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Just a little bit of effort from applicants.. just a little.

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  • Just a little bit of effort from applicants.. just a little.

    So, we decided to hire a part-time person to work outside our store and advertise this holiday season dressed in full costume. I know this job isn't for everyone as it's somewhat humiliating to a degree; however, it was clearly posted in the advertisement what it was. I don't expect much, moderate effort, wear the costume if it isn't too hot for you, listen to music, and take a break whenever you want to.

    I was off when the interviews were set up and this one guy's mother calls and they agree to interview him.

    About 20min before his interview, I receive a call:

    Lazy Applicant*

    LA- "Um, yea, where y'all located at" (note that we've already told him)
    Me-"Gives accurate directions and landmarks"
    LA-"But, is that on my side of town"
    Me- *Gives even more descriptive directions*
    LA-"Um, but are y'all near X?"
    Me-"No, we are located on X road about 10 min away" *repeats directions*

    I get off the phone and resume what I was doing.

    I receive a call about 15 min later from the applicant. At this point, I wanted to tell him to not bother, but my boss expects me to interview him even if we're probably not going to hire him.

    LA-"Um, ya'll near X because I'm at X now"
    Me-"Yes, we are down the street from X" *gives directions from X"
    LA-"Um, so I went past you?"
    Me- "That would appear so" *confirms our location*

    At this point, he is about 10 min late to his interview. He arrives in blue jeans, slouching, and says to me "um, I, uh, heard you have a job or something?" I interview him, and to spare you more "um, like, and uh's", it wasn't much of an interview.

    I think that I've washed my hands of this and I'm going to go about my day when I catch the same young man walking away from the store with a gas can. It's likely embarrassing, but he's apparently out of gas. He returns to fill his vehicle and is fumbling with the can as he has a cigarette in his hand.

    After 15 minutes the young man comes into the store to ask for a jump. I look around and it ends up on me to try and help him. It's extremely awkward. I wasn't able to get his vehicle to start and I have the unfortunate news of telling him nicely that if he can't get it out of the parking lot (ours is small) that I'll have to tow it in 3 days.

    He's still there when I close up for the day and says to me "um I hope you hire me 'cus I need to fix my car".

    I kind of feel bad for him in one way because it's really embarassing, but just a little bit of effort here could have netted him this job which will, after the holiday, become a store position inside w/o the costume if they wanted it and could do this job.

  • #2
    Sad indeed. I hope he at least has a friend or two who might be able to help him get his car out of your lot so it won't be towed. And then he should get serious about actually WANTING a job.
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      I'm wondering if the fact that "this one guy's mother" called doesn't speak volumes about the applicant himself ...


      • #4
        Quoth Pixilated View Post
        I'm wondering if the fact that "this one guy's mother" called doesn't speak volumes about the applicant himself ...
        My thoughts exactly. Shame mommy didn't dress him for the interview.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          The good news is that his car was gone so I didn't have to tow it.


          • #6
            Quoth bainsidhe View Post
            My thoughts exactly. Shame mommy didn't dress him for the interview.
            She probably did. And just like school, he ditched that outfit for something "cool".
            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


            • #7
              I suspect that Mommy wants him to get a job, and he doesn't want one, so she calls to book the interview and he slouches in looking completely incompetent so he doesn't get the job. I'm assuming he's old enough to work but not out of high school yet.

