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Boils (mildly gross)

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  • Boils (mildly gross)

    Last week I started developing boils in my right armpit. I didn't realize what was going on at first because I've never had one myself; I've only dealt with my husband when he had a couple that turned into a horrific staph infection that hospitalized him and could have killed him.

    So, yes, I'm paranoid about mine now, prone to anxiety attacks whenever I start looking information up online. I just don't want to end up like he did. I keep telling myself that I'm not showing any of the more serious symptoms indicating a nastier infection to calm myself down.

    I thought I had a little pimple or something and I've got a bad habit of popping things that begin to grow on me, so I popped this, which caused the bacteria to spread and make two more pop up before I learned to leave it alone. Two were right next to each other and one was above those two. The smallest one has already drained completely. The one next to that one is in the process of draining right now, and the third one has developed a hole and begun to drain as well. Besides the icky pus coming out, they otherwise look...healthy? Pink and puffy, not angry and red. So that's good, right? Also, the itching is setting in, which I'm assuming is another sign they're healing without becoming serious. I think I have some swollen glands/lymph nodes in the area, but again, I'm assuming they're just swelling because of the localized infection in the area and are working overtime to make me better.

    I have a doctor's appointment for Friday, and I'm hoping by the time it comes around the visit will be more of a "yep you're healing alright" visit rather than lancing and draining. Perhaps an antibiotic or ointment prescription if he feels it's warranted, though I'm rather anti-antibiotic unless absolutely necessary due to paranoia about bacterial resistances and stuff (don't want to make the little buggers harder to kill!). Basically I'm leaving that bit up to the doctor after I make sure he understands my concerns and doesn't just prescribe something because he assumes I'm like everybody else he sees and demands antibiotics for every little thing.

    In the meantime I'm using Dial and peroxide to keep the area clean, Neosporin to hopefully keep anything else nasty from getting into the wounds, and frequent bandage changes as it drains. Warm compress 20 minutes at a time, at least twice a day. Taking the night off work tonight just for an extra day of healing up (my job is dirty and sweaty and it's exhausting to try to take care of my arm in those conditions). Hopefully by Sunday I'll be on the upswing of all of this.

  • #2
    I don't think I've ever had a boil, but I am prone to weird skin things like blood blisters and folliculitis. I hate it, and sweating at work does not help. For most things an application of something containing vitamin C and sometimes salicylic acid helps. I have 3 spots the color of port wine on one underarm, and I don't even know what they are. So at least one person brave enough to admit it sympathizes with you.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      Quoth Food Lady View Post
      Ugh, I remember having that.

      I was at my primary school's summer holiday program (sort of like daycare for older kids) when I had this weird rash over my body. At first it was along one arm, then it crept along my stomach, both arms and my neck. The OSHC lady freaked, took me inside and said that she thought I had chickenpox. I explained to the manager that I was immune to chickenpox and the rash was not shingles like.

      Amid those concerns, I got sent home early (along with my sister, who wasn't happy to hear this) and I got sent to the doc. Doc takes one look at me and says that it's either scabies or folliculitis. I get prescribed a topical cream and some antibiotics.

      Of course, lil ol' me at the time cannot swallow tablets, so the solution provided was to break open the capsule and sprinkle the powder into water. Yeah....drinking it out of a pop-top bottle is NOT fun.
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        Looks like the two nasty boils are draining pretty good now. But I'm concerned that what I thought were swollen lymph nodes in the area might actually be more (deeper) boils, because it looks like a head might be forming on one of those swellings. Might just be a blister because of all the awkward friction in the area right now, but I'll let the doctor figure it out in a couple of days.

        Not running any fever or feeling ill at all, except for the anxiety I'm feeling over the situation. So I'm still hopeful that it'll all be over with soon. Just in pain right now.


        • #5
          You are right to do this. Recently a friend of mine had a boil in a rather sensitive area and now is working with a wound specialist and the mayo clinic to deal with a huge hole that refuses to heel. Nip it in the bud before there is a more sever issue.


          • #6
            Ok, doctor didn't even touch it when I saw him. He took a look at it and said, "yep, it's doing exactly what it is supposed to." The last stubborn boil basically exploded at some point in the night and was draining like crazy when I hopped in the shower and continues to do so. The swelling has already gone down significantly, and I was told to keep doing what I've been doing, with the addition of Bactriban ointment for dressing changes and 300mg clindamycin orally 3x a day for 7 days. I was also told to switch to roll-on deoderant rather than solid, when I'm able to use it again (yes, I'm stinky for the time being!).


            • #7
              I've gotten what I think is something similar my whole life. This in spite of being on various courses of antibiotics for assorted other things at different points (and I followed instructions each time with the meds). I think of them as pimples from hell, and they tend to pop up randomly all over me, though thankfully I've never gotten one on my face. They take a couple of weeks or so to come to a head, drain, heal over and fade (they tend to look like a large bruise or small hickey after they've drained and healed over).

