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Thank Goodness it's Friday

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  • Thank Goodness it's Friday

    So, I worked this week. Woo! There really wasn't anything particularly sucky. Just some annoyances and the fact I'm really not used to being up so early multiple days in a row.

    Time for your 90 day review....almost a year into employment

    Eh. Stuff happens. I got a new boss several months ago and she's been sorting through Old Boss' paperwork and found my review paperwork. We had a good conversation about how things are going. The hilarious thing about it was the review is for <home location>. I work more at <other other locaton> these days and I miss <home location>. I did mention my frustration and having so few hours in general that I can't get a flow going. We'll see how that goes.

    Gastric "Fun"

    The day after my review, the only thing I had on my schedule was one 4-hr gastric scan. It's exactly as exruciatingly boring as it sounds. So I was left with a LOT of time on my hands. It was kinda fun to hang out with the X-ray techs. I got to learn a bit about what they do and they learned a bit about what I do. And if we ever get invaded, I'm going to Charge Tech's house because he has a freaking arsenal.

    Finally got all the images done and it was time to process. I had a vague idea of how to do it, but I hadn't done it on this camera in a very long time. Long story short, I needed to turn off one of the settings and I couldn't find where to do it. The tech I was covering for is off for applications training and was in class when I called in a panic. I didn't think Boss wanted to pay me to wait around for her next break, so I called <other hospital system>. They have the same camera and were able to tell me where the elusive TFit setting was. Huzzah!

    Scheduling, I love you guys....

    ....But we need to have a chat. It really boggles my mind why <hospital> will schedule two patients to come in at the same time. Sure, one of them just needs an injection and then wait for images. But due to HIPAA and the fact I can't be in two places at once, I can only deal with one patient at a time. And the first one to show up is never the one I can get in and out quickly. For instance, today you scheduled a Cardiolite and a MUGA in the same time slot. In theory, it would work out great. The MUGA would get here first so I can draw and tag the blood, 20 minutes later take 10-15 minutes' worth of pictures. In the meantime, I can get the Cardiolite injected. They have to wait 45 minutes anyway.

    However, in practice, this does not happen. In today's example, the MUGA patient was almost a half hour late. The last time this happened, I needed to get a port accessed and the nurses couldn't come to me. In both instances, it pushed my Cardiolite back. Thankfully, I had one of the nice cardiologists today who didn't get all titchy when I called and told him I was running late.

    TL;DR, pls to schedule the MUGA half an hour earlier than the Cardiolite. kthxbai.

    Charge Tech, I luv you

    Yesterday one of the other departments had Qdoba delivered. They asked Charge Tech if he wanted some. He'd already eaten, but there was apparently a bunch of chocolate chip cookies left over. He can't eat chocolate. So this morning I came into work to find a cookie at my desk. Thanks, Charge Tech; that made my day.
    Last edited by jedimaster91; 09-24-2010, 11:09 PM.
    I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)