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I have a job?

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  • I have a job?

    So, end of November/beginning of December, sister in law alerts me to a job fair going on at a new supermarket that's only about a ten minute drive from home...
    I go in, I go home after finding out I needed to have an app on file already before they'd interview me... I fill out an online app, I come back two weeks later, I wait for two hours in the drafty cold vestibule with everyone else, the interviewer I get assigned to goes over my app, saying, "We might be full on cashiers, but I'll check," finish the interview, go over, get my drug test done by cheek swab, get scheduled to come back last week for Orientation and computer based training.
    Orientation, according to the sheet, says it runs 4 hours for everyone but cashiers, who instead have 8 hours... round about four hours, the orientation seems to be winding down, so, I ask about the 8 hours note. "Oh, that's a sheet we borrowed from a different store, it's only 4 hours here." Okay. I go home, and return the next day (last Thursday...) around 2 PM for my computer training, which is a massive info dump of slide shows that. DON'T. GO. ANY. FASTER! If I could control their speed, it might not have taken me six HOURS! to get through all the training, with a warning from the hiring director that I should be getting a call over the weekend to set up a schedule.
    The weekend came and went. Not a single call from them. I went and found a phone number online for the store and called multiple times, letting it ring seven or eight times each attempt, no one ever picked up. So, I went in today to talk to the hiring director, who knew my name without being prompted... Hurray?
    She knew immediately why I was there, too, and sid, "Sorry, we haven't gotten any hours for scheduling yet."
    The store itself doesn't open until January 21st... but, I should have a paycheck on Friday for the training hours! Hurray! Straight into my new computer fund! my poor old Frankie died the other night during an update. His oldest piece was somewhere around ten years old.
    Anything I can buy on the market has to be faster than poor Frankie, though... so, hurray there.
    "I call murder on that!"