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  • Uhhhh.....Ok.

    I could use a little advice. No, no I will not buy a RAZR. Sorry... I digress.

    This girl I recently began dating and currently became enslaved to (that's kind of....well....nvm....I was gonna say it was a joke...but...)is awesome. I'm crazy over her, yadda yadda, ad infinitum, bullshit bullshit bullshit....

    Anyways, I'm finishing my personal fitness trainer certification for this gym, and turns out, she just started working there this week. It's not as a personal trainer, she's working at this little nutritional smoothie fruit bar thing downstairs, excellent smoothies that ar elike sex in a bottle with a littl bit of pina colada in the mix.

    I just was wondering if this would cause a problem? I don't see how it would...but any suggestions just to avoid mistakes that are easily avoidable that I may not foresee?

    For informational purposes, it's not some make out all the time relationship type thing. It's purely emotional, there's plenty of physical attraction, but we keep it private for the most part, that was the only part I was going to worry about.

    However, I know you guys are brilliant and aren't shy about it, so if you have any tips, help a brotha out here.

  • #2
    This sort of thing is always risky but if you can keep your personal life from colliding with your job life it has less risk but it is still risky

    IF and only IF you're willing to risk some apprehensiveness between you and her go for it but IMO I would say don't go for it unless you can keep a relationship out of your work life as it is a very hard task. Think long and hard about it.
    Last edited by ArenaBoy; 02-17-2007, 05:41 AM.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #3
      Just keep things professional when you are at work. I have dated coworkers in the past (one being my department manager - we were together for 2 years, though I transferred to another store several months after we started dating). If things don't work out it can be hard (been there, done that) but if you are able to keep things at work separate from the relationship, it can be ok. (Not to jinx things for you, but it's something to think about.)

      As long as one of you is not in a position of authority over the other, and you don't let your relationship distract you from doing what you are supposed to be doing at work, they can't really say anything (unless they have a specific written policy about dating coworkers, which you might want to check into, but most places probably don't). It might be a good idea to talk to her about it and make sure you are on the same page. But it doesn't sound like you are working that closely together, so as long as you don't spend an inordinate amount of time drinking sexy smoothies, you should be ok.

      Good luck

      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        That's the reason I think it's ok mainly, bookstore....she'll be working the nutrition bar, and I'll be teaching classes, it's a totally separate department technically. So neither one of us have authority over the other, we're equals in that sense. The other thing is is I wouldn't be there every day of the week, only on days to teach my fitness classes. So even then it would be a rare occurrence.

