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Weird work games?

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  • Weird work games?

    Has anyone ever had weird work games at their work. Like for instance I've done pallet jack racing, where two people get on pallet jacks and race them like scooters. Then there's the case toss. Where you take a case of something toss it against the wall and see who can break them most product in the box. (only good if it's unsellable or needs to be broken to send it back of course )
    It feeds, it grows, it clouds all that you will know
    Deceit, Deceive, Decide just what you believe

  • #2
    heh o my I have a few....keeping in mind i was a stockguy at my place of work for about a year and a halfish we would always get into mischief in back. From playing chicken on the electric pallet jacks to using normal ones as scooters. We also managed to make a spear out of a flathead screwdriver and a broken broomhandle and set up a throwing aisle (in back and away from people)

    Our latest game though is the electric scooter races after closing. Managment finally put a stop to it the other night but we had a few good races by every closer. We called it the **** Twi since it was maybe 200 ft.

    Another time back in the day when we disassebelled(spelling) the pain dept the headpiece of the area, when flipped upside down and backward, made a pallet jack look like a chariot. So one of our stockguys hopped on and was pulled by another and he would yell 'Faster! Faster!' and imitate a whip as they dragged it to the compacter.
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


    • #3
      Quoth FTGTF View Post
      Has anyone ever had weird work games at their work. Like for instance I've done pallet jack racing, where two people get on pallet jacks and race them like scooters. Then there's the case toss. Where you take a case of something toss it against the wall and see who can break them most product in the box. (only good if it's unsellable or needs to be broken to send it back of course )
      Those are two good ways to get fired. You can hurt yourself or other employees when racing around on pallet jacks. And breaking perfectly good merchandise results in shrinkage, which cuts into your store's profitability, which cuts into your paycheck when the store has to cut hours to make up the money it lost.

      The last time anybody tried racing pallet jacks in our backroom, they got caught on camera and written up. The managers told us they went easy on the racers, and if it ever happened again they would be fired.

      I'm not trying to be a party pooper--I'd just hate to hear of somebody getting fired over a silly game.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        When I worked in a call center on Graveyards, one of us (It rotated) would bring in a laptop with 'You Don't Know Jack' installed.

        Typically graveyards were VERY slow for about a 4 hour period, so we needed something to pass the time. The supervisors were okay with it as long as we didn't play while ON a call, and even joined in a couple of rounds.

        Then there was the Hypothermia game when I worked at a marina...

        ... No, wait, that was just me falling off the dock into the water in the middle of December. (Falling in the water was kind of a rite of passage for that place. I just happened to decide to do it in the middle of winter)
        Check out my webcomic!


        • #5
          I had a rubber band war going with one of the guys in my last store. And in receiving we were always looking for new and creative ways to pose the stuffed animals...

          In my first store the cashwrap is on the other side of the vestibule wall, which is a many-paned wall of windows. One of the guys used to shoot rubber bands trying to hit each pane in order.

          Oh, and recycle bin frisbee...see how far away you could stand and throw the stripped books into the dumpster. Extra challenging if it's windy
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Baguette baseball.

            Only works during closing shifts (usually at about closing time) when you are getting rid of all the leftover baked goods. Nowadays they all go to charity but in the past we used to throw them out (horrendous waste, but employees were encouraged to take as much as they wanted) so to pass the time if (God forbid) no customers were coming in 5 minutes before close, we could play baseball using a baguette as a bat and one of our challah rolls as a ball. Or all of the rolls. Extra points if you could land the roll in the open trash bag that was to be taken out to the dumpster.

            On the "take as much as you want" note: I once took home about 300 bagels (not an exaggeration, I had two large trash bags full of them) to bring to my high school. I put them in the teacher's lounge with one of those huge tubs of cream cheese and some plastic knives. [/Off Topic]
            "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


            • #7
              I used to work in a foundry where we made bronze. We had a couple of forklifts there, which just happen to have chain hooks on the back of them.

              Being a foundry, we had some extremely strong chains. As in, chains rated to pull rather pyschotic weights around. So we would chain the forklifts together and then see which one would pull the other one around. It actually varied from driver to driver as to who could get the most out of the lifts.

