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How to make a co-worker's day by making a liar out of them

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  • How to make a co-worker's day by making a liar out of them

    I am such a sap sometimes, but if I can make friends and make people happy in the process, then it isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    One of my colleagues - Angelica - who I've become good friends with, had a bad New Year's Eve. The rest of her friends dumped her for some unknown reason, forcing her to spend the night alone. I was IMing with her and offered to take her out somewhere to make her feel better, but she was already too upset and spent the night in her room crying.

    Now, I am a very empathic person; when I know that a friend is upset, it makes me upset, and I try what I can to make them feel better. (In a way, this is a fool's errand since it seems like the nice guys always lose in the end, but being a nice guy, I can't help it. But I digress.....)

    I sent her some comforting messages via Facebook, including a quote from one of her favorite songs (something about deserving good things; fistful of diamonds, handful of rings ) but she didn't see them until after work today.

    So, I decided to play a bigger card. Before work, I stopped by the supermarket for some lunch fixings, and picked up a couple special items. I'd had a discussion with Angelica online just a couple days prior and we agreed that the three culinary keys to a girl's heart are chocolate, cheesecake, and ice cream (I'd have added that my cookies should qualify, but neither of us thought of that, since we were both the time ).

    When she arrived at 10:30 (we weren't opening until 11AM today) I could tell she was still very upset (first thing she said to me besides "hello" was "I need a drink").

    I told her I would cheer her up.

    She told me she couldn't be cheered up.

    I insisted I would cheer her up.

    She counter-insisted that NOTHING could cheer her up today, that it was impossible, but thank you for trying.

    I said "I am going to DO MY DAMDEDEST to cheer you up today!" (that earned me a strange look from The Don)

    Angelica: Not gonna happen, sorry.

    Me: Well, I got you something to help cheer you up.

    A: Cookies?

    Me: No....not this time.

    A: Well.....if it's not cookies, and it's not alcohol.....then....what'd you get me?

    Me: You want to see?

    A: Yes, show me.

    So I led her to the break room......opened up the freezer....and pulled out a shopping bag.

    Me: Remember what we were talking about online the other day?

    *pulls out a pint of Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream*

    I got the reaction I was looking for. Her mouth fell open and she just about shrieked with delight. Then I went over to the cabinets and came up with a jar of hot fudge, which just put it over the top.

    Angelica: YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

    She wrapped me up in a bear hug and told me I just made her whole day. She spent the rest of her shift smiling, and because she was happy, I was happy, too.

    Me: And you said you couldn't be cheered up.

    Angelica: I have never been happier to be wrong.

    Then when she got home, she saw the messages I'd sent earlier, and responded that I'm "such a great friend."

    And THAT is how you make someone's day by making a liar out of them!

    After she left, another colleague - Natasha - asked me why I don't just ask Angelica out on a date already.

    Maybe.....but if you've read my other posts about Angelica, you know that I'm not sure that would work, and I also don't want to jeopardize our friendship, but we'll see what happens.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    You're a good man. And I can understand the wisdom of not wanting to risk smoking a good friendship by taking it to the next level.
    Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.

