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I got a compliment/I got written up.

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  • I got a compliment/I got written up.

    2 posts for the price of one! How do I do it? SHHEEEEER VOLUME!
    Damn, those crappy car ads are contageous.
    SOP in my department; alone with no help. I'm busy, as usual (Busiest and most profitable dept in the store, thankyouverymuch!). I'm hopping back and forth, mixing here, mixing there, taking orders, directing customers, answering questions. Finally I get to the last customer, and it's slowed down a bit. It's a retired guy, painting his new house. He owned a restaurant up north.
    Cust: "Hey, do you like to cook?"
    Me: "I love to cook. Pretty darn good at it too, if I may toot my own horn. And ya know what? I think I will! Toot! Toot!" (Yes, I actually tooted my own horn - and for those of you with minds in the gutter... shame on you. But if you're a single female, call me later! )
    Cust: "I knew it! You'd make an excellent short-order cook. I'd have hired you in a second after seeing how you just handled all of that. You were right on top of things."
    Me: "Well, thank you sir. I really appreciate that."
    And I did. I don't get many compliments at work, so I take what I can. It wasn't the greatest compliment, but it brightened up my day a bit more.
    I got written up for "tardiness." My second write up in 18 years. The first one I don't really count, because it was over something extremely dumb and trivial. Not stapling the paper the right way or something. Anway, the Operations Manager came up to me later that same day and told me that he needed to see me. "Oh, great, what did I do now?" I thought to myself. Then I thought; "Wait. Why does it have to be bad? Maybe I'm finally getting full time, and they want to know what department I want to go to."
    So I head back, and he closes the door. Now I know it's bad news.
    Long story short. I've got a write up for being late. A LOT. And not just 5 min. late, but sometimes up to an hour late. Especially in the last week. OP wants to know why, so I tell him: The ex situation; possible Identity theft (another post later); massive power surge in my house (last week was NOT a good week) and me taking sleeping pills to finally get some sleep. He then tells me that tardiness can become a firable offense. Then he told me that he asked some people in other departments what they thought about me. None had any complaints. Many said I was a damn hard worker and wanted me in their departments. The cashiers thought I was "corny."
    So I signed the write up and didn't add any comments, because it was my own fault I was late.
    Also, I wasn't upset about it at all the rest of the day. I just went on my merry way and didn't give it a second thought.
    Last edited by Knightmare; 02-14-2007, 04:03 AM.
    Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

    "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."