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The nutshell of RB. (Long. It's a big nut)

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  • The nutshell of RB. (Long. It's a big nut)

    Okay so I guess some of you wondered where in the hell I went. Here's the nutshell of my fall from grace at the Portrait Studio.

    I'm not sure I was still here after our company changed hands, but things started getting better, then worse after we switched over. Sorta like getting that new boss that buys everyone brand new lexus' and then months later starts freaking out that he can never find a parking spot. Sorry if that doesn't make any sense. I've not been allowed a meal break today. (But that's for another thread entirely)

    So I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to mash 2-3 years into a post. Has it been that long? Is anybody left that remembers Jemma? Or Mark? our our favorites and Helen?

    Okay... Let's see..

    Helen. Short and spunky. Funky hair colours. Looks like she could be fun at first glance. Was a single teenage mother who rose the ranks to being Jane's underling. She made me work a full shift with a burst appendix. Started writing ridiculous notes to my staff in regards to policy.. Policies she never followed. I collected the notes and got her 'fired' and floats through-out the district 1-2 shifts a month. That is if studios want her at all. She's rude, messy and immature.

    Jemma: At first my coworker. Thought to be a lifer at the portrait studio. Twice Divorced. Kids from two different marriages. Tall, blonde and dumber than a bag of wet mice. Would constantly whine and bitch and moan about nothing. When I became her boss she got worse. I'd ask her simple tasks like putting away the chairs in the studio when she was done, and she'd leave them out front out of spite. She finally quit and as I know works in a factory where she can sit on her ass all she wants sorting tampons.

    Mark: A *DEAR* friend of mine that I hired into the 'family' because he was moving into town and needed a job. I hired him for Christmas staff and did so the following year. Cute, spunky, piercings in every ear, coloured hair. You probably remember him from the "Tall, Tummy, Slow" story.

    Jane: My boss. District Manager. Sweet woman. More kind than she needed to be. Pretty much managed as I did, and let us get away with more than she should've.

    Wanda: Jane's underling and sister in law. I trained her. She was spun. Tore one of my drop down backgrounds from tits to tail because she wasn't watching what she was doing. When she became manager of another studio one city over, I heard horror story after horror story of her using a stop watch to train her staff. Whom were all dumber than posts. When we trained on the new cameras and system, she drove me to and from the training center. Then she got promoted OVER me to being my 'boss'. Shit went pretty much downhill from there since she started spending waaaaay too much time in my studio and basically taking over, so I stopped trying. Especially when she started attacking and writing me up for selling the higher end packages. Which nobody else in the district seemed to be able to do.

    The beginning of the end.
    September-December 2008. I hire Mark for Christmas again. We have a good ol' time as usual. Wanda hires Daria to be my second hire without my permission or ok (It's at this point I start to wonder if they're eking me out of manager position but say nothing) Daria is shit dumb. No word around it. Fucking stupid. Couldn't multi-task, would get flustered and upset at the littlest shit. Takes her FIVE HOURS to close up shop. We close at 8. She was there at 12 midnight some days. Like I said. Fucking stupid. and because of her lack of multitasking skills would push back appointments, not by the minutes, but by the HOURS.

    January 2009.
    I get the chance to keep some of my Christmas Staff. Mark needed a job. I recommended him. They kept him on, but then my ability to write my own schedules was taken over by Wanda. They cut his hours. I pitch a fit. They cut mine. I pitch a fit. Mark quits and says I'm stronger than him.

    June 2009. I give my notice. I tell them that not only am I quitting, but I'm leaving town. At the same time as my worklife was going to shit, so was home. Mark moved out and I was unable to keep up with the rent by myself, so my Mum was helping out. She gave me a choice of staying in the shitty job in the shitty apartment or making a fresh start in a new city. A bigger city with more to offer. I jumped at option B.

    So I packed up all my stuff and left town and into a whole other nest of bullshit that I'll save for another post. LOL.

    <3 RB.

  • #2
    Huh. It really sounds like they didn't know what they had. I'll be looking for your "other nest of bullshit" (lol, love the phrase!) to hear how this 'ends'-- as much as anything ever really does in a person's life.
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


    • #3
      That just makes me sick. I'm so sorry.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

