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Going back to school

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  • Going back to school

    So, I'm sick of my job, my boss has been PO'd at me lately (though he's been PO'd with everyone), I don't want to do this for the rest of my life...and since I'm now married and will be turning 24, I figure I'll qualify as independent and can get more financial aid, so I'm going back to school! I'm going to be applying for a Physical Therapist Assistant program, so during my upcoming vacation I'm going to be going around to clinics and the hospital to see if I can find a place to get my 50+ experience hours in (aiming for 100+, 50 is the minimum but they like to see more), and this spring quarter I'm going to start finishing the last few prereqs I need for the program before the application deadline in Fall (I already have an Associates transfer degree, so most of my prereqs are already done).

    So...if anyone knows any Physical Therapists/PTAs who need a slave/indentured servant/minion in NW Washington, I really need those experience hours...
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    Wish I could help you with the contacts, but congrats on going back to school.

    PTAs make pretty decent money or so I've heard.

    Good luck!
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


    • #3
      Maybe Craigslist will have something? Either that or you can just google "Therapists in <insert town here>" and go door to door with resumes, although I don't know how much use the second part would be.

      Congrats on school!
      Last edited by noone; 02-12-2011, 01:27 AM. Reason: spelling errors
      "Did you at least ascertain the nature of his curse so that I may know the monstrosity that I face? ... A GIRL? He was... Turned into a girl? WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?" -EGS

