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im quitting over new store policy and so are others

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  • #16
    Quoth CrazedClerk View Post
    and this my friends, is why corporate are morons.
    Amen. Coporate at my airline have no idea what flying is about and what the front line workers have to put up with.
    No longer a flight atttendant!


    • #17
      well im back havent been on in awhile, well to answer a question that just came up why we dont go to the other dept thats behind b/c mostly it doesnt work like others have said. 3 weeks ago once again footwear was behind(new people and call-ins left them short handed) we had pretty much the whole store go over there and we still didnt get out till about 45mins later after we got to the dept. also on the minor thing seems like here in texas when 17 your not really i minor anymore, b/c here the labor laws dont apply to them, they can stay out late and we dont have 16y/o there. well my last day is on tuesday coming. so im done and washing my hands of retail. my other job at a news station is my main job now. watch for my update and the people that are there still and ones that are leaving.


      • #18
        UPDATE: New Policy. 4 quit,more may come.

        thats 4 down in my dept, i dont know about everybody else's dept. my last day is tuesday coming up. here are the others

        S- he ending up leaving b/c he didnt like the way things are being done and that he skipped one day so that looked bad too. so he kinda quit/fired
        A-she had to quit b/c her car broke down and cant stay so late anymore depending on a ride.
        L-she was a new hire that cant stay so late while still going to school in the morning so she gone
        and then there is me - i dont like working everyday, did that for the past 4 months and im tired of it and i dont like the way things are done at the store so im gone.

        and we have 2 more people wanting to leave, so my old dept is about to go through hell. this is what the managers have coming. i believe once the hrs start going through the roof and people start dropping out like flys i think they will wise up.


        • #19
          While I can see your point, wouldn't the whole thing have been over with a lot quicker if you just helped out the slower departments rather than standing around sulking until some poor sod working on his own finished sorting out his entire zone? I don't agree with the policy exactly, but it strikes me that their aim in this might not be to keep you all later, but to get you to help each other get departments sorted and ready for the next day.

          Just playing devil's advocate.

          You know, even if I am half asleep I should've realised there was a second page to this thread and read that first. Please excuse me, I'm going to go mainline caffeine for a bit.
          Last edited by Mr B Rabbit; 03-15-2007, 09:14 AM. Reason: Stupidity
          Proactive Karma Engineer


          • #20
            Quoth danegrous_21 View Post
            i believe once the hrs start going through the roof and people start dropping out like flys i think they will wise up.
            Sadly, that's not always the case. Sometimes, they look at it as "losing the dead wood", and getting a fresh start. Then they wonder why they have trouble keeping quality employees.


            • #21
              If the turnover in retail is not bad enough already............


              • #22
                I also bet management doesn't give an airborne fornication.

                They're probably thinking of all the money they'll save on wages. Some of the people quitting may have had a raise or two and now they can just replace them with warm bodies at the lowest end of the lowest pay grade.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #23
                  Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                  I also bet management doesn't give an airborne fornication.

                  They're probably thinking of all the money they'll save on wages. Some of the people quitting may have had a raise or two and now they can just replace them with warm bodies at the lowest end of the lowest pay grade.

                  wow that might me true since me and the other guy that quit already has our raise at my 3 months and i think he has his 6 month raise so that might be true. sad but true. also to i dont know if u said this before but we just dont stand around if our dept is done already we help the overnight stockers, which gives them less to do. and more for us.


                  • #24
                    Well, I'm of two minds about this.

                    One, it's sad to see a store where staff can't team up to help each other. Even if they're just teaming up against the bad management - at least they're teaming up and helping each other out. I, personally, can't stand not knowing where everything is and how everything is done wherever I'm working. If I don't know how to fold a shirt - I ask someone to train me. Jobs are a lot less stressful when people take personal accountability and attempt to help. But that's just me I guess.

                    Second, I suppose laws on minors working differ from state to state. There should be a labor law poster on your backroom somewhere that lists the current states min. wage and labor laws. It is required by law to be up in a visible spot. If management is forcing 16 year olds to be out past 11pm on school nights - they can be subject to heavy fines, and possibly jail time. Definately call the baord of labor - the phone number is listed in a post above.
                    If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


                    • #25
                      I'm not sure what the laws in Texas are now, but when I was 16 there was no such law. I worked past midnight many, many school nights. Admittedly, I volunteered to do so, as I needed the money. The only "law" the movie theater "enforced" was that they did not have to pay minimum wage since they employed ONLY full time students.
                      Last edited by Primer; 03-17-2007, 02:42 AM. Reason: location, location, location
                      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                      • #26
                        UPDATE #2

                        well today was my second to last day at work and tomarrow is my last. anyway, well to add to the list, another guy was fired b/c he did a nc/ns. he was going to quit anyway to i put this is the list of those that have left. and also today i have exprienced why cant help others depts in need. footwear like usual lately was way behind. my apparel dept was sent over to help to size shoes and sort out socks. we split up on the projects. 4 on shoes and about 3 on socks. well the socks we had to be told like 3 times what to do b/c we were totally not understanding what to do on how to remark the 4 differnet sizes and colors. i dont think we really help just hampered the actual footwear people. o well tomarrow is my last day then i wash my hands of the place.


                        • #27
                          The Evil Bullseye does this. The store I worked in was the land of evil and the only store of it's kind around (not even a Walmart around here). So, we got trashed BADLY on a daily basis. We ALL had to stay (except the cashiers, for some reason). Most of us were also in college. It was unusual to get done or good enough by 1am, after starting at 4pm. So many people quit. Eventually they tried forcing the openers to clean up and the closers to leave at 11pm. Yeah, didn't work.

                          Good luck, and congrats!
                          First Lesson I learned from working in a bookstore:
                          People who can read are made of the same rudeness as those who cannot.


                          • #28
                            well im offically done now. today was my last day and it was a intresting one. had 2 almost shoplifters but turned out into nothing. but i bid everyone a farewell and i wash my hands of the store.

