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Retail Work depicted in Movies

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  • #31
    Quoth IMAPseudonym View Post
    In bars and restaurants (in the movies) patrons will jsut ask for 'a beer' or 'red wine' with no specifics. Also, they are very rarely seen to say 'thank you' or 'please' or really to acknowledge staff in any way other than to say their order.
    And this is different from real life how?
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #32
      "There's a lesser known movie called One Hour Photo that has Robin Williams playing a mentally troubled photo tech at a Wal-Martesque place called "SavMart"."

      Make this guy dirty, greasy, and smelly, take away his basic manners, and you got The Funkstain.

      No, I'm not kidding. When that movie came out, half the people at the station asked the crew if we'd seen One Hour Photo. Scared the hell out of me.

      Having worked in TV and on a (local) movie shoot or two, the movie "Living in Oblivion" just about killed me.

      And while this is not a movie, Dave Chappelles' "Pop Copy" skit nearly killed us all.

      Oh, and you big box guys...what did you think of 40 Year Old Virgin?
      Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 02-08-2007, 06:55 PM. Reason: add something


      • #33
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        Oh, and you big box guys...what did you think of 40 Year Old Virgin?
        He works at my grocery store, except he's only 38 and his name is Chris.
        "Who loves not women, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long" ~Martin Luther
        "Always send a lazy man to the angel of death" ~Martin Luther
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        • #34
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          "There's a lesser known movie called One Hour Photo that has Robin Williams playing a mentally troubled photo tech at a Wal-Martesque place called "SavMart"."
          When I heard the name of that store, all I thought was "Shop Smart; Shop S-Mart!"

          One thing that I don't like the movies protraying is that all of the employees get first crack at playing all of the cool toys and stuff. Man, I would have killed to test out some of the stuff we got in at Crappy Tire-Skil saws, pellet guns, foosball tables, mountain bikes, etc...
          I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

          Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


          • #35
            Empire Records (I can't believe no one's mentioned this one yet)!

            Having more than 4 employees on the floor at any one time would be a dream in music retail (I worked at a record store - showing my age, saying record store, aren't I? - for 4 years.)

            1.) Shoplifter gets hired!

            2.) Owner sells the store "cheap" to the store manager.

            3.) Employees throw a bash after-hours and nothing gets stolen.

            But for some reason, I still love the movie!
            Teach a SC to fish... and they will whine about you not catching, filleting, frying, and serving it up on a silver platter for them. - EvilEmpryss


            • #36
              [QUOTE=MMATM;75967]The movie Waiting... had me in stitches. Mostly because 99% of the stuff on there was so typical of customers. QUOTE]

              When that movie came out, the owner of the cafe (he was so cool) poitely asked us not to do the whole thumbs up or thumbs down thing in the dining room. We were doing it for kicks when a customer complained.

              Apparently people other than servers went and saw this movie. Who would of thought?
              Is is me, or has someone let the crazys out of their cage today?
              have you ever pulled up to your work and wish it was a smoldering crater in the ground?


              • #37
                OT: my DH had a business dinner a couple of weeks ago with a company that his company does business with and they decided to go to Copeland's. At 10:00 PM!!! I asked him in as straight a face as I could WHY they even ate their food! I told him that eveyone probably spit in it.

                Back On Topic:

                Restrooms were either ultra clean or ultra dirty.

                Workers either are on "perpetual breaks" or the never get one.

                Management is either a dictator or they have no spine...they never show a decent one.

                They always have a Stoner character who shows up to work stoned, gets stoned on company time or talks about getting stoned (THe 40 Year Old Virgin)

                The guy with absolutely no experience selling anything get promoted and does a knock down job on the first day (also 40 yo Virgin)

                Employees are sometimes allowed to leave their jobs without clocking out

                Sometimes they show up with out clocking in

                Eating on company time (restuarants or grocery stores)

                Stealing time (having friends clock them out or waiting to clock out)

                thats all for now!


