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Trapped in fifth grade again (language)

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  • Trapped in fifth grade again (language)

    I just have to vent before I go postal in the office (apologies to any postal workers on here).

    There's more drama going on at work than even Shakespeare could handle. The personal attacks, criticism, verbal bullying, people tattling on each other like little brats, people running reports on each other's work so they can bitch to their friends about who did what (or who didn't), loud arguments out in the open, and everybody accusing everybody else of all of the above.....Jesus freakin' Christ, shut the hell up already!!! Honest to god, we're now at the huffy "If she won't talk to me, I won't talk to her anymore either! Hmmph!" stage.

    Professionalism has gone out the window. Adults?? I'm working with a bunch of snotty ten year olds! And look, now they've got me doing it, complaining about the whole damn bunch of 'em here.

    I'm beginning to wish for the old days when a supervisor would stop shit like this cold. Unfortunately the amount of work has diminished to the point where people have time to indulge in stupidity. And I'm stuck here for the long haul.

    If they ever set up a 'work from home' option for this dept., you bet your sweet ass I am taking it. It's either that or I'm going to build an 8 ft wall out of discarded phone books around my cubicle
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.

  • #2
    *throws popcorn at moon cat for the remark* Dun worry I still luffs ya.

    wall of phone books...didn't I see a pic like that once?


    • #3
      Quoth MoonCat View Post
      It's either that or I'm going to build an 8 ft wall out of discarded phone books around my cubicle
      You have to post pics when they finally push you that far.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Ooops sorry didn't meant to offend anyone. Watch the mouth MoonCat! (slaps self)

        I could probably build a wall using unoccupied desks. There are a lot of them here (SCARY).
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          I so dare you to do that...


          • #6
            I would put a sign at my desk

            "This area is a drama free zone, please take your accusations, complaints, whining, and all other unprofessional behavior to the designated drama zones"

            Then put "Designated drama zone" signs in line with the "Exit" ones :P


            • #7
              "If you came here to bitch, you have already used up 99% of your time. I suggest you use the remaining 2% to find the fucking door!"


              • #8
                Quoth Amanita View Post
                "If you came here to bitch, you have already used up 99% of your time. I suggest you use the remaining 2% to find the fucking door!"
                That would require them putting in 101% every day.

                On any given day bitchy co workers are lucky if they put in 60% :P


                • #9
                  Quoth Pimento View Post
                  I would put a sign at my desk

                  "This area is a drama free zone, please take your accusations, complaints, whining, and all other unprofessional behavior to the designated drama zones"

                  Then put "Designated drama zone" signs in line with the "Exit" ones :P
                  This. Oh yeah. See if I don't
                  When you start at zero, everything's progress.

