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Bumps, Bruises and Blow Ups

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  • Bumps, Bruises and Blow Ups

    Today was a interesting day at work. I am on crutches because a spill I had last week at work, spraining my back wrist and ankle.

    I was gimping outside on my break for some much needed nicotene when I heard a loud noise and our building shook.. Not really knowing what it was, I went outside to smoke.

    Thats when another girl I work with and I noticed some smoking coming from the front of our building. Thinking our work was on fire, we go to look at the front.

    Thats when we noticed a house on fire. Yeah.. a house had blown up, the explosion was big enough to rattle our huge building, that was across the street.

    It turns out the guy had a meth lab, in town and it blew up.

    Our entire building was filled with smoke, but he had to keep taking our calls...

  • #2
    Quoth CellPhoneSlave View Post
    Our entire building was filled with smoke, but he had to keep taking our calls...
    WHAT?!?! Are you sure it was a Meth lab then, and not an explosion caused by anything else? The Fire department will usually evacuate a 1/4 mile radius around here if a meth lab blows. The smoke and chemicals from that is HIGHLY toxic.
    The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


    • #3
      Yeah, that is what they are saying in the news.


      • #4
        When will those wastes of skin EVER learn?

        Oh, never, that's right. Most of the time, they're already high as a kite while they're cooking up that shit!
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          To which wastes of skin do you refer? The ones making the shit across the street or the other ones who obviously value company profits over employee health?
          Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
          - Robert E. Howard


          • #6
            Probably referring to both. I know I would.

            And yeah the crud they throw together and call meth is highly toxic. We farmer's have had to start being id checked and have a record and locking up our agri-chems as the methheads will steal them and use them to make their poisonous brew.

            I know anyhydrous ammonia (which is a fertilizer) was already on federal watch lists thanks to the homemade bomb folks but now its on a tighter list thanks to the methheads gettign involved in it. Behhhh.
            Last edited by Rahmota; 03-10-2007, 04:09 AM. Reason: I cannot type worth a rats finger!


            • #7
              And if it doesn't blow your house up, when you move the house has to be cleaned with certain chemicals in order to rid it of the toxic chemicals (they seep into the walls, woodwork, carpet, etc.) and won't come out with just a scrub of the Mr. Clean magic eraser...

              Honest to god, just smoke some pot... at least that isn't chemically altered!
              I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
              "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue

