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I Knew it

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  • #16
    I agree with the others who have said contact the gaming commission. Find out if it really IS ok. If it is ok, then you can't do much more than grin and bear it, or find another area of work. If it is not ok, you have your choice of a) report your employer formally, b) don't report them but transfer or quit as to save your own ass when they do get caught, or c) don't report them and live in fear of the gaming commission.
    "Who loves not women, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long" ~Martin Luther
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    • #17
      Quoth Caveat Emptor View Post
      The new Las Vegas is trying to be more "family friendly" from what I understand. Never been there, but how can you make a gambling-centered enterprise more "family friendly?"
      They added all sorts of arcades and stuff years ago. But they've pretty much figured out that the whole "family friendly" thing wasn't working for Vegas, so it's being phased out. Stuff like taking out the pirates show at Treasure Island and making it a "Sexy Siren" thing.

      It's been years since I worked in a casino, but as I recall, minors were allowed to be at the cages as long as the parents were there, and not directly for gaming purposes. I kind of remember being at a cage with my mom getting change for the hotel soda vending machine when I was 16.

      And, yes, people do stupid things like taking vacations to Vegas with newborns, and bringing them into the casinos. They're usually asked pretty quickly to leave by security.


      • #18
        I Knew it

        I put a previous thread on here about minors being allowed to do transactions at the cage. I can't find the post. I have an update to it but I can't find my own thread! Sorry, feel free to move my post if need be.

        Anyway, awhile back my casino decided that it would be "okay" to let minors (like ten year olds) come up to the cage because it was considered a "non-gaming" area and get change.

        Well, the other day it was a freaking zoo. Not only did we have massive amounts of people complaining about the wait we had to deal with their kids too. Well, in waves we had children coming up (by themselves) and getting change for the arcade.

        Evidentally the arcade in our casino is owned by another company and so if anything breaks the customers are SOL. Well, what happened? The change machine broke. I think we probably sold over $500 in quarters. Maybe more. Finally security came up to the cage and told kids to leave.

        I guess the gaming commission had come for a surprise visit. Surveillance contacted us and told us NO more minors! I just wanted to do a little dance. Don't get me wrong, I love kids but I a casino is no place for a child. Being around drunks and cigarette smoke is just nasty.

        So, we no longer are allowed to help minors even if they are with a parent. Thank god! So, later some kids bombarded some poor guy into getting change for them. Sad thing was we ran out of quarters! We had to refuse quarters to people who wanted them in large quantities for the rest of the night. That was so not fun.

        Our casino doesn't use change anymore for the slots so we used that as in excuse when they asked for quarters. We only have the short rolls too.

        But in the end I knew it was illegal! And our cage head honcho is still trying to fight it and make it so that we can help minors. I hope he losses. Honestly.


        • #19
          I can't believe they even let people smoke in casinos anymore. Granted I have to go to Minnesota to gamble (18 in MN, 21 in WI), but no casinos around here allow smoking.........

          The casino is practically the only public place I can legally go to (legally inserted because I can't go to bars or strip clubs, except a few in MN on certain nights they allow 18-20 year olds and mark them with Xs on their hands so they don't get served booze) without there being a zoo of children around.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #20
            Quoth blas87 View Post
            I have to go to Minnesota to gamble (18 in MN, 21 in WI) I can't go to bars or strip clubs, except a few in MN on certain nights they allow 18-20 year olds and mark them with Xs on their hands
            Omg you must be hella bored you poor thing.
            I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
            "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


            • #21
              Found the original thread and merged them.
              Sometimes life is altered.
              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
              Uneasy with confrontation.
              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


              • #22
                The new Las Vegas is trying to be more "family friendly" from what I understand. Never been there, but how can you make a gambling-centered enterprise more "family friendly?"
                By adding things like arcades and day care centers to the casinos.

                No, it does not work. I still consider Las Vegas to be a terrible place to bring children. What kid is going to be able to stay occupied in an arcade for hours on end when he/she only has a few bucks to spend? And is it any good for a child to be cooped up in day care for almost the entire day while mommy and daddy visit all the casinos?
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #23
                  Yet again, another update. Once again my casino managed to pull a loop hole out of their butts and make it so that we once again have to help minors. Go figure... It was great while it lasted...


                  • #24
                    come to australia... seriously

                    as i said we have no minors on our gaming floors..

                    just drunks.. kino hounds... people who don't want to lose there slot machine so they piss on the floor...
                    Last edited by Casino Jockey; 03-04-2007, 10:29 AM. Reason: editied for clarity
                    The mere fact that we have the flamethrower means that someone, somewhere once said "You know, I'd really like to set those customers over there on fire, but don't possess the means to do it"


                    • #25
                      Hey I heard the women to men ratio is way outta wack over there and women tend to get treated badly. Is that true?

                      *Not to thread jack but I can't fathom that happening and was curious*
                      I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                      "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue

