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Ticking Drama Bomb

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  • Ticking Drama Bomb

    Okay, so I have a co-worker who is a ticking time bomb. She's really nice, really sweet, a gamer, and has a lot of similar interests to me.

    We went to an LED consortium together and they called us the "__[company]__ Twins" because, y'know, there we were, two early-twenties girls giggling in the corner among all these other crusty old lighting people.


    She gets flustered SO EASILY. Like, anything will -set- -her- -off.- And I love her to death, but she needs to learn to chillax.

    My favorite example is the time she made a mistake on one of her orders. Now, we here at LED COMPANY have a doublecheck system, where once we complete an order, we print it out and then someone else checks it, initials it, and puts it in the tray.

    She put the wrong color rank (subdivision of color within the spectrum we offer - like the wrong shade between two shades of green) on a PO.

    The checker didn't catch it.

    The shipment goes out, the customer calls asking for an RMA, AND THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT COMES TO AN END.

    When she found out she'd made a mistake, she FREAKED. I remember her standing in the middle of the 4-man cubicle, order clenched in her fist, and tearfully exclaiming, "WHO CHECKED THIS ORDER!?"

    Uh, sorry hon, but if you missed the mistake, you can't give anyone that hard of a time for missing it either. The fact of the matter is you made the mistake. It isn't a big deal; mistakes happen; just make it better and move on, y'know?

    Oiiii... -_-
    Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

    - Inga Muscio

  • #2
    She was actually crying? I wonder if she would have still cried if the checker had caught it the first time around.

    She definately needs to chill because it isn't a crying kind of deal - more like oops, sorry, we'll get that fixed ASAP.
    Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

    I'm a case study.


    • #3
      Mr. Fly used to work in a workplace where -everyone- was like that. Everyone. It was like they were all allergic to blame, so they made themselves hysterical trying to shunt it to someone, ANYONE. And since he, the lowly receptionist, was the lowest-paid person there (even though he frequently had to do their jobs for them because they were so set in their ways) it was often he who got the blame. He came home almost daily with stories of people chewing him out for things that he had nothing to do with, weren't his job to monitor, and/or were things he did because they told him to.

      This probably wouldn't have bothered me too much if it had been me, because if I decide someone's full of shit, I generally don't care what they think of me. I went through my entire formative years with undiagnosed ADD, and there is at this point nothing that anyone could say about my intelligence that hasn't already been said a thousand times. But he really needs people to acknowledge his competence and the inherent unfairness of taking that daily blame really turned him bitter. He quit eventually. The place was poison, and he was worth WAY more than they were paying him.

      Amusingly, I work nearby there, and the same UPS driver delivers to my place and his old one. The UPS driver really misses him, and the other day came in and asked where he was. Apparently, things are not running so smoothly over there anymore, now that he is gone.


      • #4
        I have a co-worker at the hotel who is kind of like that. She doesn't cry, but she'll apologize a million times and berate herself. Usually its something that is no big deal too.

