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what kind of music does your job play?

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  • #46
    XM.......of course, that leaves many options, correct?
    Now filter it down to work appropriate music.........still many, many options.

    The security guards control what music it will be on every particular day. The music is switched at the beginning of 3rd shift, and plays for 24 hrs until 3rd shift comes back in again the next night.

    We have 4, count them, only 4 choices. Classic rock (hell yes), The Blend (still alright), Top 40 (ish), and the dreaded COUNTRY. At Christmas they may throw in some Christmas tunes, and on Valentine's day it was love songs. Sometimes just to be arseholes, we'll have to listen to country LOVE songs all night.

    Since it's Wisconsin, of course, EVERYONE loves country. Not fact, in the employee suggestion box, many employees have suggested LESS country music. It's the same old crap over and over. Did security listen? No.

    So a typical 7 days at work is country 4 nights a week, then classic rock, then the blend, then top 40. And when you work a full time shift like I get country music all 4 of it's chosen nights.....because the weekend shifts deserve pity and they should get classic rock and the blend.

    I've been warned not to complain, because before XM, it was the local country radio station 24/7/365.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #47
      What kind of music does my job play? None.

      "Llama's Ipod" (that's etched on the back with a sparkly jolly roger beneath, a lovely shade of black all over) = LOVE.
      "I live in Los Angeles, and I was on the walk of fame. I was drunk, and I got a henna tattoo that says, 'Forever.'" -Zack Galifianakis

      Call Sophia Moore or Kent E. Ryder for a good time!


      • #48
        Be careful what you wish for...

        Remember how I said I hated the puppets? (No? I did... )

        We got our new trailer DVD and now it's these two chicks singing "I'm so lucky, lucky.." I don't know or care who they are. It's annoying- even the customers (who normally don't pay attention to it anyway) are complaining.

        "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

        ~TechSmith 314
        HellGate: London


        • #49
          I haven't been able to get the Fourth Movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony out of my head since choir practice Monday night.

          My tutoring job doesn't have music and I have more fun with the camaraderie of my vendor rep job to pay attention to the good 80s music.


          • #50
            My job plays a local station that ONLY plays the national top 20. EVER! This station BRAGS about this fact. Like its a GOOD thing...

            And of course the music is crap. It's either gangsta rap or emo crap. The little old ladies who shop their dont want to listen to that crap and I certainly don't.


            • #51
              My job plays the most sad, slow, emo-est songs possible. EVERYDAY. I have costumers asking me where they can hang the rope. It's that bad.

              When christmas rolled around, I stupidly thought "Phew! Finally a little life in here!"


              What we got was Bing Crosby's White Christmas.

              AFTER he died.

              No happy Jingle Bells or 12 days of christmas, oh nonono, might get the customers cheerful!

              Nope, Dead BG white christmas, sedated generic boy band All I want for christmas is you, Ave Maria...

              I sneak my iPod at work and play looong streams of video game soundtracks and Wierd Al Yankovic.

              Or once I sang out loud 99 bottles of beer on the wall to muffle the store music out while I was pricechecking my whole department.
              Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

              "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


              • #52
                Right now I'm working at an airport so I mostly get unobtrusive classical (yawn) and very annoying announcements. Around five or so in the morning the movie-rental place opens up and their display plays other music, usually a different song of a different type after another, which is okay except when the music sucks (rap/hiphop ). I get bored while I'm cleaning the restrooms and end up singing to myself - mostly filksongs; I got stuck on "The Fireball Song" (goes to the tune of AC/DC's "Big Balls"), "The Scotsman (The Doctor Who Version)" and "Shall We Torture Us A Time Lord" (to the tune of nothing in particular) last week.

                I miss being able to use my CD player.
                Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
                - Robert E. Howard


                • #53
                  Quoth ForestDragon View Post
                  I get bored while I'm cleaning the restrooms and end up singing to myself - mostly filksongs; I got stuck on "The Fireball Song" (goes to the tune of AC/DC's "Big Balls"), "The Scotsman (The Doctor Who Version)" and "Shall We Torture Us A Time Lord" (to the tune of nothing in particular) last week.
                  I love filk and Doctor Who! Could you PM me the lyrics to those songs? I've never heard them before.
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #54
                    I work in the junior's department at my store and each department plays it's own music....which can get rather annoying at times. Ours is all Ashely Simpson, Avril Lavigne, etc, etc. All the things they think the kids listen to. And i think they have a remix for just about every song ever recorded. It's getting to the point where i'm hearing re mixes of re mixes.....once i actually heard the song "somewhere over the rainbow" only with a dance beat. Same thing with that old song Puttin On The Ritz. Some of those remixes are freakin weird.
                    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                    • #55
                      My store has a commercial satalite music service with about ten channels. A few of these channels we never have on unless the receiver decides to change channels by itsself (which happens from time to time), like Mariachi Madness and Kids Songs. There are some good channels on there, but 85% of the time it's stuck on oldies, thanks to the store manager. Now I don't mind oldies, but remember there are good oldies and bad oldies. This station plays mostly bad oldies. I'll hear a few good ones here and there ("Build Me Up Buttercup" is on maybe once or twice a week, and if I'm really lucky I might hear the Bobby Darrin version of "Mac the Knife", that's maybe once every two months) but I hear the crappy ones all twice a shift. I'm almost to the point where if I hear "Spinning Wheel" by Blood Sweat and Tears or "I Wonder Why" by Dion and the Belmonts one more time I'm going to pull out my box cutter and use it to slit my wrists right there on the sales floor.

                      Usually after the store manager leaves or before he gets there someone will change the channel. Sometimes he'll leave it play. Usually the older pop station is safe from him for at least several hours and the 70s station is good all day. But the problem lies in that most of the people that change it (aside from me, I usually change it to 70s) change it to the newer pop station which includes a little bit of rap (even though there is a seperate rap channel). The store manager hates rap to the point that he will drop what he's doing and run across the store to change the channel if he hears it, and he changes it back to the crappy oldies. I'm all for not hearing rap, I don't like it myself and I know most of our customers don't either, but could we change it to something that I can work to, not something that makes me want to kill myself?

                      The CiCi's Pizza in the strip mall my store is in has the best intercom music. I'm in there generally twice a week and I don't think I've heard a repeated song yet. They also have a pretty good mix of music produced from the late 70s through now, without any rap. I should ask one of their managers what service they use.
                      "Who loves not women, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long" ~Martin Luther
                      "Always send a lazy man to the angel of death" ~Martin Luther
                      My MySpace
                      My LiveJournal


                      • #56
                        Well, we've been singing 'The Wheels on the Bus' and making up our own verses for it recently.....
                        'Down by the Station' and 'If you're happy and you know it' are always popular, as well as the shape song (sung to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell)

                        I do play instrucmental music if we have whole-class art time (rarely) and I have a few Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Apocalyptica songs that I can play in addition to some Chopin, Mozart and Vivaldi.

                        When I have prep time I run Winamp with my whole play list and set it on random.
                        Arsenic is 'natural'. Hemlock is 'organic'.