              We also used to race the forklift and bobcats (both through the fouindry and in the road outside).

              Our foreman (both day and night) would jump in and bet on the races.


              • #8
                Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                You can hurt yourself or other employees when racing around on pallet jacks. And breaking perfectly good merchandise results in shrinkage
                this is why when i say racing pallet jacks it was with the electric ones. I hate when the new stockguys start zoomin around on those 100-200lb no brakes machines. At least with the electric ones you dont go as fast and you can backup (works as breaks)

                other small game: roller surfing

                ***edit*** I just saw the stuffed animal post and it reminded me of when I worked in recieving and we had hung a toy rabbit from my desk and put a sign up saying "Turn back now if ye value your hides!' or something to that effect. Managment made us take it down pretty quick
                Last edited by Department stores *sigh*; 01-23-2007, 04:15 PM.
                Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


                • #9
                  Hmmm... I think the only games I ever played while at work (Chesterfield) were: catch (we had a super ball one night, and played it across the front counter...); what we dubbed, "I'd like to Thank", where we held up one of our award statuettes, and made up people we'd like to thank for the award (hell, all the customers did it, why shouldn't we?); and random trivia as we got trivia daily calendars for sale...
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    "Lobster paratrooper" was my fave game.

                    Every so often the little guys kick the bucket & have to be disposed of. Stand wayyyy back from compactor, have store asst. manager hold open door, red light goes on then yell "GO...GO...GO" like a jumpmaster whilst tossing lobsters into the chute.

                    Quite the funny sight.
                    "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

                    Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


                    • #11
                      If there's a pickup truck in the showroom that has one of those sliding back windows, we'll have paper football tourneys to see who can hit the most field goals off the tailgate into the window.

                      Or if we have a car with a sunroof, we'll take those little cheap rubber bouncy balls, and see who can get it in the sunroof with just 1 bounce.

                      Good time wasters


                      • #12
                        There's a game called Dirty Minds ( and there was an opened copy so we had the question booklet back in receiving and the receiving manager would ask random questions from it. Of course, we all had dirty minds back there...
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Weird work games, eh?

                          Let's see...

                          We've had:

                          1. Pen Punt - See who can punt the pen the farthest
                          2. Magnet Horse- Throw the magnet at the tin uno games, and see if you hit the next person has to mimic the shot
                          3. Bottle Blast- Throw a super ball at the shelf full of water bottles and see who can make the biggest mess.
                          4. Penny Toss- Throw pennies into the fountain and see who can make them.
                          5. PA Madness- See who can screw with the PA system the best.
                          6. Phone transfer- Call a number, then transfer it to another department so when they pick up, someone on the otherline is picking up as well.
                          When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


                          • #14
                            Riding the pallet jacks as scooters at our place involves a written warning if you're caught.

                            The ohrase 'if you're caught' has particular aptness



                            • #15
                              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                              Those are two good ways to get fired. You can hurt yourself or other employees when racing around on pallet jacks. And breaking perfectly good merchandise results in shrinkage, which cuts into your store's profitability, which cuts into your paycheck when the store has to cut hours to make up the money it lost.

                              The last time anybody tried racing pallet jacks in our backroom, they got caught on camera and written up. The managers told us they went easy on the racers, and if it ever happened again they would be fired.

                              I'm not trying to be a party pooper--I'd just hate to hear of somebody getting fired over a silly game.
                              Actually pallet jack racing was done with management approval. The night stockers would get called to the back for clean up around a half hour before closing and then races would begin. The entire store knew about it and the back area was big enough that there was an entire area that could be safely done for races. I think we never had a single injury in the year we had them. Now true people could get hurt but back then if the manager was having fun with it I was all for it.

                              As for case tossing. There's actually a very good reason why the game exists at our store. (Mind you it's not a weekly event. It's usually a 3-5 times a year event.) Some of our vendors write up out of codes and don't take the product with them. So it becomes fair game.
                              It feeds, it grows, it clouds all that you will know
                              Deceit, Deceive, Decide just what you believe

