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I dont think that ticket should be closed....

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  • I dont think that ticket should be closed....

    So one of our special auditing printers has been on the fritz. We called the IT guy to come and fix it. He brought a new printer which didnt work and said he would bring a new NEW one soon.

    That was a week ago......

    With a follow up call from a coworker this is how the convo went....

    CW: So he said he would be back and he hasnt, whats the ticket status?
    IT: Your ticket is actually closed....
    CW: Errrr that shouldnt be...
    IT: hang on.....the last comment on the ticket is...."Replacement part broken, printer still not fixed" ummm yah, I think im going to re-open that one for ya.
    CW: *laughing* yah i should think so!

    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.