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I got the job!!!!!Yayness!

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  • I got the job!!!!!Yayness!

    So I had my interview at 1pm today-was done at 1:15.....was told I'd know by the call extending the offer at 2pm!

    *does mega happi dance*
    especially as tomorrow, when I turn in my notice......IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    No more 50-70 hour work weeks.....and the new lab has something the old one didn't.....COMMUNICATION between departments!

    So no more...
    Katt-"hmm I'll make x media because we're low"
    *x media made and cooking*.....
    Techs/managers-"Katt We need Y media likeomganhourago!!!"
    Katt-"when did you get the samples in for it?"
    Techs/managers-"Um yesterday/this morning/sometime before now when we had plenty of time to let you plan accordingly but didn't bother, why?"
    Katt-"I'm on it."
    T/M-"how long will it take? we don't want to be here past x time."
    Katt-"about 3 hours, give or take"
    T/M-"THAT LONG! Well make it anyway and we'll set it up tomorrow"
    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

  • #2
    WoooHoooooo!!!!! Congrats!!!!!
    No trees were killed in the posting of this message.

    However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


    • #3
      Congratulations!!!!!! It sounds like it couldn't happen to a better person at a better time! Also, please tell me you'll keep up with awesome manager so you know exactly when the old lab implodes...


      • #4
        *does a big happy dance for you*

        congratulations! FREEDOM!!!
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


          • #6

            So, you're defecting to the competition, which is the more competent sibling, right?

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Way to go. This sounds better already.
              I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

              Who is John Galt?
              -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

