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Anyone else totally burned-out by Back to School?

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  • Anyone else totally burned-out by Back to School?

    Last night was awful. We had 3 call-outs up front & our food girl went home early, leaving a food-inexperienced cashier to close for her. I could've closed food, but I am a lightning-fast cashier, and they needed me. It was the last night before school and we had 2, TWO cashiers on. The lines were 10-deep all night and soda was on sale, so everyone in our city was in there. All day long I had angry glares.

    I stayed late to help with go-backs and picked the bedding/bath/housewares to do. Totally destroyed. The service desk looked like a tornado hit it! Oh, and did I mention we had a crew laying new carpet last night? Christmas comes early this year, kids.
    Last edited by Food Lady; 09-02-2010, 03:27 AM.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

  • #2
    Nope, actually am glad to have school back in session. It means less kids in during the day and less of a mess to clean up at night because the young ones need to be in bed sooner. I think everyone was actually wanting to throw a back to school party at work, now we won't be finding plastic animals everywhere in the store.
    Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


    • #3
      I'm glad, too. I meant the BTS season that leads up to it, which for us, started July 5th and hasn't let up. No slow days to catch up. Last night was the culmination of 2 months of chaos.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        We beat sales goal at the swamp by almost $10,000 yesterday. Lots of last-minute BTS shoppers.

        And then today some guy bought $6,000 worth of TVs from us for a bar.

        It's not really that much better for us now that BTS is done. We're getting slammed with freight for Halloween, Fall decor and Christmas and have no place to put it anymore. We really need to get moving on planograms.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Really? We've already started Halloween set. Two days ago, I think. It will be surrounded by Christmas lights soon. *sigh*
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            Quoth Food Lady View Post
            Really? We've already started Halloween set. Two days ago, I think. It will be surrounded by Christmas lights soon. *sigh*
            We'd be well on our way to starting those planograms if Numbknockers would get off her ass and start flushing school supplies out of seasonal into the regular school and office section, backstock the excess and take care of all the clearance.

            But she's not doing that. Betcha this becomes one of my Labor Day Weekend projects.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Quoth Food Lady View Post
              Really? We've already started Halloween set. Two days ago, I think. It will be surrounded by Christmas lights soon. *sigh*
              Us too. Candy's set, BTS stuff that's not regular stock is in the markdown area, and our 'nothing should be stored here' area is full of the frigging costumes and other crap that they'll set this coming week. (who the frack buys costumes at the grocery store? I mean, come on now) I'm just glad our GM manager is as good as she is; it makes it so I don't have to jack with that department unless the fecal matter has hit the fan as far as her people making it to work and the like.

              My joy for BTS season was the fact that we had our non-perishable (read: 90% of the store) inventory on 26AUG. And it was crappy enough that we're expecting to have another in the beginning of November. Yay, lets deal with all the snack and lunch bag buying customers while we count stuff, and plan on doing it again when we're starting to swim in turkeys and pumpkin pie filling!

              Meh, whatever. I'm on vacation, I need to stop thinking about that place. Especially since its an 'I'm burned out and need away from this place' vacation.


              • #8
                Quoth Food Lady View Post
                Last night was awful. We had 3 call-outs up front & our food girl went home early, leaving a food-inexperienced cashier to close for her. I could've closed food, but I am a lightning-fast cashier, and they needed me. It was the last night before school and we had 2, TWO cashiers on. The lines were 10-deep all night and soda was on sale, so everyone in our city was in there. All day long I had angry glares.
                Well, our attendance policy for Rush was changed this year (college bookstore employee here), so 2 missed shifts by a Rush employee is all they get. Miss your first one, you're warned, miss your second, you're done. It's really cut down on NCNS problems. As well as an explanation during orientation that "when you put your availability down, you're saying "I can work this", so not to put down hours you aren't certain you can work.

                However, some of our Rush employees just.... don't.... GET IT. We try to explain how things go on the shelf multiple times, as easily as possible (Used on top and closest to front, then rentals, then new, with every 5th book rotated 180 degrees for inventory purposes, with the sole exception of spiral-bound books, which get alternated because otherwise they lock). And yet when I'm going through the shelves, I find books mis-shelved (Calculus of a Single Variable, Calculus and Multivariable Calculus are not the same book, books not placed four-and-one, or a whole stack of used books behind a stack of brand-spanking new books). At least this semester's batch have the "online books are often only slightly different from on-campus books" thing down, so I haven't had to fix that particular problem.
                Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.

