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ARGH! Phone idiots

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  • ARGH! Phone idiots

    For this rant to make sense, let me explain that about 50% of my job involves making long-distance phone calls. Furthermore, we don't have real cubicles; we're in the middle of what I fondly call a "feedlot" floor plan. So everyone can hear what everyone else is doing, and my department is smack dab between two aisles of female employees (I'm female, so don't think I'm being sexist here) who LOVE to TALK. I swear, some days it sounds like I'm working in a henhouse.

    But that's not enough, oh no. Because the billing department is just one small part of a huge building that employs about 1,300 people. And SOMEONE keeps picking up the intercom and making this HORRIBLE feedback whine, usually while I'm in the middle of leaving a voicemail message for someone to call me back. Or paging someone on the intercom while SHOUTING at the top of their lungs. I just can't compete with that!

    Even though our job depends on being able to hear and be heard, rumor has it that we once had full cubicle walls, but the management had them dismantled in favor of the current half-wall configuration because they wanted to be able to keep an eye on us. Argh!
    He loves the world...except for all the people.
    --Men at Work

  • #2
    Are you able to leave an anonymous posting explaining why the half-walls don't work? If not, can you make a comment to someone above your management's head?

    And btw, I work in an office full of women too, and some days I want to walk around and stuff a sock in everyone's mouth. I swear some of these women yak just to hear themselves...
    I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
    "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


    • #3
      I might add that our Dispatch department (whose jobs, obviously, also depend on being able to hear) gets their own room, well apart from anything noisy. And yes, I've mentioned to management many times that the noise situation out here is at times a huge distraction, but I guess it just doesn't sound the same from inside their private offices.
      He loves the world...except for all the people.
      --Men at Work


      • #4
        Quoth ShortTemperHatesStupidity View Post

        And btw, I work in an office full of women too, and some days I want to walk around and stuff a sock in everyone's mouth. I swear some of these women yak just to hear themselves...
        Hee! My dad, who is VERY Southern, likes to say someone talks "just to hear their head rattle."
        He loves the world...except for all the people.
        --Men at Work


        • #5
          I so know how you feel. My last job was in a Pediatric clinic working in the back doing filing and scheduling. It was 5 women back there. All of them liked to talk and were very big into their church.


          • #6
            Quoth ShortTemperHatesStupidity View Post
            And btw, I work in an office full of women too, and some days I want to walk around and stuff a sock in everyone's mouth. I swear some of these women yak just to hear themselves...
            Where I work, it seems that a lot of the men talk more than the women.

            Please please please shut up long enough to finish using this sharp knife.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              We jabber too, but the difference between the females and the males in my pharmacy is that the girls can work AND talk at the same time. the males really only seem to be able to work OR talk. Not both.


              • #8
                Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                We jabber too, but the difference between the females and the males in my pharmacy is that the girls can work AND talk at the same time. the males really only seem to be able to work OR talk. Not both.
                Well, it's not universal, but I've noticed men tend to use a lot more hand gestures than women. Talking is a full-body excerise for guys! Of course, realizing this, guys should keep talking to a minimum. Maybe some muzzles...
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


