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Man that felt good (long and full of bragging)

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  • Man that felt good (long and full of bragging)

    Yesterday was the last day of school until the beginning of January.

    It was such a great day. Understandably, it was impossible to get the kids to do a single scrap of work. They were all too hyperactive. So, we decided to arrange a party for them in the classroom, in which we brought in snacks and party food, and arranged a buffet. We also had a CD player which was blasting Christmas music. It was such a great day, I was walking around with a smile on my face like I was demented.

    The kids got sent home at lunch time as an end of school treat, so it was just us teachers. Another party was thrown in the staff room, only the drinks were...ahem...alcoholic . It was such an awesome atmosphere, especially when I was told I didn't have to work my desk job in the evening. We all exchanged gifts, a teacher who was leaving gave an emotional farewall speech, and the head (principle) thanked each and every one of us for our hard work with a gift as a token of her appreciation.

    I just kept thinking "And I am getting paid for this!"

    All the staff said goodbye to each other like it was the last time they were ever going to see each other (hugs, kisses, handshakes and tears) even though we are back in just over two weeks! I left school feeling very, very happy.

    As some of you might know, I have applied for university for the fall of 2011 to complete my teacher training. Unfortunately my first choice has rejected me, leaving me with two. However, I actually think that if they both turned me down I wouldn't be bothered. I love my job that much, that I don't want to leave!

    And so I got home. I also need to mention that yesterday in the UK was Mad Friday. It is the pub world's version of Black Friday. It's the day most people finish work the the holidays, and it is very, VERY busy. It was my most hated day of the year, because you get many customers who only go out drinking on Mad Friday, and as such, they have no idea how a pub works, how to order a drink or be polite.

    I logged onto Facebook, and there were a lot of status updates from ex-co-workers who were currently working at the pub.

    "I fucking hate this place!!!!!"

    "If one more person is rude to me, I am shoving a glass into their face!!"

    "Why won't the fucking managers come out the fucking office?!?!"

    "Happy fucking Christmas you bunch of bastards!! I hate this job and I hate everyone around me!"

    "I just want to go home :'("

    I am so glad to be out of there. This is my first Christmas since I was 18 in which I haven't had to work in a pub. I am going to savour every minute of it.

  • #2
    That makes me so happy to hear. I really can't wait until I'm able to make money doing what I love, and after everything you had to go through, you definitely deserve it!


    • #3
      *takes deep, cleansing breath*
      ahhh... sometimes, even shit smells sweet (their bitching). Congratulations, and schadenfreude all around.
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #4
        HAPPY HOLIDAYS! *giggle*

