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I had to make a tough decision

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  • I had to make a tough decision

    Back in January I was supposed to be promoted into my company's IT department (I was given an offer letter). Well, a week before I was supposed to start, all open positions were eliminated due to cutbacks. Obviously I was unhappy and learning what I did in the following months I know they didn't need to eliminate my position.

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago the position was re-opened and I applied (swallong my pride). Sure enough, a few days later the hiring manager offered me the position with the same pay etc.. as before (wow, there is some integrity left in my company!).

    Cool, nice pay raise (still much ess in a year than what some of you sell a domain for), bonuses, and great training, including certifications from HP, Dell, and I think Cisco. Possibly CCNA, A+, and some M$ certifications aren't too far away either. Great potential.

    Now, a position has opened, a logistical manager position. It's remote (I'm in south Florida but it is for the northeast region). The pay isn't as good (a few thousand a year less than IT but still a smaller payraise for me). I'm sure if I sold myself right that I could at least match what I will make in IT. Logistics and loss prevention is my passion in my position (fraud management, too). Yes, I enjoy IT and "fixing things" but I've also really enjoyed the logistical and auditing parts of my job.

    It's been a tough decision, but I think the pay and training that I'll get would be a better option for me now and in the future. (*sigh*).

    The reall sweet part is that my supervisor's supervisor hates me and has even told me that he'll make sure I never get an access card to corporate. Heh, now I get a card with unlimited access, his is limited. He has a cubicle and since what I'll have in my area needs to be secure, I'll get an office, plus I'll get a company van to lug all my crap around, he has his car. *snicker*

    (This supervisor and I have a long history, he doesn't like me because I call out fraud and make people like him look bad because I get things done in a few hours that they couldn't do in weeks).

    Hopefully I'm making the right decision.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Quoth draggar View Post
    Hopefully I'm making the right decision.
    You mean taking a high paying job that lets you rub your success in the face of a man who has done everything in his power to stomp on you? What's wrong with that?
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi

