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Letters of compliment

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  • Letters of compliment

    Right. So, we’ve all had letters of praise but I got 2 in as many days this week and I’m quite proud of that so I’mna post them both here, if you don’t mind

    The first one was about a keyboard that a customer had bought but was having trouble with

    “To whom it may concern,

    All Too often we write to complain and rarely ever praise, well may i say this is the latter rather than the former.

    A week ago, I had cause to return my Microsoft keyboard, complete with mouse. It had taken me quite a while to find a keyboard I really liked. Unfortunately, from the first time I used it, it wouldn’t type the letter “Z” and several other numbers. I took the batteries out and reset it.

    It would work once and then not again. This was becoming quite frustrating. In the end I had no alternative but to bring the keyboard back in its original packaging with my receipt.

    I wasn’t relishing the thought, thinking, they’re going to say, Typical a woman and a “bit older one at that” can’t use a simple keyboard but I was in for a shock and a pleasant one at that.

    The assistant who was called Flea, Sorry, forgot to get his surname took this off his badge, asked if he could help me, was most pleasant. I explained what the problem was and he said he would try they keyboard for me. Yes, he said there was defiantly a problem with it. Would I like my money back or an exchange? As there wasn’t enough money in the till due to an error on the side of the administration team, he gave me a gift card to the value.

    I looked around for another keyboard but couldn’t see one I really liked so I went back and said could he find me one the same, yes, no problem. I picked up another one and told him I was a recycled teenager!!!!! And really liked this keyboard, so would he check it for me before i left as I didn’t relish the thought of having to bring this one back for whatever reason.

    No problem he checked it over and re-packaged it , and gave me some helpful hints. I have never been treated so well, and my sincerest of thanks must go to this young gentleman for the helpful way he served me, and also his very cheerful and pleasant manner. A credit to The computer superstore and Tech Direct, it’s a pity there aren’t more assistants with the same manner elsewhere.

    Please pass on my sincerest of thanks for treating me like a human being and not a stupid person, we are all trying to learn the art of computers, and being a secutary previously has helped me immensely. The keyboard, I have to say, was worth every penny and as you can see by the fact I am typing this letter on it, works perfectly. I know you can get cheaper ones but you only get what you pay for and this is one of the best keyboards I have used in a long time”

    I was quite pleased with that one because I honestly had not treated these people any differently to how I treat the majority of customers (by “The majority” I mean the ones who come in and act like civilised human beings, NOT sucky customers) but I must say I was in a chipper mood that day

    The next was with regards to Norton causing someone some major issues BUT it wasn’t obviously Norton. I just knew it was because of experience.

    “Dear Sir/Madam

    My P.A recently had a major problem after accepting some Windows updates onto her computer.

    She called out I.T. consultant who tried several ways to fix the problem. All to no avail.

    She called out parent company I.T. Help desk but they were unable to help because they were blocked from connecting to her computer. It was something to do with the Norton antivirus software.

    The only solution appeared to be to take the computer to head office in Swindon or have everything removed and rebuilt. This would have been difficult as the computer is fully encrypted.

    We calld into your store to find out how much it would cost to have everything removed and rebuilt. We explained the problem to your I.T. expert, Flea, who immediately recognised the problem. He explained there was a tool on the web to fix the problem

    Apparently the problem was so common that he carried the fix around on his memory stick

    Flea sorted the problem out in about 5 minutes and recommended a different anti-virus software package, which we bought.

    We have used his services on several occasions and bought on his recommendations. He is knowledgeable, always courteous and cheerful

    I write to commend to you in the most favourable way, your I.T. Consultant, Flea. I suggest you recommend to your advertising department that they emphasis the excellent service available from your in house I.T. Consultants, Tech Direct.”

    And that’s about it. I was pleasantly surprised to get that letter But i’m not complaining
    -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

    Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

    A guide for customers about retail

  • #2
    WOOHOO!!! Go you So awesome when people actually take the time to write a letter to say how awesome you are
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      I noes!

      may I do the forbidden dance, liuke your icon suggests? :3
      -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

      Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

      A guide for customers about retail


      • #4
        Very well, you may
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          well deserved praise, well done good sir


          • #6
            Quoth iradney View Post
            Very well, you may
            Yay! *dances*

            Quoth Damien View Post
            well deserved praise, well done good sir
            Thank yoooooou!
            -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

            Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

            A guide for customers about retail

