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I "made" someones day!

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  • I "made" someones day!

    I don't know if this is the right location for this post! I'm sorry if its the wrong area :\

    I work in a lotion shop. A lady wearing a cute santa hat came up to me, stated that she was handicapped and needed help picking out items for a Christmas present for her sister. I think she was partially blind because she never actually looked *at me*, moreso in my direction. She also had what I can only describe as "opaque blue" eyes, but she could still see because she had no cane/dog and could grab things off a shelf.

    The thing is, I was explicitly told to not leave my zone. So I help her as far as I can and hand her off to a coworker. The coworker looks confused (and scared) and walks off with her and I go back to my position. I felt bad about handing her off, but it's what I was told to do and someone is helping her.

    About an hour or so later, she finds me again. I don't know if she left and came back or if my coworker just stopped helping her, but she wanted me to help her again. The lady repeated that she was disabled within earshot of my manager. I was going to ask if I could leave my zone and help this lady through the store but she beat me to it and tells me to help her with what she needs and she'll have my zone covered. So off I go to help this lady. I explain numerous products, discounts, deals, specials, try to find out what fragrances her sister likes, and finally we settle upon a product. I accompanied her to the register (because I honestly had no idea how much help she required and didn't want to give her the "If you need anything else, i'll be over here" line), she was having trouble holding onto her products so I held them for her.

    Then this happened..

    = me
    = her
    = coworker on register

    Oh, if its for you I'm going to have to get a manager for an associate sale.
    I'm just holding the items for this customer she's.. (i paused, I didn't want to announce to the world that she's handicapped since it's not my place) my very favorite Christmas customer today!
    That made my day! Thank you!

    She seemed so genuinely complimented that I had said that, that it made me feel embarrassed with delight.
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

  • #2
    Awww that is so sweet
    The report button - not just for decoration

