and/or panicky.)

    I bet remodeling will be oodles of fun. :P
    Also, I have been told that I am sarcastic. I don’t know where anyone would get such an impression.(Gravekeeper again)


    • #3
      Quoth Aisling View Post
      Hopefully they'll think to put nuts/no nuts cookies on different serving trays before there's an allergy issue. (I know it sounds paranoid, but some people really are that allergic and/or panicky.)
      i kinda agree with you but...corporate wants them on the same tray. there's a merchandising guide that says what cookies should go where in the case and according to it, the semi-sweet with walnuts is to go on the same tray as the ones without. it makes no sense.
      If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

      i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


      • #4
        Corporate probably won't change their mind until there's already been an issue, I take it? That's unfortunate.
        Also, I have been told that I am sarcastic. I don’t know where anyone would get such an impression.(Gravekeeper again)


        • #5
          Quoth Green_Fairy View Post
          buuuuuut...the way the old owner had it, sometimes there'd be only one person there for most of the day. P, on the other hand, is insisting on at least 2 people at all times. which opens up more hours. so i'll probably be fine.
          I would personally refuse to work anywhere alone, it's unsafe. Not only from a potential robbery standpoint, but if you're baking and injure yourself badly....yeah not pretty....
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
            I would personally refuse to work anywhere alone, it's unsafe. Not only from a potential robbery standpoint, but if you're baking and injure yourself badly....yeah not pretty....
            bah ha! i have a funny story about that! a couple years ago, i was working and my coworker was on her break. i was in the back room using a box cutter to open a case of water bottles. i slipped and sliced my finger open from tip to first knuckle. blood all over the place.
            and then i had a customer.
            i wrapped a dozen or so paper towels around my hand and went to go tell her that i'd be just a minute. turns out she was a mall employee. she understood these kinds of things and the moment she saw the paper towels (already starting to bleed through) she did one of these " oh mah gawd are you okay?!" i laughed it off and patched up my hand.
            by the time my coworker got back from her break, i had bled though half a dozen bandaids and washed the floor with bleach. she saw the towels in the trashcan and a spot i'd missed on the sink and said something along the lines of "...did you kill someone or something?"
            aaah...good times.
            If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

            i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


            • #7
              Quoth Green_Fairy View Post
              i kinda agree with you but...corporate wants them on the same tray. there's a merchandising guide that says what cookies should go where in the case and according to it, the semi-sweet with walnuts is to go on the same tray as the ones without. it makes no sense.
              At my store all of the products baked in-house have a blanket "Due to production methods, these products may contain traces of nuts" warnings. From a legal standpoint corporate's covered.


              • #8
                Quoth Bunny the Veggie Slayer View Post
                At my store all of the products baked in-house have a blanket "Due to production methods, these products may contain traces of nuts" warnings. From a legal standpoint corporate's covered.
                yeah we have one of those too. but corporate likes to contradict themselves constantly. it's a little annoying.
                If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"

