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Well, which finger do I give them? Do I have options?

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  • Well, which finger do I give them? Do I have options?

    Well, it seems like the last two weeks just prove to get worse. I'm now being practically forced out of my job because of complications with management and incompetent communications between corporate and ourselves...

    I put in my two weeks notice tomorrow.

    Lately some things have been going very wrong. I don't know if you've ever tried to sell a credit card, but it's damned hard when their credit's shitty and they don't want one. However, my DM thinks it appropriate to make it a case for a write-up (starting tomorrow) if we don't get two a week.

    Three write-ups mean you're fired. I'd much rather resign from my position, and find a more fulfilling job than be fired for so called "incompetence". I've worked full-time hours the last two weeks, but have not been paid as such.

    I refuse to work my ass off putting up with what I do for as little as I'm paid.

    Also, I'd like to add, before Knightmare can chime in.....He was right....STFU.

    Thing is? I like the job, and what it entails. It's perfect for me. I just won't tolerate abuse.

  • #2
    Quoth DarthRetard View Post
    Well, it seems like the last two weeks just prove to get worse. I'm now being practically forced out of my job because of complications with management and incompetent communications between corporate and ourselves...

    I put in my two weeks notice tomorrow.
    That just blows. This is why managers and corporate suck!

    I wish you the best. I hope there are some similar employers near you that would appreciate your skills.

    Best of luck!
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    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


    • #3
      Yeah, I'm kind of scared. The military option fell through, and I don't have a lot of options at my fingertips...


      • #4
        Quoth DarthRetard View Post
        I don't know if you've ever tried to sell a credit card, but it's damned hard when their credit's shitty and they don't want one. However, my DM thinks it appropriate to make it a case for a write-up (starting tomorrow) if we don't get two a week.

        Can't say I have tried to sell a credit card.

        Anyhow, that is corporate greedhead asshattery at it's finest. How can they even hold you to a goal you have no control over achieving?

        All you can do is ask somebody if they want to open up the card. If they decline, that's it. You've done all you can.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Quoth DarthRetard View Post
          Thing is? I like the job, and what it entails. It's perfect for me. I just won't tolerate abuse.
          This is what drives me nuts about my job. I love it. I love 99% of our customers and techs. I am really good at what I do. It's just that the politics and prodedural BS get in the way.

          Good luck with getting out and finding someplace where they'll appreciate you for all that you do!
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #6
            Damn, you seem to have some shoddy luck. I'm sorry the job didn't work out, but that's corporate political bullshit for you. If you don't mind my asking, why didn't the military thing work out (not that it's not for the better, considering the current situation overseas)?

            They want you to be persistant, asking almost to the point of beating the horse dead. While it does make sense that, in fact, if they say no then that's all you can d, as stated above, that's corporate bullshit. Besides, what are we always saying around here: "If it makes sense..."
            I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
            "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


            • #7
              ShortTemper- yes. Yes I have had shoddy luck. However, one thing did go through for me. My Navy option is back in play, because they misread my re-enlistment code. Idiots. So now tomorrow I'm going in to try and get the major paperwork done....They're gonna give me a job which is an instant trip to Iraq though.


              • #8
                Quoth DarthRetard View Post
                ShortTemper- yes. Yes I have had shoddy luck. However, one thing did go through for me. My Navy option is back in play, because they misread my re-enlistment code. Idiots. So now tomorrow I'm going in to try and get the major paperwork done....They're gonna give me a job which is an instant trip to Iraq though.

