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It's amazing what you can find on the computers at work...

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  • #16
    I have a second-hand story about porn and empty kleenex boxes, from a friend who works night shift for a local newspaper.

    He and I often work the same late hours, so we often converse via email/MySpace to keep eachother amused. We were discussing what it takes to get fired, and he explained to me that he's had coworkers who were caught having sex in the stairwell of the building stay employed. The guy who did manage to get himself fired was working the night shift when his (female) supervisor walked in to find him completely naked, doing his thing to some porn on his work computer.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #17
      An ex-girlfriend of mine made me partly the victim of one of these stories.

      Shortly after leaving university I worked at an educational establishment, I'm not aboout to mention any names since I work at another one now and you have to be extremely careful with these things.

      Anyway, this ex-girlfriend and I had made some private videos and such together. I don't think I need to go into details. This was shortly before we became an ex-item for shortly to become obvious reasons.

      With an amazing lapse in judgment my ex decided that it would be interesting to create a website with these videos and photos. Now given that this was a private girl's school, and my name was known, and she decided to list my actual bloody name on the website, you can guess what happened. Especially since I was the only male member of staff at the school under the age of forty.
      Proactive Karma Engineer


      • #18
        So that was Goodbye Mr Chips for you then, Mr B Rabbit?
        A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
        - Dave Barry


        • #19
          Oh hell yes, out the door, escorted by three PE teachers and the finance director, within an hour. It took me two months to persuade them that I hadn't actually been involved with the creation of the site, and that I hadn't tried to spread it to the students. It took me another four months after that to get it confirmed that I wasn't going to be added to the pedophiles register and banned from working with children.

          Like I said, this all happened very shortly before the break-up.
          Proactive Karma Engineer


          • #20
            Quoth Mr B Rabbit View Post
            Oh hell yes, out the door, escorted by three PE teachers and the finance director, within an hour. It took me two months to persuade them that I hadn't actually been involved with the creation of the site, and that I hadn't tried to spread it to the students. It took me another four months after that to get it confirmed that I wasn't going to be added to the pedophiles register and banned from working with children.

            Like I said, this all happened very shortly before the break-up.

            Could this have been the cause of the breakup?


            • #21
              Quoth gregmaddux17 View Post
              Could this have been the cause of the breakup?
              Oddly enough it wasn't, there were plenty of other reasons.
              Proactive Karma Engineer

