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My name is MINE, no-one else's

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  • #31
    I've used the surname Frehley on occasion; I feel I have the right. XD And my username is the name I use online whenever I sign up for something.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.


    • #32
      Give your full name out to complete strangers who may hold a grudge against you because you happened to be the one telling them they can't have what they want? Stuff that!

      I have to give my name when calling people on the overdue list - "Hi this is Bee from Movie Place, I'm just calling to let you know..."
      My first name is rare enough as it is - I know of only 3 other people with it! - but my last name is also pretty unusual. If people got both my names it would be pretty easy to find me. No way am I giving out both my names
      Although to be honest, it's most likely that anyone trying to track me down after just hearing my name would spell both of them horribly wrong.
      Re: Quiche.
      Pie is manly.
      Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
      Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
      So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!


      • #33
        I have a fairly uncommon last name but a very common first name but I don't use it I use a nick-name. All that being said I still had an irate customer lookup my address in the phone book and came beating on my door in the wee hours of the morning. I truely thought I was going to have to shoot him.
        Now days I only give out my nick-name and never my last name (unless it's someone I know I can trust.)
        Bow down before me for I am ROOT

        Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


        • #34
          No, you are not being unreasonable or paranoid. I have worked in call centers for over 15 years now, and I have seen the drastic results that occur when a rep gives out their entire name to a customer. Some customers have been known to look up a rep for retaliation purposes and find out everything they can about that rep. We had an incident once in Delray Beach where a customer looked up an employee and somehow found out their work address. This person was pissed so bad at how this rep handled their call that he laid in wait outside the building, attempting to mug her in the process. I'm not sure how, but he also knew what this rep looked like being he knew whom to attack when she walked out the door. Fortunately, another employee was right behind her and was able to chase this man off. Nobody ever knew who this person was.

          My wife also dealt with a customer who she helped very dearly, but thereafter was this customer's "best friend". He would call at any hour of the night for things, so she had to change her phone number and get a non published number.

          So, again, it is not unreasonable to keep your full name to yourself.

