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Full shift, no break, no lunch

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  • Full shift, no break, no lunch

    Yesterday was a typical day; I came in at 10 for midshift. The opener was scheduled until noon. It was his early day. The closer wasn't scheduled until 5:00. That meant I was alone in paint for 5 hours. No biggy, I can handle that.
    However, after opener left, I got busy. Not superbusy, but busy enough where I had a customer about every 5-10 minutes. Around 3:00 is when I got extremely busy. It was also time for my lunch. I called up my ZM to get coverage, but he called in. No help there. I called the GM, who didn't answer his phone. I called another ZM, told him it was time to take my lunch, and he said he'd try to find someone.
    All this time, I'm working with customers. Did I mention I was busy?? Why were these people wanting all this paint on a chilly Tuesday afternoon?
    4:00 rolls around, and still no coverage. I was now there for 6 hours, haven't left the paint desk, and haven't had a break. I call the ZM back and he said that no one working knows how to mix paint. You gotta be kidding me. It's simple. Just press buttons. That's it.
    Then ZM tells me that if I can make it to 5:00, I can clock out when the closer comes. Since I get an hour lunch, and was scheduled to 6:00, that would give me my full shift.
    5:00 comes. No closer. 5:15 comes. No closer. I call the ZM, ask what's going on. He calls closer. Calls me back.
    ZM: "Closer's schedule was changed, but the GM didn't update the master schedule. She doesn't come in until 6:00. But she called and said she can't make it until 6:30. Can you stay?"
    Me: "What choice do I have? Yes, I'll stay, but you had better get someone over here NOW so I can take a break. I've been here since 10, with no break, no lunch. I need to get a drink and go to the bathroom. "
    ZM: "Ok, I'll see if we can find someone."
    Me: "No, you will get someone, because in 5 minutes I'll put up a damn sign saying 'Back in 15 minutes' if I have to."
    Yeah, I was a bit cranky with him. Not his fault, but he was there. I had to pee!
    Someone came over, I clocked out, did my thing, and went outside and had 2 smokes. Came back in, walked back to paint, and was met with a wall of customers. The co-worker who subbed for me had a deer-in-the-headlights look. I thanked her and got back to work. I was uber-busy for 45 minutes.
    The closer comes in at 6:20 and asks how I am. I tell her. I clock out and head for the nearest Publix to get a sub. A big one.

    This is not a typical day for me, but for my store. We are understaffed. Schedule changes happen almost daily without any warning. There have been many times where I have to cover Home Decor and Flooring as well as Paint. Sometimes for lunch breaks, often for 4 hours because there is no one in those departments after 5:00 (no overtime, ya know! That's a big no-no).
    In my department, we have an opener, sometimes a mid-shift, and a closer. More often than not, it's the opener that's there until 3, with the closer coming in at 1:00. 2 people for a super-busy department, with little to no help if needed.
    Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

    "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

  • #2
    Sorry, that sucks.

    I don't know how it is other places but the nature of my job (video store) is that we, the managers, don't get breaks. Not real ones anyway. Obviously, we can use the restroom any time we need to but as for eating, smoking, etc. It's just whenever we can squeeze it in. I usually have my dinner on the back counter and take a bite when I happen to get a moment.

    I actually hate taking real breaks now. On the extremely rare occasion someone says, "Go take a 15," I don't even know what to do with myself.
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London


    • #3
      This is now the point at which SuperDan is supposed to step in and provide the federal labor board 800 number.

      Anyway, you do need to contact your state labor board/commission/office and find out the rules. Here in California, the basic laws have to be posted where all employees can see them (usually in the break room).
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        I'm not sure about the OP's state, but I know that mine has a "One Employee Shift" exemption to the meal break law. However, I'm not sure whether it includes if you're the only one in the department or only in the store.

        I know about it because I don't get breaks due to that law.
        Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


        • #5
          and my state(Wisconsin) has no laws regarding breaks if you are over the age of 18-they are recommended but not required.

          Wisconsin labour laws- because someone always argues

          Employers are not required to provide meal periods to adult employees, but it is recommended in the law that employers provide 30 minutes or more for a meal period. However, employers must provide meal periods to all employees under age 18.

          State law does not require that brief rest periods, or coffee breaks, be provided to employees. Such matters are to be determined between the employer and the employee directly.

          Rest periods or breaks of less than 30 consecutive minutes each shift are considered work time, and employers may not deduct from a worker’s wages for them.
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            I can fully appreciate the annoyance of no breaks - I've been doing it for 10 years now, working as a self-serve gas station attendant here in central Ontario. Until two years ago when we got a new owner, there were no breaks, bathroom breaks or lunches, and eating was done on the fly between customers. Since the site is very busy and it is quite normal to serve a different customer every 20 seconds, there is rarely even a chance to sit.

            So 8 to 10 hours were spent standing with legs crossed and slowly getting angrier. Why not just lock the door and go to the can? Because Head Office uses mystery shoppers to evaluate the sites at any time, and failure to activate the pumps within 5 seconds earns the station a monetary penalty from HQ.

            With a high unemployment rate in this city, quitting isn't really an option.

            When other employees tried complaining to the labor board, they were told that nothing can be done for people working in a service station (I guess the labor board is only interested in unionized folk).

            Things are better now under the new owner, who at least covers the till so we can take a smoke break or bathroom jaunt when he's at the site in the daytime.


            • #7
              They have learned that the more I go without food, the more mistakes I make and the less "diplomatic" I get. But even then, the only day I get to clock out for lunch is payday since that is the one lunch I am not there for them to bug me.

              One time, me and my dad decided to go get some lunch together and one of my co-workers said they kept calling for me and calling for me all hour long, even after being told I was out to lunch.
              "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


              • #8
                I worked at an Arcade one summer that was part of an amusement park. There were 4 people scheduled in that day, including me.

                As fate would have it the other THREE went home/called in sick...

                So they transferred someone in from Rides to help me out, but the thing was I was the only one available who knew how to fix the machines if anything happened. So I worked a whole 9 hours with no break, the only food I had was a Snickers bar.

                What really irked me though was that I didn't get so much as a "thank you" from my manager for all my hard work in keeping the place going.


                • #9
                  That does suck Even on a busy flight I find time to sit down in the galley.
                  No longer a flight atttendant!


                  • #10
                    I worked for a while in a freezer warehouse in Memphis that was a distributor for frozen whipped topping. The owners there weren't really people people (meaning they just werent really understanding of others limitations) and on the 3rd day straight that we were working on a 16+ hour day, I quit. They called me back the next day and I said, I can understand helping out when time is tight, and the company's struggling, but from now on I draw the line at anything past 12hours. I never had to work longer than that again, but still didn't stay too much longer. The old owners sold out to a corporation that screwed their people pretty bad. I took a voluntary layoff and on my last day when 8 hours was up I left. They treid to screw my unemployment saying I quit but the investigator told them to deal with it as I had already worked 8 that day (and they even admited it!).

                    Quoted from DisgruntledBadger's old pizza boss:
                    "Now scram and quit infecting my space with your f**kin' stupid."


                    • #11
                      Quoth Scooter View Post
                      When other employees tried complaining to the labor board, they were told that nothing can be done for people working in a service station (I guess the labor board is only interested in unionized folk).
                      Actually, it depends which office of the labour board you phoned. There are four in Ontario (two provincial, two federal, yours would be the provincial that deals with non-unionized employees). Check out this page for more information.

                      I used to work for the Canada Industrial Relations Board, and we got questions like this all the time.
                      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                      • #12
                        That's no fun at all. It's been awhile since I've had to go breakless, although I tend to not take my 15 minute breaks ever, and I don't smoke, so my only sit down time is my 30 minute lunch or when I'm filing prescriptions away and I happen to be in the bottom drawers.

                        Fortunately we can have food on the back counter so I keep a box of granola bars back there and usually have a can of pop available for a quick swig if I'm pulling something from the shelves nearby...


                        • #13
                          Quoth tollbaby View Post
                          Check out this page for more information.

                          I used to work for the Canada Industrial Relations Board, and we got questions like this all the time.
                          Thanks, tollbaby, this is good info.


                          • #14
                            welcome I'm always happy if the knowledge acquired during my stints in call centre hell can benefit someone
                            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