                Be careful out there. My cousin recently came back from Iraq; he's in the Marines and has been to Iraq a couple times, and Kuwait last time around, too, among other places. He's got 3 years left and with any luck he'll spend it in Virginia (I think that's where he's going) with his wife and kids. That's the plan, anyway.
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  I concur. It's a jungle out there...
                  Last thing we need is a CS board member biting the big one because of a STH.
                  I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                  "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                  • #10
                    Quoth ShortTemperHatesStupidity View Post
                    They want you to be persistant, asking almost to the point of beating the horse dead. While it does make sense that, in fact, if they say no then that's all you can d, as stated above, that's corporate bullshit. Besides, what are we always saying around here: "If it makes sense..."
                    She's right, they basically want you to verbally beat the customer into submission. My company pulls this credit shit too, but they don't write people up for not making their goal every week. If they did i would have gotten written up almost every week i've been there. And quite a few of my coworkers would too. Basically management tells us not to take no for an least not the first time anyway. Doesn't seem like the best customer service to me...then again, i don't work in corporate so i don't have my head up my butt.

                    At my company, they claim that credit performance is one of the things included in your reviews. But i had my 90 day review months ago, got praised by the store manager and given what i have a feeling is a slightly bigger raise than a lot of my coworkers have gotten. And she didn't say a word about my credit performance. However, if on my one year review, my credit performance (or lack thereof) affects how much of a raise i get, i will be looking for a new job. I bust my butt for that place, and i do it in a department almost no one wants to work in because it routinely gets so hectic. If i get stiffed when it comes to a raise, simply because i refuse to shove the credit cards down people's throats, then they can kiss my little white girl butt.
                    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                    • #11
                      Quoth DarthRetard View Post
                      Also, I'd like to add, before Knightmare can chime in.....He was right....STFU.

                      Actually, bro.. I know how you feel. I remember having to peddle those damn credit cards; the store cards and the one from MBNA. It was great when corp. paid a $10 spiff for each approval. I made bank! But they changed our spiffs and the discount for the customer on a weekly basis. It was tough to keep up.

                      On a side note: I went into my neighborhood RS last week. The manager there is a great guy, one I worked along with, but never worked for. He took me aside while I was there and offered me a job. Full time (which I desperately need). I told him that I would accept on the spot if he could guarantee me
                      1. Every other weekend off, with Friday of same weekend off early
                      2. Only close 2 nights a week
                      3. No stupid meetings at the district office
                      4. At least $13.00 an hour
                      5. I would not be a key holder

                      He looked at me with a look and said "You know I can't guarantee any of that, Knightmare. Hell, they even cut Manager pay."
                      I replied "Well. Mike... That's what it would take for me to come back to this company."

                      But don't fret, bro. There are many other wonderful things out there other than RadioShack. I put up with the BS for 6 years before I finally saw the light. I liked the job too. I loved the gadgets and electronics and helping the customers understand. Being a store manager rocked!
                      You'll find something that you will enjoy, that will make you proud and make you money.
                      Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

                      "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


                      • #12
                        Know what's a bitch? I met my weekly one day today.

                        I just can't win. The approval spiff is now only 5 dollars, and that's only immediate approval.....only good thing we have now is clearance/manager's sale spiffs, and celly phones.


                        • #13
                          I worked in 3 stores in this area (I was known in the district as "The Problem Solver. A store was having problems, I went there to help), all surrounded by retirees and old people. All with excellent credit. So it was no problem to get 30-40 credit approvals in a week. I often did 20 in one day, most of them on cell phones. And that was back when they paid you extremely well on cell phones.
                          One credit card approval - $10
                          Cell phone activation $20
                          Various plan add-ons $10
                          Phone acc/ABC spiff $10
                          Extended Warranty (10%) $6

                          $56 in spiffs alone. Not including the commission (which was a lot higher and easier to achieve then). Very easy to earn over $100 an hour back then, but only work for 30 minutes.

                          From the people I talk to, it's no where close to that anymore.

                          Bro, check out other cellphone stores in your area. VZW corp is a great place to work, they pay pretty well. I don't know about Cing/att/whomever anymore. A SPCS store (corporate) is pretty good too. I do know that most of these places will snatch you up in a heartbeat when they know you're from RS.
                          Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

                          "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