              Antiperspirants do horrid things to my skin, so I don't use them. And apparently the American public has largely bought into the whole marketing thing that there's somehow something wrong with sweating, so you can't FIND just plain deodorant anymore. I found the mineral salt crystal things not long after they first started being marketed, and lemme tell you, those things are great. No fragrance, and they work damn good as deodorants. They also seem to reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks. I use them basically anywhere I have lappage, especially in the summer, as they also work well to reduce or eliminate completely heat rashes. Might be something to consider if the boils keep appearing, though in your case I think I'd run the idea past my doctor beforehand.
              You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


              • #8
                Look up "hidradenitis suppurativa". My mom had that a few summers ago, and what you're describing sounds similar.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  I've seen hidradenitis suppurtiva in my personal research about this. If that IS it, this is only my first outbreak ever. I think it's more likely that I cut myself shaving (brand new, triple-bladed razor) and then used stick anti-perspirant immediately afterwards. Then tried to pop the boil that was trying to form and spread the infection.

                  The last boil is mostly drained now, and has stopped draining blood and is down to thin pus and I can see the center of it now. So just have to finish my antibiotics and wait for the center to push itself out and then take care of the skin as it's healing up. The swelling is gone now and I feel a thousand times better than I did even yesterday.

                  Edit: Oh, it just occurred to me you might have been talking to Kittish... ><
                  Last edited by Kaylyn; 04-13-2013, 07:09 PM.


                  • #10
                    Go to your pharmacy and buy this product now: Ichthammol Ointment. It is over the counter and it works! It is just tar like they put on the road but it makes the boil disappear by drawing out the poison. Never ever pop a boil as this can be deadly danger if the pus goes into your bloodstream. I get boils in very sensitive areas and under my bra straps and it works! As always I am not a health care provider so you should check with one first.
                    ''Sugar cane and coffee cups, copper, steel, and cattle. An annotated history the forest for the fire. Where we propagate confusion primitive and wild. Welcome to the occupation''


                    • #11
                      Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                      Look up "hidradenitis suppurativa". My mom had that a few summers ago, and what you're describing sounds similar.
                      Could be. Though getting it actually diagnosed and working out a treatment will be a bit of a challenge here, this is a very small town and what I've seen of the medical practitioners here is... less than encouraging.
                      You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


                      • #12
                        Anytime you think you have an active infection, see a doctor. Sepsis (blood poisoning) can set in very quickly. Avoid home remedies for boils unless you've consulted with the appropriate medical specialist first. If you self diagnose and get it wrong, you could actually make things worse.
                        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                        • #13
                          The antibiotic I'm on (clindamycin) has one common side effect from my research online of leaving a metallic taste in your mouth. I'm not getting that. What I am getting is the taste of peanut butter and jelly. Though that might be due in large part to the inordinate amount of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I am consuming in an effort to keep my digestive tract as calm as possible to avoid nastier side effects. Just a random observation.


                          • #14
                            Ah I get those armpit boils too, especially under the skin and I have to wait them out because they rarely come to a head. I used to get them on my ass in primary school and had to bring a cushion to sit on. I use tea tree oil roll on but prior to that I used water soluble and diluted tea tree oil and daubed that on. Hasn't cured it but it cut it down dramatically. Do not use it on broken skin or else you will know why men scream when they put aftershave on a shaving cut. And it may not be safe so I do the daubing thing if I'm having an active breakout and the deo for maintenance. Do NOT use the undiluted oil or straight oil - that stuff will burn your skin off it's that strong.

                            It's also worth staying away from sodium lauyrel sulphates (which is in nearly bloody everything) and aluminium in most deodorants. That can help a great deal and switch deodorants frequently if you use a roll on as the bacteria can linger.
                            Last edited by Zaiida; 04-26-2013, 05:21 AM.


                            • #15
                              Thanks for the input, everyone. I'm healed up now. Just some minor irritation and itchiness left over, and lymph nodes are still a little swollen but not especially sore. Full range of movement in my arm now without wincing, no bandages, no more Bactroban. Antibiotics only affected my gut mildly, and that was likely more to do with poor eating choices (note to self: pizza while on antibiotics is a BAD IDEA). I should know better than to research medicine online. Everyone reports on it when they get the C. diff. infections and the thrush mouth and the horrible horrible side effects, and no one ever reports back to say, "yep, took all my antibiotics with no major trouble."

                              Now once I'm done being all hypersensitive I can get some more work done on my tattoo (yes, it's THAT arm, and I was worried at first it was the tattoo that caused swollen lymph nodes before the boils erupted). Probably in another week or two.

