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Mytical is my good luck charm

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  • Mytical is my good luck charm

    Was in a good mood for most of the day... I blame someone who kept texting me and making me blush. It's amazing how much better your day can be when someone makes you feel good about yourself.

    And here are my stories for the day:

    And on the 3rd Day...

    Coworker: Someone sent in a note telling us that a listing expired and they went us to resurrect it.

    ME: I'm sorry, but the listing is not Jesus and I am not God.

    Coworkers crack up.

    ME: Oh yeah, that wasn't PC, was it?

    If you mean it in good humor, it's always worth a try

    ME: Customer Care, this is Bardicwench, may I have your name and agent ID?

    Caller: Ummm.... this isn't Jimmy Johns?

    ME: No...

    Caller: Can you make me a sandwich anyway?

    ME: *Laughs* Sorry, but no.

    Caller: *laughs* Oh well... it was worth a try!

    Oops! Please Pay Me!

    I forgot to clock back in today from lunch. I blame Mytical, because I was texting him. ^_^ But needed to send an email to my Manager asking her to correct my time because the callers today found the off swich to my brain... haven't heard back yet.

    Om nom nom nom!

    I just scored cookies from the CEO! Yay!

    Familiar Faces

    AC = Awesome Customer

    ME: Blah blah blah this is me.

    AC: Bardicwench! It's Awesome Customer again! I swear, every time I call, you're always there. (she's called 3 times this week and I happened to answer each time.)

    ME: Yeah, you know, I always work. And you're starting to be my best friend on here... next thing you know, we'll be grabbing dinner together!"

    AC: Or drinks at least! Do they ever let you go home?

    ME: Nah... I have a sleeping bag here. I just curl up under my desk when I need a nap.

    AC: *laugh* That's going to make going out for drinks difficult.

    ME: Yeah, but what can you do? *laughs* So, What can I help you with today?

    AC: Eh, just forgot to log off correctly and it won't let me back in. Fix it please?

    ME: You're all set, Awesome Customer! Anything else I can help you with?

    AC: Nah... I'll call you back tomorrow.

    ME: Wrong answer... I actually have a few days off! You'll have to wait until Sunday to pester me again.

    AC: Oh well... but thanks and have a great day!

    ME: You too!

    NOTE: had new employee listening in on this call... he was during the entire thing too!
    "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show

  • #2
    One... I's jealous.

    Two... Sounds like a awesome day at work.


    • #3
      Awww That's so cute... :3
      Glad you had a good day-- those are ... fun! Rare to have days where it's just go-go-go and you don't miss a step.
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #4
        I haz a thread named after me? I haz a thread named after me! Glad you had a good day hun, you deserve it.
        Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

